- *Releases
- if a new version of CouchDB has been released, include link to release notes and download link here
- *CouchDB Weekly Meeting
- short summary of CouchDB Weekly Meeting
- source: Wilderness.apache.org
- Major Discussions
- short summary of discussions from dev@, user@ and marketing@ which may be of interest to a broader audience
- if a discussion included a question from a user and one or various answers from the community, it's also possible to summarize the question (starting with "Question") and answer(s) (starting with "answer(s)"
- source: subscription to these mailing lists
- Releases in the CouchDB universe
- releases of CouchDB-related tools and software
- sources:
- Google Alerts
- Twitter search for "CouchDB" (e.g. @npm_tweets is tweeting releases of CouchDB-related tools, these are usually part of the search results automatically)
- *Opinions and other News in the CouchDB universe
- talks and other pieces about CouchDB and projects in its universe
- sources:
- Google Alerts
- Twitter search for "CouchDB"
- Use cases, questions and answers
- Q&A from platforms like Stack Overflow or Google Groups or similar, separated by "answered" and "no public answer yet"
- total number of all Q&A should be limited to 10.
- source: Google Alerts
- Get involved!
- similar content each week, frequently updated if help is needed for special parts of the project
- source: conversations on Mailing Lists
- *New PMC Member (or: New Committer)
- make sure to give a warm welcome to the new PMC member or committer
- source: official announcement on mailing lists
- *Events
- CouchDB- and related events in the next 4 weeks; may also be used if CouchDB- or ASF-related conferences or Calls for Speakers are announced or ticket sales are open
- sources:
- Twitter search for "CouchDB"
- search for term "CouchDB" on Meetup.com
- hints from the community
- *Job opportunities for people with CouchDB skills
- job opportunities for people with CouchDB skills
- please note that offers are only included here once
- sources
- search on Stack Overflow Careers
- Google Alerts
- Twitter search for "CouchDB"
- Time to relax!
- content about relaxing, how to improve at collaborating with people, creating good working environments, …
- please note that content must not include esoteric or with religious connotations
- sources
- personal feed reader
- Google News search for "relax"
- … and also in the news
- news from last week which do not fit into one of the categories above
- e.g. news around other online projects or programming languages, science news, …
Call for Submissions!
- Please send any submissions for the next CouchDB Weekly News by Tuesday, if you have any. ...
- Especially for :
- News in the CouchDB and PouchDB universe
- Interesting use cases
- CouchDB related events
- good and inspiring reads
There's a recurring structure which can be seen e.g. in this post . There's also a sample post which can be used as a template. Generally, the Weekly News looks as following: