Past events are a little more complicated. Since there were more than 300 events on your website, we parsed all the content and decided to structure it as json arrays. The /_src/_components/events/ folder contains several pug files named according to the year. The json array is located at the top of these files. Each element of the array is a js-object. It has title, link, loc, speaker and data properties. Each element of the array is converted into a separate card of the past event. By analogy, you can add new objects to these arrays. Then, when compiling the files, they will automatically appear in the desired tabs.
/_src/_blog/ - blog post pages. After running the build command, the codes are compiled into *.html files and stored into /blog/ folder.
/_src/_components/templates - layouts that are used to create the blog pages
All blog posts must have front matter attributes.
title: "Blog post’s title"
author: "Blog post’s author"
date: YYYY-MM-DD (published date)
- tag1
- tag2
- etc
The full blog post will be displayed by default. If you want to show only a summary of this post on the blog list page, please use a special tag
<!-- end -->
You can add it anywhere in your blog post and everything before this tag will be displayed as a summary.
In addition to the standard commands (gulp build, gulp watch), we have added an additional one to speed up the development process:
gulp blog
It will generate ONLY blog pages.
Use the gulp sitemap command to update the sitemap - ./sitemap.xml file if necessary. Currently, the main pages, as well as the documentation from the /docs/2.11.0/ folder, get into the sitemap. The paths to the documentation files are transformed into /docs/latest/ and all the html files inside have the .html extension removed. If you want to change the documentation version in the sitemap, change the sitemap() code in the ./gulpfile.js file.