require 'buildrizpack'
define 'example_3', :version => '0.9.8' do
myJavaFile = "example_3/src/main/java/Hello.java"
myFirstTextFile = path_to(:target)+"/1_5.txt"
mySecondTxtFile = path_to(:target)+"/3_7.txt"
myInstXml = path_to(:target, 'myInstaller.xml')
myInstaller = _('deploy/myInstaller.jar')
Buildr::write myJavaFile, "public class Hello {}" if !File.exists?(myJavaFile)
- :file attribute must appear on the first call to package(:izpack) or it will have no effet
package(:izpack, :file => myInstaller).locales = 'eng', 'fra', 'deu'
- we create file task for each file to be packed
file(myFirstTextFile) do Buildr.write(myFirstTextFile, "This is file 1_5.txt") end
file(mySecondTxtFile) do Buildr.write(mySecondTxtFile, "This is file 3_7.txt") end
- Use the BuildrIzPack::Pack to pack some files
pack = BuildrIzPack::Pack.new('myPackName', 'myPack description')
pack.addFile(mySecondTxtFile, "$INSTALL_PATH/another_name")
- Create a custom installer.xml as there are just too many options to find a simple,
less complex, easy to use abstraction. And XmlMarkup is easy to read & create! Wiki Markup
file(myInstXml => \ [package(:jar).to_s, myFirstTextFile, mySecondTxtFile]) do
xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>File.open(myInstXml, 'w+'), :indent => 2)
xm.installation('version'=>'1.0') \{ {
xm.tag!('info') \ { xm.appversion(project.version); xm.appname(project.name) }
xm.guiprefs('width' => '400', 'height' => '400', 'resizable' => 'no')
xm.panels \ { |x| xm.panel('classname' => 'InstallPanel') }
xm.locale \ { |x| xm.langpack('iso3'=>'eng') } }
xm.packs \ {
pack.emitIzPackXML(xm) } }
- Specify an explizit dependency to the installer.xml file
package(:izpack).input = myInstXml
file(package(:izpack).to_s => myInstXml)
- It is always a good idea to check whether your buildr project had the desired effect.
- Therefore I love to add some integration tests like
check package(:izpack), 'checks, whether IzPack installer works correctly' do
File.should exist(myJavaFile)
File.should exist(myInstXml)
File.should exist(myInstaller)
content = IO.readlines(myInstXml).join('')
content.should match(/installation/)
content.should match(/\$INSTALL_PATH\/another_name/)
content.should match(/pack name="myPackName"/)
content.should match(/<description>myPack description<\/description>/)
content.should match(/target="\$INSTALL_PATH\/plugins\/1_5.txt"/)
content.should match(/target="\$INSTALL_PATH\/another_name"/)