The purpose of this feature is to minimise network downtime during network updates. The current scope of this feature is to address the downtime only in case of redundant VR based networks.
Functional requirements
There are no changes to the workflow of updating a network. This will only change the behaviour of network restart when redundant VR is being used.
We want to implement this feature as in a generic way i.e. any element which supports redundancy and offers routing services like virtual router should be able to do this without changing the orchestration code every time. So in
order to do this we are introducing a new interface UpdateResourcesInSequence. Any network element which wants to take advantage of redundancy and update its resource in sequence should implement this interface. Presently
we are adding this ability to VirtualRouter so we have modified virtulalrotuerElement to implement this.
Interface UpdateResourcesInSequence.
Method signature | Usage |
public void configureResourceUpdateSequence(Network network) | This method is used to configure the element to updated the resources in sequence. In case of VR it is used to initialise the state of rvrs. |
public boolean isUpdateComplete(Network network) | Tells if the update process of the element is complete. |
While updating the state of the router is tracked using the update_state(newly added) column of the domain_router column. The state of the router during update can be updateInProgress or updateNeeded or updateComplete.
We have modified the VritualRouerElement to implement UpdateResourcesInSequence and added a new method getRouters(Network). This method is called when ever the virtual router details corresponding to a particular network are
needed. The getRouters method always returns the router which is currently being updated or the one Which needs to be updated if there is no router whose update is in progress. The update state of the router is tracked based on the
update_state column in the domain_router table. The getRouters method functions as earlier if network update is not in progress, This can be check by the updateInProgress flag in the network details table. This behaviour of the getRouters
ensures that only the router which is being updated is accessible while the update is in progress. This leaves the other router (which is not being updated at that time) to service the existing connections.
The service layer exposes the update network service to the api layer. The network update is broken down into three steps, shutdown all the routers, reconfigure the network and then reimplement the routers. The service layer takes
help of NetworkOrchestrationService(NOS) to perform these steeps in sequence to update the network. The orchestration service deals with individual elements that proved the network services. We added methods
ConfigureUpdateInSequence and isUpdateComplete to theNetworkOrchestrationService interface. Now in the current implementation to enable updating elements in sequence, network service layer calls the ConfigureUpdateInSequence
method if the network supports redundant routers. The ConfigureUpdateInSequence method of NetworkOrchestrationService calls the configureResourceUpdateInSequence of the network element if it implementsUpdateResourceInSequence
interface.Once the element is configured the network service performs the network element shutdown, network offering update and network element implement repeatedly until the isUpdateComplete method of the network element returns false.
Interface NetworkOrchestrationService
Method signature | Usage |
void configureUpdateInSequence(Network network) | Calls the ConfigureResourceUpdate method of the UpdateResouceInSequence Interface. |
public boolean isUpdateComplete(Network network) | Calls the isUpdateComplete method of the UpdateResouceInSequence Interface. |
Added a new column update_state to track the state of the router when network update is in progress.
Not applicable.
are doing a POC currently, will update once design details get finalised.