- Fixes for NimBLE 5 and Mesh issues found at upf59
- Fixes for NimBLE 5 issues found during BT certification testing
- Use of mbufs instead of static buffer for advdata in NimBLE
- Extended advertising API fixes ( * )
- Support for more adopted BLE profiles/services e.g. battery service, device information service,
- NimBLE port to freeRTOS kernel
- LoRa enhancements (e.g. config variable to distinguish boards with and without antenna switch)
- Support for additional hardware: Cortex M3 (STM32L152), ARCv2 architecture
- Update supported tools e.g. STM32Cube
- Additional sensor support: DRV2605L haptic driver for LRA and ERM, lis2dw12 accelerometer
- Breaking out NimBLE BLE stack from mynewt-core ( * )
- Port of image manager to other non-Mynewt OS ( * )
- Framework for aggregating log data ( * )
- Simplifying BSP by moving generic MCU settings to MCU definition ( * )
- Newt tool features and bug fixes (e.g. auto-update of submodules in repos, correct handling of repo dependency on other repos - esp. important in the context of NimBLE being broken out, allow install / update / sync of specific repos etc.)
- Additional sample apps
- Support shields, add sample targets
(note: Changes that are potentially backwards-compatibility breaking are marked with an asterisk)