Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 2.0 - Milestone 1
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This is a Milestone release, that means that is not the final version of
Apache Geronimo v2.0 Take a look at "Known Issues and Limitations" section for
furhter details.
System Requirements
You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+).
Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
Significant Changes in the 2.0 Release
Apache Geronimo v2.0 includes the following features:
- Full Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+)
- Servlet 2.5 (Tomcat)
- JSP 2.1 (Tomcat)
- JSP Debug 1.0 (Tomcat)
- Servlet 2.5 (Jetty)
- JSP 2.1 (Jetty - via Jasper)
- JSP Debug 1.0 (Jetty)
- JSF 1.2
- JSTL 1.2
- Common Annotations 1.0
- JAF 1.1
- JavaMail 1.4
- EJB 3.0 (JPA only)
- JTA 1.1
- JMS 1.1
- JACC 1.1
Installing & Starting Geronimo
To install, simply unpack the .zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Unix) file containing
If you wish to modify the default ports that Geronimo will use, edit the file
Geronimo comes with batch and script files to control server start and stop
functions. To see usage examples simply type geronimo.bat or
command as appropriate for your platform. It is necessary to set JAVA_HOME to
the copy of your Sun 5 JDK/JRE prior to executing the command.
Here is an example to set JAVA_HOME:
export JAVA_HOME=<JDK/JRE_home>
To see the available command options type:
The command will display help text instructing you as to how to start and stop
the Geronimo server.
If you prefer to start the server without a script file you can simply type:
java -jar <geronimo_home>/bin/server.jar
Once the server has started, you can access the Geronimo Administration Console
at http://localhost:8080/console/ . The default user name is "system" and the
default password is "manager".
Administration Console Security Configuration
The default administration user/password for the Geronimo Administration Console
and deployment tool is system/manager. You can change these defaults directly
from the Geronimo Administration Console by accessing Security -> Console Realm
and change the user name and password from the Console Realm Users portlet.
As an alternative, you can make the same changes by editing the
<geronimo_home>/var/security/ and
<geronimo_home>/var/security/ files.
Deploying Applications
Geronimo comes with deploy scripts and batch files to deploy J2EE modules or
applications. You can use the scripts or simply invoke the executable jar by
running the following command (note that you need to start Geronimo first):
<geronimo_home>/bin/java -jar deployer.jar deploy my-web-app.war [deploy plan]
You will need to use the username "system" and password "manager" unless you
customized those during the install process. The deployment plan argument is
optional -- you can pack a deployment plan into the application module, provide
it on the command line, or in some cases omit it entirely.
You can also use the "Login" command once and avoid to enter user name and
password every time you use the deploy tool
For more information on the commands and options supported by the deploy tool,
run from within the Geronimo directory <geronimo_home>/bin:
java -jar deployer.jar help [command]
You can also graphically deploy applications and resources via the Geronimo
Administration Console available at http://localhost:8080/console/
Other Deployment Options
As an alternative to the command-line deployer, you can copy application
modules into the <geronimo_home>/deploy/ directory and the
hot deployer service will deploy them automatically. The command-line deployer
has some advantages, as it will output any
deployment errors to its own console rather than just the server log.
Additionally, Geronimo provides a Maven plugin that can deploy applications to
Geronimo as part of a Maven build.
Most configuration attributes can be updated in the
<geronimo_home>/var/config/config.xml file. The attributes most likely to be
changed are already included in the supplied config.xml file, while others may
need to be added manually.
Certification Status
Apache Geronimo v2.0-M1, being a MILESTONE release is not a certified yet certified.
Known Issues and Limitations
<!-- open Bugs for 1.2 + 2.* -->
* GERONIMO-2657 Persistence-* builders need improvements
* GERONIMO-2644 Fix leaking ClassLoaders
* GERONIMO-2643 Stack trace (due to amq) while shutting down Geronimo
* GERONIMO-2642 welcome app not included in the jetty assembly.
