Name | Type | Default | Description |
uriDereferencer | null | URI dereferencer. You can specify here your own URI dereferencer, if you want to restrict the dereferencing or have special requirements for dereferencing. | |
baseUri | String | null | Base URI used in the URI dereferencer. Relative URIs are concatenated with the base URI. |
cryptoContextProperties | Map<String, ? extends Object> | null | Crypto context properties. See |
disallowDoctypeDecl | Boolean | Boolean.TRUE | Indicator whether DTD DOCTYPE declarations shall be disallowed in the incoming XML message. |
omitXmlDeclaration | Boolean | Boolean.FALSE | Indicator whether the XML declaration header shall be omitted in the output XML message. |
clearHeaders | Boolean | Boolean.TRUE | Indicator whether the XML signature message headers defined in XmlSignatureConstants shall be deleted at the end of the signer or verifier processing. |
schemaResourceUri | String | null | Since 2.14.0. Classpath to the XML Schema file. If set then the XML document is validated against the XML schema. Must be set in the case of detached signatures in order to determine the attributes of type ID. This value can be overwritten by the header "CamelXmlSignatureSchemaResourceUri ". For further information, see sub-chapter "Detached XML Signatures as Siblings of the Signed Elements". The schema is also necessary in the case of enveloped signature with a reference URI to an ID attribute (see Signing Option 'contentReferenceUri'). |
outputXmlEncoding | String | null | Since 2.15.0. Character encoding of the output XML document. If null then UTF-8 is used. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
keyAccessor | null | Provides the signing key and the KeyInfo instance. There is an example implementation which uses a keystore, see DefaultKeyAccessor | |
addKeyInfoReference | Boolean | Boolean.TRUE | Indicator whether a Reference element refering the KeyInfo element provided by the key accessor should be added to the XML signature. |
signatureAlgorithm | String | signature algorithm consisting of a digest and encryption algorithm. The digest algorithm is used to calculate the digest of the SignedInfo element and the encryption algorithm is used to sign this digest. Possible values: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#dsa-sha1, http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1, http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256, http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha384, http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha512 | |
digestAlgorithm | String | see description | Digest algorithm for calculating the digest of the in-message body. If not specified then the digest algorithm of the signature algorithm is used. Possible values: http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1, http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256, http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#sha384, http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha512 |
parentLocalName | String | null | Local name of the parent of the Signature element. The Signature element will be added at the end of the children of the parent. Necessary for enveloped XML signature. If this option and the option |
parentNamespace | String | null | Namespace of the parent of the Signature element. See option |
parentXpath | XPathFilterParameterSpec | null | Since 2.15.0. XPath to the parent of the Signature element. The Signature element will be added at the end of the children of the parent. Necessary for enveloped XML signature. If this option and the option parentLocalName are null, then an enveloping XML signature is created. Alternatively you can specify the parent via the option parentLocalName. Example: /p1:root/SecurityItem[last()] This example will select the last sibling with the name SecurityItem . Such kind of selection is not possible with the option parentLocalName . |
canonicalizationMethod | C14n | Canonicalization method used to canonicalize the SignedInfo element before the digest is calculated. You can use the helper methods XmlSignatureHelper.getCanonicalizationMethod(String algorithm) or getCanonicalizationMethod(String algorithm, List<String> inclusiveNamespacePrefixes) to create a canonicalization method. | |
transformMethods | List<javax.xml.crypto.AlgorithmMethod> | see description | Transforms which are executed on the message body before the digest is calculated. By default, C14n is added and in the case of enveloped signature (see option The Camel header "CamelXmlSignatureTransformMethods" overwrites this option (since Camel 2.17.0). The header value must be of type string; you specify in a comma separated list the transform algorithms, for example "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#enveloped-signature,http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315". In the header you cannot specify transform algorithms which need parameters, like http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xslt-19991116, http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xmldsig-filter2, or http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116. |
prefixForXmlSignatureNamespace | String | ds | Prefix for the XML signature namespace. If |
contentReferenceUri | String | see description | The URI of the reference to the signed content (in-message body). If |
contentReferenceType | String | null | Value of the type attribute of the content reference. This value can be overwritten by the header " |
plainText | Boolean | Boolean.FALSE | Indicator whether the in-message body contains plain text. Normally, the signature generator treats the incoming message body as XML. If the message body is plain text, then you must set this option to |
plainTextEncoding | String | null | Only used when the option |
properties | null | For adding additional References and Objects to the XML signature which contain additional properties, you can provide a bean which implements the XmlSignatureProperties interface. | |
contentObjectId | String | null | Value of the Id attribute of the Object element. Only used in the enveloping XML signature case. If |
xpathsToIdAttributes | List<XPathFilterParameterSpec> | empty list | Since 2.14.0. List of XPATH expressions to ID attributes of elements to be signed. Used for the detached XML Signatures. Can only be used in combination with the option schemaResourceUri . The value can be overwritten by the header "CamelXmlSignatureXpathsToIdAttributes ". If the option parentLocalNam e is set at the same time then an exception is thrown. The class XPathFilterParameterSpec has the package javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec . For further information, see sub-chapter "Detached XML Signatures as Siblings of the Signed Elements". |
signatureId | String | null | Since 2.14.0. Value of the Id attribute of the Signature element. If null then a unique Id is generated. If the value is the empty string ("") then no Id attribute is added to the Signature element. |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
<QualifyingProperties Target> <SignedProperties> <SignedSignatureProperties> (SigningTime)? (SigningCertificate)? (SignaturePolicyIdentifier) (SignatureProductionPlace)? (SignerRole)? </SignedSignatureProperties> <SignedDataObjectProperties> (DataObjectFormat)? (CommitmentTypeIndication)? </SignedDataObjectProperties> </SignedProperties> </QualifyingProperties> |
The properties of the XAdES-BES form are the same except that the SignaturePolicyIdentifier
property is not part of XAdES-BES.
