Code Block | ||||
| ||||
create external table call_center ( cc_call_center_sk bigint, cc_call_center_id text, cc_rec_start_date date, cc_rec_end_date date, cc_closed_date_sk bigint, cc_open_date_sk bigint, cc_name text, cc_class text, cc_employees bigint, cc_sq_ft bigint, cc_hours text, cc_manager text, cc_mkt_id bigint, cc_mkt_class text, cc_mkt_desc text, cc_market_manager text, cc_division bigint, cc_division_name text, cc_company bigint, cc_company_name text, cc_street_number text, cc_street_name text, cc_street_type text, cc_suite_number text, cc_city text, cc_county text, cc_state text, cc_zip text, cc_country text, cc_gmt_offset double, cc_tax_percentage double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/call_center'; create external table catalog_page ( cp_catalog_page_sk bigint, cp_catalog_page_id text, cp_start_date_sk bigint, cp_end_date_sk bigint, cp_department text, cp_catalog_number bigint, cp_catalog_page_number bigint, cp_description text, cp_type text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/catalog_page'; create external table catalog_returns ( cr_returned_date_sk bigint, cr_returned_time_sk bigint, cr_item_sk bigint, cr_refunded_customer_sk bigint, cr_refunded_cdemo_sk bigint, cr_refunded_hdemo_sk bigint, cr_refunded_addr_sk bigint, cr_returning_customer_sk bigint, cr_returning_cdemo_sk bigint, cr_returning_hdemo_sk bigint, cr_returning_addr_sk bigint, cr_call_center_sk bigint, cr_catalog_page_sk bigint, cr_ship_mode_sk bigint, cr_warehouse_sk bigint, cr_reason_sk bigint, cr_order_number bigint, cr_return_quantity bigint, cr_return_amount double, cr_return_tax double, cr_return_amt_inc_tax double, cr_fee double, cr_return_ship_cost double, cr_refunded_cash double, cr_reversed_charge double, cr_store_credit double, cr_net_loss double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/catalog_returns'; create external table catalog_sales ( cs_sold_date_sk bigint, cs_sold_time_sk bigint, cs_ship_date_sk bigint, cs_bill_customer_sk bigint, cs_bill_cdemo_sk bigint, cs_bill_hdemo_sk bigint, cs_bill_addr_sk bigint, cs_ship_customer_sk bigint, cs_ship_cdemo_sk bigint, cs_ship_hdemo_sk bigint, cs_ship_addr_sk bigint, cs_call_center_sk bigint, cs_catalog_page_sk bigint, cs_ship_mode_sk bigint, cs_warehouse_sk bigint, cs_item_sk bigint, cs_promo_sk bigint, cs_order_number bigint, cs_quantity bigint, cs_wholesale_cost double, cs_list_price double, cs_sales_price double, cs_ext_discount_amt double, cs_ext_sales_price double, cs_ext_wholesale_cost double, cs_ext_list_price double, cs_ext_tax double, cs_coupon_amt double, cs_ext_ship_cost double, cs_net_paid double, cs_net_paid_inc_tax double, cs_net_paid_inc_ship double, cs_net_paid_inc_ship_tax double, cs_net_profit double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/catalog_sales'; create external table customer ( c_customer_sk bigint, c_customer_id text, c_current_cdemo_sk bigint, c_current_hdemo_sk bigint, c_current_addr_sk bigint, c_first_shipto_date_sk bigint, c_first_sales_date_sk bigint, c_salutation text, c_first_name text, c_last_name text, c_preferred_cust_flag text, c_birth_day bigint, c_birth_month bigint, c_birth_year bigint, c_birth_country text, c_login text, c_email_address text, c_last_review_date_sk bigint ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/customer'; create external table customer_address ( ca_address_sk bigint, ca_address_id text, ca_street_number text, ca_street_name text, ca_street_type text, ca_suite_number text, ca_city text, ca_county text, ca_state text, ca_zip text, ca_country text, ca_gmt_offset double, ca_location_type text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/customer_address'; create external table customer_demographics ( cd_demo_sk bigint, cd_gender text, cd_marital_status text, cd_education_status text, cd_purchase_estimate bigint, cd_credit_rating text, cd_dep_count bigint, cd_dep_employed_count bigint, cd_dep_college_count bigint ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/customer_demographics'; create