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Comment: Password for Monit was incorrect


- Check the Monit service interface at http://node1:2812 (user/pass of admin/adminmonit) and turn on the bro, snort, and yaf topologies
- Check Storm to make sure all the topologies are up
      From Ambari navigate to Storm -> Quick Links -> Storm UI
- Check that the enrichment topology has emitted some data (could take a few minutes to show
up in the Storm UI)
- Check indexes to make sure indexing is done correctly and data is visualized in Kibana in
a browser at http://node1:5000
- Check that some data is written into HDFS for at least one of the data sources
      Look in HDFS under /apps/metron/enrichment/indexed/yaf_doc|bro_doc|snort_doc
      This can be done from the browser by going to http://node:50070/explorer.html#/apps/metron/enrichment/indexed