You can configure the XAdES-BES/EPES properties via the bean org.apache.camel.component.xmlsecurity.api.XAdESSignatureProperties
or org.apache.camel.component.xmlsecurity.api.DefaultXAdESSignatureProperties. XAdESSignatureProperties
does support all properties mentioned above except the SigningCertificate
property. To get the SigningCertificate
property, you must overwrite either the method XAdESSignatureProperties.getSigningCertificate()
or XAdESSignatureProperties.getSigningCertificateChain().
The class DefaultXAdESSignatureProperties
overwrites the method getSigningCertificate()
and allows you to specify the signing certificate via a keystore and alias. The following example shows all parameters you can specify. If you do not need certain parameters you can just omit them.
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
Keystore keystore = ... // load a keystore DefaultKeyAccessor accessor = new DefaultKeyAccessor(); accessor.setKeyStore(keystore); accessor.setPassword("password"); accessor.setAlias("cert_alias"); // signer key alias DefaultXAdESSignatureProperties props = new DefaultXAdESSignatureProperties(); props.setNamespace("http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#"); // sets the namespace for the XAdES elements; the namspace is related to the XAdES version, default value is "http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#", other possible values are "http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.1.1#" and "http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.2.2#" props.setPrefix("etsi"); // sets the prefix for the XAdES elements, default value is "etsi" // signing certificate props.setKeystore(keystore)); props.setAlias("cert_alias"); // specify the alias of the signing certificate in the keystore = signer key alias props.setDigestAlgorithmForSigningCertificate(DigestMethod.SHA256); // possible values for the algorithm are "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#sha384", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha512", default value is "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" props.setSigningCertificateURIs(Collections.singletonList("http://certuri")); // signing time props.setAddSigningTime(true); // policy props.setSignaturePolicy(XAdESSignatureProperties.SIG_POLICY_EXPLICIT_ID); // also the values XAdESSignatureProperties.SIG_POLICY_NONE ("None"), and XAdESSignatureProperties.SIG_POLICY_IMPLIED ("Implied")are possible, default value is XAdESSignatureProperties.SIG_POLICY_EXPLICIT_ID ("ExplicitId") // For "None" and "Implied" you must not specify any further policy parameters props.setSigPolicyId("urn:oid:1.2.840.113549."); props.setSigPolicyIdQualifier("OIDAsURN"); //allowed values are empty string, "OIDAsURI", "OIDAsURN"; default value is empty string props.setSigPolicyIdDescription("invoice version 3.1"); props.setSignaturePolicyDigestAlgorithm(DigestMethod.SHA256);// possible values for the algorithm are "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1", http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#sha384", "http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha512", default value is http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" props.setSignaturePolicyDigestValue("Ohixl6upD6av8N7pEvDABhEL6hM="); // you can add qualifiers for the signature policy either by specifying text or an XML fragment with the root element "SigPolicyQualifier" props.setSigPolicyQualifiers(Arrays .asList(new String[] { "<SigPolicyQualifier xmlns=\"http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#\"><SPURI>http://test.com/sig.policy.pdf</SPURI><SPUserNotice><ExplicitText>display text</ExplicitText>" + "</SPUserNotice></SigPolicyQualifier>", "category B" })); props.setSigPolicyIdDocumentationReferences(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"http://test.com/policy.doc.ref1.txt", "http://test.com/policy.doc.ref2.txt" })); // production place props.setSignatureProductionPlaceCity("Munich"); props.setSignatureProductionPlaceCountryName("Germany"); props.setSignatureProductionPlacePostalCode("80331"); props.setSignatureProductionPlaceStateOrProvince("Bavaria"); //role // you can add claimed roles either by specifying text or an XML fragment with the root element "ClaimedRole" props.setSignerClaimedRoles(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"test", "<a:ClaimedRole xmlns:a=\"http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#\"><TestRole>TestRole</TestRole></a:ClaimedRole>" })); props.setSignerCertifiedRoles(Collections.singletonList(new XAdESEncapsulatedPKIData("Ahixl6upD6av8N7pEvDABhEL6hM=", "http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.2.2#DER", "IdCertifiedRole"))); // data object format props.setDataObjectFormatDescription("invoice"); props.setDataObjectFormatMimeType("text/xml"); props.setDataObjectFormatIdentifier("urn:oid:1.2.840.113549."); props.setDataObjectFormatIdentifierQualifier("OIDAsURN"); //allowed values are empty string, "OIDAsURI", "OIDAsURN"; default value is empty string props.setDataObjectFormatIdentifierDescription("identifier desc"); props.setDataObjectFormatIdentifierDocumentationReferences(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "http://test.com/dataobject.format.doc.ref1.txt", "http://test.com/dataobject.format.doc.ref2.txt" })); //commitment props.setCommitmentTypeId("urn:oid:1.2.840.113549."); props.setCommitmentTypeIdQualifier("OIDAsURN"); //allowed values are empty string, "OIDAsURI", "OIDAsURN"; default value is empty string props.setCommitmentTypeIdDescription("description for commitment type ID"); props.setCommitmentTypeIdDocumentationReferences(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"http://test.com/commitment.ref1.txt", "http://test.com/commitment.ref2.txt" })); // you can specify a commitment type qualifier either by simple text or an XML fragment with root element "CommitmentTypeQualifier" props.setCommitmentTypeQualifiers(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"commitment qualifier", "<c:CommitmentTypeQualifier xmlns:c=\"http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#\"><C>c</C></c:CommitmentTypeQualifier>" })); beanRegistry.bind("xmlSignatureProperties",props); beanRegistry.bind("keyAccessorDefault",keyAccessor); // you must reference the properties bean in the "xmlsecurity" URI from("direct:xades").to("xmlsecurity:sign://xades?keyAccessor=#keyAccessorDefault&properties=#xmlSignatureProperties") .to("mock:result"); |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
... <from uri="direct:xades" /> <to uri="xmlsecurity:sign://xades?keyAccessor=#accessorRsa&properties=#xadesProperties" /> <to uri="mock:result" /> ... <bean id="xadesProperties" class="org.apache.camel.component.xmlsecurity.api.XAdESSignatureProperties"> <!-- For more properties see the the previous Java DSL example. If you want to have a signing certificate then use the bean class DefaultXAdESSignatureProperties (see the previous Java DSL example). --> <property name="signaturePolicy" value="ExplicitId" /> <property name="sigPolicyId" value="http://www.test.com/policy.pdf" /> <property name="sigPolicyIdDescription" value="factura" /> <property name="signaturePolicyDigestAlgorithm" value="http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#sha1" /> <property name="signaturePolicyDigestValue" value="Ohixl6upD6av8N7pEvDABhEL1hM=" /> <property name="signerClaimedRoles" ref="signerClaimedRoles_XMLSigner" /> <property name="dataObjectFormatDescription" value="Factura electrónica" /> <property name="dataObjectFormatMimeType" value="text/xml" /> </bean> <bean class="java.util.ArrayList" id="signerClaimedRoles_XMLSigner"> <constructor-arg> <list> <value>Emisor</value> <value><ClaimedRole xmlns="http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#"><test xmlns="http://test.com/">test</test></ClaimedRole></value> </list> </constructor-arg> </bean> |
Header | Type | Description |
| String | for the 'Id' attribute value of QualifyingProperties element |
| String | for the 'Id' attribute value of SignedDataObjectProperties element |
| String | for the 'Id' attribute value of SignedSignatureProperties element |
| String | for the value of the Encoding element of the DataObjectFormat element |
CamelXmlSignatureXAdESNamespace | String | overwrites the XAdES namespace parameter value |
| String | overwrites the XAdES prefix parameter value |
Limitations with regard to XAdES version 1.4.2
- No support for signature form XAdES-T and XAdES-C
- Only signer part implemented. Verifier part currently not available.
- No support for the '
' element (see section 6.3.2 of spec). - No support for the
element contained in theSignaturePolicyId
element contained in theSignaturePolicyIdentifier element
- No support of the
element --> no support for theUnsignedProperties
element - At most one
element. More than oneDataObjectFormat
element makes no sense because we have only one data object which is signed (this is the incoming message body to the XML signer endpoint). - At most one
element. More than oneCommitmentTypeIndication
element makes no sense because we have only one data object which is signed (this is the incoming message body to the XML signer endpoint). A
element contains always theAllSignedDataObjects
element. TheObjectReference
element withinCommitmentTypeIndication
element is not supported.- The
element is not supported - The
element is not supported