- Sling Starter
- Sling Launchpad Testing ← deprecated?
- Sling Launchpad Integration Tests
- Sling Launchpad Test Services
- Sling Launchpad Test Fragment
- Sling Launchpad Test Bundles ← deprecated?
- Starter Content
- Project Archetype (needs to be updated to reference the new Starter release)
- Archetype Parent (only if needed for other archetype versions)
- Bundle Archetype (only if not working with the new Starter release)
- JCRInstall Bundle Archetype (only if not working with the new Starter release)
- Initial Content Archetype (only if not working with the new Starter release)
The diagram below shows the projects that were released for Sling 11 and their dependencies. Some unrelated dependencies (blue) were also released as they were used as snapshots. Only one archetype (magenta) was released as the others did not need any changes.
draw.io Diagram | ||||||||||||||||||
Check archetype projects
After the release archetype projects should be checked if they are still compatible with the latest Sling release:
- Sling Project Archetype - automatically picks up the latest released Sling version from Maven Central
Deploy the new API docs
For each version we deploy the aggregated javadoc for for the Sling bundles contained in the launchpad. The javadoc can be generated using the generate_javadoc_for_release.sh script. The script picks up artifacts from the Starter file, and manually adds others which we consider required, such as annotations. Any additional artifacts should be manually added to the script.