This is the instructions for running your WIAB as well as your own gadget server (Shindig). These instructions uses the Apache Tomcat version of Shindig.
Note | ||
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Currently gadgets does not work on Firefox 3.x |
Download Shindig distribution from - make sure do download the war file and not jars.
Code Block language bash wget
- Extract the war and edit the file
WEB-INF/classes/containers/default/container.js - add "wave" to "gadgets.container" property.
"gadgets.container" : "default", "accel", "wave",
The easiest way to run shindig is by using jetty-runner.
Code Block wget
Run the Shindig application war with:
Code Block language bash java -jar jetty-runner-8.1.9.v20130131.jar shindig-server-2.5.2
Please note that you can specify either folder of extracted war or the war file itself. The gadget server will start on localhost:8080
- Get WIAB
Edit server.config and add the following:
Code Block none none gadget_server_hostname=<the server host name of shindig> gadget_server_port=8080