* GERONIMO-2622 Implement PolicyContextHandlerSOAPMessage
* GERONIMO-2605 NPE if exporting plugin for module having dependency on module with no groupId
* GERONIMO-2598 Deploy tool prints useless message if configuration start fails
* GERONIMO-2551 Plugin hits NPE if maven-metadata listed artifact doesn't exist or JAR artifact maven-metadata doesn't exist
* GERONIMO-2534 Security realms portlet should validate the realm-name for duplicate name
* GERONIMO-2491 Hibernate passes connections between servlets which we don't support
* GERONIMO-2481 WebServers portlet: Create/Edit Tomcat Connectors should support editing of all supported connector attributes
* GERONIMO-2480 Plugin installer status sticks on "Searching for X at Y" while downloading
* GERONIMO-2416 ProxyMethodInterceptor should work with classes that have start,stop methods
* GERONIMO-2290 Percent complete goes over 100% when installing configurations
* GERONIMO-2289 generates wrong default-repository element
* GERONIMO-2288 Abstract/Maven repositories install modules incorrectly
* GERONIMO-2286 app client plan still uses Strings for dependency Module IDs
* GERONIMO-2283 Common libs portlet guesses wrong group ID, gives no usage advice
* GERONIMO-2246 Why resource-env-ref:admin-object-module?
* GERONIMO-2082 [m2] stax dependencies are all wrong
* GERONIMO-2028 Plugin export errors don't stop process, but cause it to fail much later
* GERONIMO-2025 Undeploy and redeploy with no version leaves dangling entries in config.xml
* GERONIMO-1917 repository doesn't deal well with case insensitive file systems
* GERONIMO-1786 JMS Listeners for protocols activeio, peer and openwire fail to start
* GERONIMO-1761 Change geronimo-util module to geronimo-crypto, give credit where credit is due
* GERONIMO-1631 NoSuchConfigException when restarting app after undeploying
* GERONIMO-1285 Deployer does not list all modules that have been stopped
* GERONIMO-603 IllegalArgumentException when deploying WebApp containing a url-pattern of /* in security-constraint
* GERONIMO-268 Connection Error handling problems
* GERONIMO-250 Connector tries to commit after connection error
Specific Issues, Features and Improvements fixed in Version 2.0-M1
Release Notes - Geronimo - Version 2.0-M1
<!-- closed JIRAs for 2.* -->
** Bug
* GERONIMO-2592 TSSLink doStart() method is not getting called.
* GERONIMO-2630 sun j2ee schemas are being redistributed in jsp and servlet specs
* GERONIMO-1135 Keystore password in
* GERONIMO-2522 Hot deployer makes app hangs
* GERONIMO-2402 Redeployment fails after third iteration.
* GERONIMO-2646 WAR without a geronimo-web.xml deploys to the wrong context
* GERONIMO-2560 Realm added using SecurityRealm portlet does not work
* GERONIMO-1657 CommandSupport doesn't bubble up the exception. Prints stacktrace.
* GERONIMO-2236 keystore portlet - providing a null or incorrect password on edit unlock can only be recovered with server recycle
* GERONIMO-2350 CertificateChainCallbackHandler willfully conceals causes of failure
* GERONIMO-2363 Console: create new pool using wizard, cannot use "show plan" button for any XA database, even derby
* GERONIMO-2458 MapEditor does not work
* GERONIMO-2459 Connector deployer needs to add dependency to j2ee-server for J2EEServer gbean reference
* GERONIMO-2479 j2ee remote ejb clients should look for "localhost" not by default
* GERONIMO-2533 Password setup forms should use a confirmation field
* GERONIMO-2548 GBeanInfo should exclude attributes and operations of java.lang.Object class
* GERONIMO-2549 NullPointerException: CommandListConfigurations
* GERONIMO-2559 cannot stop activemq via kernel shutdown
* GERONIMO-2566 Creating new listeners for ActiveMQ from JMS Server portlet fails
* GERONIMO-2580 CorbaRefBuilder inserts ref for java:comp/CORBA that fails when corba gbean is not present.
