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titleLensDriver Interface
 * The Interface LensDriver.
public interface LensDriver extends Externalizable {

   * Get driver configuration
  Configuration getConf();

   * Configure driver with {@link Configuration} passed.
   * @param conf The configuration object
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void configure(Configuration conf) throws LensException;

   * Estimate the cost of execution for given query.
   * This should be returned with very less latency - should return within 10s of milli seconds.
   * @param qctx The query context
   * @return The QueryCost object
   * @throws LensException the lens exception if driver cannot estimate
  QueryCost estimate(AbstractQueryContext qctx) throws LensException;

   * Explain the given query.
   * @param explainCtx The explain context
   * @return The query plan object
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  DriverQueryPlan explain(AbstractQueryContext explainCtx) throws LensException;
   * Prepare the given query.
   * @param pContext the context
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void prepare(PreparedQueryContext pContext) throws LensException;

   * Explain and prepare the given query.
   * @param pContext the context
   * @return The query plan object;
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  DriverQueryPlan explainAndPrepare(PreparedQueryContext pContext) throws LensException;

   * Close the prepare query specified by the prepared handle, releases all the resources held by the prepared query.
   * @param handle The query handle
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void closePreparedQuery(QueryPrepareHandle handle) throws LensException;

   * Blocking execute of the query
   * <p></p>
   * The driver would be closing the driver handle, once the results are fetched.
   * @param context the context
   * @return returns the result set, null if there is no result available
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  LensResultSet execute(QueryContext context) throws LensException;
   * Asynchronously execute the query.
   * @param context The query context
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void executeAsync(QueryContext context) throws LensException;

   * Register for query completion notification.
   * @param handle   the handle
   * @param timeoutMillis the timeout millis
   * @param listener      the listener
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void registerForCompletionNotification(QueryHandle handle, long timeoutMillis, QueryCompletionListener listener)
    throws LensException;

   * Update driver query status in the context object.
   * @param context The query context
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void updateStatus(QueryContext context) throws LensException;

   * Fetch the results of the query, specified by the handle.
   * @param context The query context
   * @return returns the result set
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  LensResultSet fetchResultSet(QueryContext context) throws LensException;

   * Close the resultset for the query.
   * @param handle The query handle
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void closeResultSet(QueryHandle handle) throws LensException;
   * Cancel the execution of the query, specified by the handle.
   * @param handle The query handle.
   * @return true if cancel was successful, false otherwise
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  boolean cancelQuery(QueryHandle handle) throws LensException;
   * Close the query specified by the handle, releases all the resources held by the query.
   * @param handle The query handle
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void closeQuery(QueryHandle handle) throws LensException;

   * Close the driver, releasing all resouces used up by the driver.
   * @throws LensException the lens exception
  void close() throws LensException;
   * Add a listener for driver events.
   * @param driverEventListener the driver event listener
  void registerDriverEventListener(LensEventListener<DriverEvent> driverEventListener);

   * Add the user config loader to driver for use
   * @param userConfigLoader
  void registerUserConfigLoader(UserConfigLoader userConfigLoader);
