Implementation ideas here in diagram form: UV3 JCasClassLoading.
Handling multiple customizations of a UIMA Cas Type
- Base case: Assume the worst
- Assume a successful type system merge
- Make a class loader for the Pear.
- At type system commit time for the Pear, use its class loader (and the parent class loader) to load any new JCas class definitions.
- Type System references back into the loaded classes now need to be conditioned on the Pear environment, to pick the right definition among potential multiples
- Any new Pear JCas class must become the cover class for any subtypes even if the subtype has a JCas class def in the outer context
- JCas class instance creation for a Pear as a wrapper for the outer instance
- inner shares the int[] and obj[], has same _typeImpl and _view refs
- feature updates to one seen by the other, no need to serialize/deserialize
- parallels the old v2 JCas idea of instance being a cover class to an underlying impl
- same JCasHashMap lookup from id value, if not found, then generate wrapper
- .
- inner shares the int[] and obj[], has same _typeImpl and _view refs
- Use the capabilities input/output: for the case where the particular class in the PEAR is not among the inputs or outputs, just isolate it:
- switch and use the alternative definition, loaded under a separate class loader used for the PEAR.
if an outside-the-pear Feature Structure holds a reference to this - could lead to class-cast exceptions
- Isolate it - switch and use the alternative definition
This is what the current UIMA does; suffers from class-cast exception problems
- Throw an error
- Attempt to merge