* GERONIMO-2584 Hot deploy module/server restart, throws IllegalArgumentException if application deployed using hotdeployment
* GERONIMO-2585 KeystorePortlet: Lock keystore throws NullPointerException
* GERONIMO-2586 KeystorePortlet: Unlock keystore for availability shows key aliases only when keystore is unlocked for edit
* GERONIMO-2587 FileKeystoreInstance.loadKeystoreData() results in inconsistent state if wrong password is supplied
* GERONIMO-2588 KeyStorePortlet: Locking and unlocking could use some error and info messages
* GERONIMO-2591 Database Pools portlet: Create new pool dependency jar selection problems
* GERONIMO-2602 default compile scope is overloaded with 2 meanings in PlanProcessorMojo
* GERONIMO-2603 Building 1.2 if there are 2.0 artifacts in the repo results in mostly 2.0 artifacts in the server.
* GERONIMO-2611 Configuration should not have duplicates in allServiceParents
* GERONIMO-2615 Not enough info when a gbean ref can't be verified during deployment
* GERONIMO-2623 Infinite loop in the SMTPTransport code when a socket factory class is used.
* GERONIMO-2624 Offline deployer busted
* GERONIMO-2625 Geronimo Console: login page prevents using username, password longer than 25 characters for login
* GERONIMO-2627 jsr88 classpath is all messed up
* GERONIMO-2631 jetty5 builder needs to parameterize the jsp servlet class
* GERONIMO-2632 Connection errors can result in infinite loop
* GERONIMO-2456 NOTICE.txt is missing some notices added during 1.1.1 development
* GERONIMO-2377 deploying a new datasource with the same name does not indicate any problem in the console
* GERONIMO-2652 XmlBeans is having trouble validating some xml from substitution groups
* GERONIMO-2555 Windows scripts don't work when used from different drive
* GERONIMO-2656 for jetty, in servlet-mapping, url patterns must be trimmed.
* GERONIMO-2437 Empty dirs and config.xml entries left behind after undeploy
* GERONIMO-2599 deploying RAR leads to message that Geronimo can't find web.xml
* GERONIMO-2619 Javamail 1.4 spec needs to be using the JAF 1.1 version.
* GERONIMO-1982 server try to deploy the modules in hot deployment directory again during server startup
* GERONIMO-1519 ResourceException.toString() can return null
* GERONIMO-646 Servlet calling HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole(null) causes NPE using Jetty container
** Improvement
* GERONIMO-931 Rename administrative security realm
* GERONIMO-1396 Provide consistent look and feel for table views in the web console across all portlets
* GERONIMO-1880 To Allow configurable password digests during REALM Deployment.
* GERONIMO-2392 Too hard to tell why a gbean doesn't start
* GERONIMO-2499 Generalize NamingBuilder so it can handle more than just jndi building
* GERONIMO-2589 Generate transitvily
* GERONIMO-2597 Make web service builder optional
* GERONIMO-2604 Create a specs pom
* GERONIMO-2608 JACC 1.1 support (jsr-115 MR4)
* GERONIMO-2634 Switch to activemq 4.1.0-incubator: include apache incubator repo in our repo list.
* GERONIMO-2616 Move jee5 work from sandbox to trunk
** New Feature
* GERONIMO-2460 JPA container managed persistence support
* GERONIMO-2636 Update Jetty 6 assembly to use Jasper 6 for JSP 2.1 support
* GERONIMO-2536 Support Java EE 5 JavaServerPages Standard Tag Library in Geronimo (JSTL, JSR 52)
* GERONIMO-2535 Support Java EE 5 Common Annotation Spec in Geronimo (JSR 250)
** Task
* GERONIMO-2537 All Geronimo source files must be brought in line with the new ASF source header and copyright notice policy
* GERONIMO-2601 Remove the "Old Keystore" portlet
* GERONIMO-2639 Upgrade dojo to 0.4.1
** Sub Task
* GERONIMO-1722 "GERONIMO-851 Module migration to Maven 2: activemq-embedded-rar"
** Test
* GERONIMO-2620 Need to create javamail 1.4 versions of the provider and mail jars