Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Table of Contents


Before entering into this process you need to ensure you will be able to cryptographically sign the final result in such a way that others can validate the signature. This can be a confusing process. Here are links to several documents that should help.


Send a [DISCUSS] email to the dev@knox list proposing a release.


In preparation for each release there are a number of sub-steps required to ensure that that the project's repository is in a suitable state for branching.

Start with clean local repo

This can be a fresh clone or just a repo that has no pending changes or extraneous files in.

Switch to the branch that you will branch from

In this step we need to check out the previous release branch or some other existing branch from which we will create our new one.

List existing branches:

Code Block
git branch -al

* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

Check out the previous (release) branch:

Code Block
git checkout -t origin/v{X.Y.Z-1}

Tag Branch Point and Branch

This step tags the point in time of when the branching starts within the remote repo.

Code Block
git tag --annotate v{X.Y.Z}-branch --message "Branch point for v{X.Y.Z}"
git push origin --tags

Switch to the new branch

Check out the branch that is intended for this release:

Code Block
git checkout -b v{X.Y.Z}
git push --set-upstream origin v{X.Y.Z}

Clone & Checkout Branch

This step does a couple things for us:

  • it ensures that the branch is actually there and available
  • it ensures that our local repository to work from is clean
Code Block
git clone -b v{X.Y.Z} knox-{X.Y.Z}
cd knox-{X.Y.Z}

Cherry pick previous commits from master

You can use cherry-pick to pull commits in from existing branches.

To pull the changeset for the commit at the tip of the master branch:

Code Block
git cherry-pick origin/master

Search for and replace all occurrences of the previous branch versions within the project's files

All build artifacts that contain the previous branch's version need to be updated with the new version to reflect this new branch.

Code Block
grep -r "0\.3\.0" .

Change all occurrences as appropriate.

Update version numbers on master branch (from A.B.C-SNAPSHOT to D.E.F-SNAPSHOT) and push changes

Update version numbers on release branch (from A.B.C-SNAPSHOT to A.B.C) and push changes


Update CHANGES with release date (Release X.Y - MM/dd/yyyy) and (if needed) add additional changelog entries.
The CHANGES file can be found in gateway-release/home

Update documentation

Build, Test and Push Changes

Code Block
git pull
git commit --all --message "Updating branch."
ant verify
git push

Create a new Jenkins job to build the release. It should call these two commands. It is probably best to copy the previous releases job.

New Jenkins Job

Assuming that you have proper karma for creating new Jenkins jobs, you will see a link to create a new one.
From that link you will be provided a page to select how to proceed; select copy existing job.

The Copy from text box will auto complete as you type - start with "Knox-" and select the job to copy from.

Ensure that the following form reflects the following values within various form elements:

  • maven
  • -Prelease clean install
  • ant post-build

Be sure to change any versions to reflect "v{X.Y.Z}"

Upon successful creation of the new job, you may manually kick off a build with the Build Now button.

Download the release candidate

You will be prompted for your Jenkins username and password.

Code Block
ant download-candidate

Sanity Test

Do some basic manual testing to see if release looks ok. For example do and install and run through a few of the samples.


You will be prompted for your GPG passphrase.

Code Block
ant sign-candidate

This will prompt you for your passphrase for each signed archive.

Verify Signatures

Verify the hashes and signatures. First change into the distribution directory.

Code Block
cd candidate

Verify the signatures for both the source and binary distribution. Note: This assumes that gpg is installed.

Code Block
gpg --verify knox-{X.Y.Z} knox-{X.Y.Z}
gpg --verify knox-{X.Y.Z}.zip.asc knox-{X.Y.Z}.zip

gpg --verify knox-{X.Y.Z}.tar.gz.asc knox-{X.Y.Z}.tar.gz

Verify the SHA-1 hashes for both the source and binary distribution. Note: This assumes a Linux or MacOS environment with openssl installed.

Code Block
cat knox-{X.Y.Z} && openssl sha1 knox-{X.Y.Z} 
cat knox-{X.Y.Z}.zip.sha && openssl sha1 knox-{X.Y.Z}.zip 

cat knox-{X.Y.Z}.tar.gz.sha && openssl sha1 knox-{X.Y.Z}.tar.gz

Verify the MD5 digest for both the source and binary distribution. Note: This assumes a Linux or MacOS environment with openssl installed.

Code Block
cat knox-{X.Y.Z} && openssl md5 knox-{X.Y.Z}
cat knox-{X.Y.Z}.zip.md5 && openssl md5 knox-{X.Y.Z}.zip

cat knox-{X.Y.Z}.tar.gz.md5 && openssl md5 knox-{X.Y.Z}.tar.gz

Tag Release Candidate

Code Block
git tag --annotate vX.Y.Z-rcN --message "vX.Y.Z-rcN"
git push origin --tags


Follow the instructions output by the sign step above. Basically execute this command.  You will be prompted for your SVN username and password.

Code Block
cd ..
ant stage-candidate

Community reviews the RC

You will be prompted for your Jenkins username and password.

Code Block
ant download-stage verify-stage


Send a [VOTE] email to the dev@knox list. A template was output by the sign step above as target/vote.eml.

Code Block
From: ${release-manager}
To: dev@${gateway-project}
Subject: [VOTE] Release ${gateway-name} ${gateway-version}

A candidate for the ${gateway-name} ${gateway-version} release is available at:${gateway-project}/${gateway-project}-${gateway-version}/

The release candidate is a zip archive of the sources in:
Branch v${gateway-version} (git checkout -b v{gateway-version})

The SHA1 checksum of the archive is ${checksum}.
The KEYS file for signature validation is available at:

Please vote on releasing this package as ${gateway-name} ${gateway-version}.
The vote is open for the next 72 hours and passes if a majority of at
least three +1 ${gateway-name} PMC votes are cast.

[ ] +1 Release this package as ${gateway-name} ${gateway-version}
[ ] -1 Do not release this package because...${line.separator}

Iterate based on feedback until vote passes

Once vote passes, tag the release:

Code Block
git tag --annotate v{X.Y.Z}-release --message "Release of v{X.Y.Z}"
git push origin --tags


You will be prompted for your SVN username and password.

Code Block
ant promote-release

Verify that the results are accessible.

Publish to Maven Repository


  • Setup your ~/.m2/settings.xml file as described here.
  • Make sure you encrypt your passwords as described here


This special variant of the build command will build and publish the release to a staging are in the Apache Nexus repo.
Note: Get your gpg passphrase in your paste buffer you will need it MANY times.   If someone can figure out how to use gpg-agent properly they should document it.
This page contains some information about getting gpg-agent installed and running. 

Code Block
mvn -Papache-release deploy 


Once that completes, login to the Apache Maven Nexus staging repositories with your Apache credentials and:

  1. Select "Staging Repositories" from "Build Promotion" on the left.
  2. Close the stage with the Close button at the top of the repo list.  For the Description field use Apache Knox 0.5.1 Staged
  3. Release the stage with the Release button at the top of the repo list.  For the Description field Apache Knox 0.5.1 Release

Wait 24 hours for release to propagate to mirrors.

Update site

Update news in News.

Create version in JIRA for release X.Y.

Send announcements to the user and developer lists.

Update CHANGES with header for new changes

Include Page