Note: jenkins.buildacloud.org was previously known as jenkins.cloudstack.org. The cloudstack.org domain has been donated back to the ASF as per legal donation of trademarks to be managed by the ASF.
Anyone who has committer access to the cloudstack repo can request for an account on jenkins by emailing dev@. Additionally, contributors who want to volunteer managing jenkins can also email dev@ requesting access. A short bio/background and rationale for why you would be interested in managing jenkins would help us process your request. _Please use the header with either tags \ [INFRA\]/ \ [CI\] request for access_ Wiki Markup
The slave machines/nodes on jenkins also belong to various companies volunteered in supporting cloudstack. You can choose to donate a node for a specific purpose by simply emailing dev@ with \ [INFRA\] in the email subject and telling us the purpose of this slave and what jobs use it.
slave | description |
cloudstack-buildslave-* | rhel/centos slaves launched on the schuberg-phillis betacloud |
simulator | centos based slave dedicated to run simulator checkin tests |
test-infra-common | centos based appliance to run all our integration tests written in python using marvin |
rpmbuilder | rhel based slave for packaging jobs |
docs | centos publican docs |
deb-* | debian machine for packaging |
devcloud-continuous-tests | runs the systemvm packaging and devcloud vms |