external table date_dim ( d_date_sk bigint, d_date_id text, d_date date, d_month_seq bigint, d_week_seq bigint, d_quarter_seq bigint, d_year bigint, d_dow bigint, d_moy bigint, d_dom bigint, d_qoy bigint, d_fy_year bigint, d_fy_quarter_seq bigint, d_fy_week_seq bigint, d_day_name text, d_quarter_name text, d_holiday text, d_weekend text, d_following_holiday text, d_first_dom bigint, d_last_dom bigint, d_same_day_ly bigint, d_same_day_lq bigint, d_current_day text, d_current_week text, d_current_month text, d_current_quarter text, d_current_year text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/date_dim'; create external table household_demographics ( hd_demo_sk bigint, hd_income_band_sk bigint, hd_buy_potential text, hd_dep_count bigint, hd_vehicle_count bigint ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/household_demographics'; create external table income_band ( ib_income_band_sk bigint, ib_lower_bound bigint, ib_upper_bound bigint ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/income_band'; create external table inventory ( inv_date_sk bigint, inv_item_sk bigint, inv_warehouse_sk bigint, inv_quantity_on_hand bigint ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/inventory'; create external table item ( i_item_sk bigint, i_item_id text, i_rec_start_date date, i_rec_end_date date, i_item_desc text, i_current_price double, i_wholesale_cost double, i_brand_id bigint, i_brand text, i_class_id bigint, i_class text, i_category_id bigint, i_category text, i_manufact_id bigint, i_manufact text, i_size text, i_formulation text, i_color text, i_units text, i_container text, i_manager_id bigint, i_product_name text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/item'; create external table promotion ( p_promo_sk bigint, p_promo_id text, p_start_date_sk bigint, p_end_date_sk bigint, p_item_sk bigint, p_cost double, p_response_target bigint, p_promo_name text, p_channel_dmail text, p_channel_email text, p_channel_catalog text, p_channel_tv text, p_channel_radio text, p_channel_press text, p_channel_event text, p_channel_demo text, p_channel_details text, p_purpose text, p_discount_active text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/promotion'; create external table reason ( r_reason_sk bigint, r_reason_id text, r_reason_desc text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/reason'; create external table ship_mode ( sm_ship_mode_sk bigint, sm_ship_mode_id text, sm_type text, sm_code text, sm_carrier text, sm_contract text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/ship_mode'; create external table store ( s_store_sk bigint, s_store_id text, s_rec_start_date date, s_rec_end_date date, s_closed_date_sk bigint, s_store_name text, s_number_employees bigint, s_floor_space bigint, s_hours text, s_manager text, s_market_id bigint, s_geography_class text, s_market_desc text, s_market_manager text, s_division_id bigint, s_division_name text, s_company_id bigint, s_company_name text, s_street_number text, s_street_name text, s_street_type text, s_suite_number text, s_city text, s_county text, s_state text, s_zip text, s_country text, s_gmt_offset double, s_tax_precentage double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/store'; create external table store_returns ( sr_returned_date_sk bigint, sr_return_time_sk bigint, sr_item_sk bigint, sr_customer_sk bigint, sr_cdemo_sk bigint, sr_hdemo_sk bigint, sr_addr_sk bigint, sr_store_sk bigint, sr_reason_sk bigint, sr_ticket_number bigint, sr_return_quantity bigint, sr_return_amt double, sr_return_tax double, sr_return_amt_inc_tax double, sr_fee double, sr_return_ship_cost double, sr_refunded_cash double, sr_reversed_charge double, sr_store_credit double, sr_net_loss double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/store_returns'; create external table store_sales ( ss_sold_date_sk bigint, ss_sold_time_sk bigint, ss_item_sk bigint, ss_customer_sk bigint, ss_cdemo_sk bigint, ss_hdemo_sk bigint, ss_addr_sk