It's common to want the user to confirm his action if it would be hard to reverse, e.g. if he asked to delete something. The confirmation can be easily obtained via a javascript confirm dialog box. If you'd rather not use javascript, another approach is outlined below.
Using Javascript
Wicket 6.x
This is a solution from Sven Meier - 'overwrite #updateAjaxAttributes in your behavior or AjaxLink'. To make a reusable Component, simply create an abstract base class:
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public abstract class ConfirmationLink<T> extends AjaxLink<T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final String text; public ConfirmationLink( String id, String text ) { super( id ); this.text = text; } @Override protected void updateAjaxAttributes( AjaxRequestAttributes attributes ) { super.updateAjaxAttributes( attributes ); AjaxCallListener ajaxCallListener = new AjaxCallListener(); ajaxCallListener.onPrecondition( "return confirm('" + text + "');" ); attributes.getAjaxCallListeners().add( ajaxCallListener ); } } |
Earlier Wicket versions
Here's one way to do get confirmation, using Javascript:
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Link removeLink = new Link("removeLink") { @Override public void onClick() { // do something you want to confirm beforehand } }; removeLink.add( new SimpleAttributeModifier("onclick", "return confirm('are you sure?');")); |
will replace any existing onclick
handler in the html. We can instead add our javascript to any existing javascript by creating our own AttributeModifier
instead of using SimpleAttributeModifier
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public class JavascriptEventConfirmation extends AttributeModifier { public JavascriptEventConfirmation(String event, String msg) { super(event, new Model(msg)); } protected String newValue(final String currentValue, final String replacementValue) { String prefix = "var conf = confirm('" + replacementValue + "'); " + "if (!conf) return false; "; String result = prefix; if (currentValue != null) { result = prefix + currentValue; } return result; } } |
Then we attach the modifier to the link:
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removeLink.add(new JavascriptEventConfirmation("onclick", "are you sure?")); |
If you are using the same confirmation in more than one link, you should subclass Link
to encapsulate the change:
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abstract public class ConfirmLink extends Link { public ConfirmLink(String id, String msg) { super(id); add(new JavascriptEventConfirmation("onclick", "are you sure?")); } @Override abstract public void onClick(); } |
(The subclass could of course use SimpleAttributeModifier
Without Javascript
If you don't want to use javascript, you could bring up a separate web page with a confirmation form in it. But it's possible to display the confirmation request on the form page itself. The idea (due to Ed Eustace) is to use the wicket Component.replaceWith()
method to replace some panel on the page with a confirmation panel.
First, here's the confirmation panel:
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public abstract class ConfirmDeletePanel extends Panel { public ConfirmDeletePanel(String id, String message) { super(id); add(new Label("message", message)); add(new Link("confirm") { @Override public void onClick() { onConfirm(); } }); add(new Link("cancel") { @Override public void onClick() { onCancel(); } }); } protected abstract void onCancel(); protected abstract void onConfirm(); } |
(The corresponding html should be pretty obvious.)
Now assume the link to be confirmed is inside a panel called MyPanel. The link has a onClick method that does the panel replacement:
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Link removeLink = new Link("removeLink") { @Override public void onClick() { MyPanel.this.replaceWith(new ConfirmDeletePanel( MyPanel.this.getId(), "are you sure") { @Override protected void onCancel() { this.replaceWith(MyPanel.this); } @Override protected void onConfirm() { // do something you want confirmed beforehand // .... then this.replaceWith(MyPanel.this); } }); } }; |