Web Service security (WS-security) is an SOAP-based security standard that provides Web services with message-level integrity, confidentiality and authentication.
With WS-security, the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message contains a SOAP header, which includes signature, encryption information, protocols for processing the secured information, and security tokens for credential propagation.
A WS-Security policy file (WSSE) is associated with a Web service so that both inbound and outbound SOAP messages are handled according to the security policy in the WSSE file.
Geronimo 2.2 has two WS-security providers: Axis2 for Tomcat Web container and CXF for Jetty. They enable the following WS-security features in Web service development for Geronimo:
- XML Security - allows one to send along with the message a digital signature of it, which assures that no one modified the message content between the sender and receiver.
- XML Encryption -allows one to encrypt the message body or only its part using the given cryptography algorithm.
- Username Tokens - adds username and password values to the message header.
- Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) Tokens - configured on web services via Geronimo deployment descriptors and/or annotations.
- Timestamps - specifies how long the security data remains valid.
In this guide, CXF/Jetty will be used as an example.
Enabling WS-security in Web service client
Configuring security properties
You can specify various properties using a <property> element in the <port> section in geronimo-web.xml
for a CXF/Jetty client.
To configure ws-security properties, you only need to prefix each property with a wss4j.in
file for inbound settings, or wss4j.out
for outbound settings. For example:
Code Block |
<property name="wss4j.out.action">UsernameToken Timestamp</property> <property name="wss4j.out.user">foo</property> <property name="wss4j.out.password">bar</property> |
Enabling signed or encrypted SOAP messages
Geronimo allows the CXF/Jetty client to sendor receive the signed or encrypted SOAP messages. You can enable this feature inside <port> in the geronimo-web.xml
at client side. The following code snippet is an example for both signing and encrypting:
Code Block |
<port> <port-name>DoubleItPort</port-name> <protocol>http</protocol> <host>localhost</host> <port>8080</port> <uri>/doubleit/services/doubleit</uri> ... <port> |
Enabling WS-security at service side
Configuring Username token
Geronimo CXF/Jetty provides support for UsernameToken Profile at server side. For example, to involve UsernameToken profile for the Web service CalculatorService, add the following lines in geronimo-web.xml
Code Block |
<servlet> <servlet-name>CalculatorService</servlet-name> <ws-security-binding> <security-realm-name>geronimo-admin</security-realm-name> <property name="wss4j.in.action">UsernameToken</property> </ws-security-binding> </servlet> |
Enabling signed or encrypted SOAP messages
Similarly, you can enable the service side to send or receive signed or encrypted SOAP messages by configuring the <port> section in geronimo-web.xml
. The following example passes security properties:
Code Block |
<<servlet> <servlet-name>DoubleItServiceImpl</servlet-name> <ws-security-binding> <security-realm-name></security-realm-name> <property name="wss4j.in.action">Signature Encrypt Timestamp</property> <property name="wss4j.in.user">myservicekey</property> <property name="wss4j.in.keyPassword">skpass</property> <property name="wss4j.in.signaturePropFile">serviceKeystore.properties</property> <property name="wss4j.in.decryptionPropFile">serviceKeystore.properties</property> <property name="wss4j.out.action">Signature Encrypt Timestamp</property> <property name="wss4j.out.user">myservicekey</property> <property name="wss4j.out.signaturePropFile">serviceKeystore.properties</property> <property name="wss4j.out.encryptionPropFile">serviceKeystore.properties</property> <property name="wss4j.out.encryptionUser">myclientkey</property> <property name="wss4j.out.signatureKeyIdentifier">DirectReference</property> <property name="wss4j.out.keyPassword">skpass</property> <property name="wss4j.out.encryptionSymAlgorithm">http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#tripledes-cbc</property> </ws-security-binding> </servlet> |