bigint, ss_store_sk bigint, ss_promo_sk bigint, ss_ticket_number bigint, ss_quantity bigint, ss_wholesale_cost double, ss_list_price double, ss_sales_price double, ss_ext_discount_amt double, ss_ext_sales_price double, ss_ext_wholesale_cost double, ss_ext_list_price double, ss_ext_tax double, ss_coupon_amt double, ss_net_paid double, ss_net_paid_inc_tax double, ss_net_profit double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/store_sales'; create external table time_dim ( t_time_sk bigint, t_time_id text, t_time bigint, t_hour bigint, t_minute bigint, t_second bigint, t_am_pm text, t_shift text, t_sub_shift text, t_meal_time text ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/time_dim'; create external table warehouse ( w_warehouse_sk bigint, w_warehouse_id text, w_warehouse_name text, w_warehouse_sq_ft bigint, w_street_number text, w_street_name text, w_street_type text, w_suite_number text, w_city text, w_county text, w_state text, w_zip text, w_country text, w_gmt_offset double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/warehouse'; create external table web_page ( wp_web_page_sk bigint, wp_web_page_id text, wp_rec_start_date date, wp_rec_end_date date, wp_creation_date_sk bigint, wp_access_date_sk bigint, wp_autogen_flag text, wp_customer_sk bigint, wp_url text, wp_type text, wp_char_count bigint, wp_link_count bigint, wp_image_count bigint, wp_max_ad_count bigint ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/web_page'; create external table web_returns ( wr_returned_date_sk bigint, wr_returned_time_sk bigint, wr_item_sk bigint, wr_refunded_customer_sk bigint, wr_refunded_cdemo_sk bigint, wr_refunded_hdemo_sk bigint, wr_refunded_addr_sk bigint, wr_returning_customer_sk bigint, wr_returning_cdemo_sk bigint, wr_returning_hdemo_sk bigint, wr_returning_addr_sk bigint, wr_web_page_sk bigint, wr_reason_sk bigint, wr_order_number bigint, wr_return_quantity bigint, wr_return_amt double, wr_return_tax double, wr_return_amt_inc_tax double, wr_fee double, wr_return_ship_cost double, wr_refunded_cash double, wr_reversed_charge double, wr_account_credit double, wr_net_loss double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/web_returns'; create external table web_sales ( ws_sold_date_sk bigint, ws_sold_time_sk bigint, ws_ship_date_sk bigint, ws_item_sk bigint, ws_bill_customer_sk bigint, ws_bill_cdemo_sk bigint, ws_bill_hdemo_sk bigint, ws_bill_addr_sk bigint, ws_ship_customer_sk bigint, ws_ship_cdemo_sk bigint, ws_ship_hdemo_sk bigint, ws_ship_addr_sk bigint, ws_web_page_sk bigint, ws_web_site_sk bigint, ws_ship_mode_sk bigint, ws_warehouse_sk bigint, ws_promo_sk bigint, ws_order_number bigint, ws_quantity bigint, ws_wholesale_cost double, ws_list_price double, ws_sales_price double, ws_ext_discount_amt double, ws_ext_sales_price double, ws_ext_wholesale_cost double, ws_ext_list_price double, ws_ext_tax double, ws_coupon_amt double, ws_ext_ship_cost double, ws_net_paid double, ws_net_paid_inc_tax double, ws_net_paid_inc_ship double, ws_net_paid_inc_ship_tax double, ws_net_profit double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/web_sales'; create external table web_site ( web_site_sk bigint, web_site_id text, web_rec_start_date date, web_rec_end_date date, web_name text, web_open_date_sk bigint, web_close_date_sk bigint, web_class text, web_manager text, web_mkt_id bigint, web_mkt_class text, web_mkt_desc text, web_market_manager text, web_company_id bigint, web_company_name text, web_street_number text, web_street_name text, web_street_type text, web_suite_number text, web_city text, web_county text, web_state text, web_zip text, web_country text, web_gmt_offset double, web_tax_percentage double ) using text with ('text.delimiter'='|') location 'hdfs://x/y/web_site'; |
TPC-DS Queries
TPC-DS provides 99 queries. Since Tajo does not support some features like WITH clause, ROLLUP operation, and STDDEV_SAMP function, I omit queries containing them. The following are 26 queries tested on Tajo.