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This FLIP addresses a series of shortcomings in the current integration with YARN and container managers (Docker/Kubernetes) and future operations with Mesos.
Shortcomings to address
Resource allocation is currently static. A job needs to grab all required resources up front and maintain that static set of resources throughout the execution. The improvement will allow for dynamic resource acquisition and dynamic release of resources on YARN and Mesos for better resource utilization and dynamic scaling
The concept of “sessions” (clusters that accept multiple jobs) with “per job clusters” is intermingled and hard to understand. This proposal separates them more clearly
Core Changes
Single Job JobManager
The most important change is that the JobManager handles only a single job. The JobManager will be created with a JobGraph and will be destroyed after the job execution is finished. This model more naturally maps what happens with most jobs anyways.
The JobManager constructor will also optionally take a Savepoint or Checkpoint to initialize the job from.
The ResourceManager (introduced in Flink 1.1) is the cluster-manager-specific component. There is a generic base class, and specific implementations for:
In the case where the ResourceManager already has slots available from registered TaskManagers, steps (2) and (3) are skipped.
TaskManagers are both in contact with the ResourceManager and JobManager:
The TaskManager offers a slot to a JobManager at the ResourceManager’s behest. That slot is then tied to that JobManager until the JobManager releases the slot.
The TaskManager watches all JobManagers to which it has offered slots. Loss of connection to the JobManager results in triggering master-failure recovery (currently: cancel all tasks form that master)
JobManagers can deploy tasks only into slots they allocated.
Upon loss of connection to the JobManager, the TaskManager will try to re-register the slots at the new JobManager for that job (retrieved via the HA leader lookup). After a moderate timeout period, it releases the slots and makes them available again. If a backup JobManager does not take over within that period, it will have to re-request the slots from the ResourceManager.
JobManager Slot Pool
The JobManager has a SlotPool which holds the slots that were offered to it and accepted. The JobManager’s scheduler grabs slots from the SlotPool and can thus access all currently registered slots even if the ResourceManager is down.
The SlotPool releases slots that are unused to the ResourceManager. Slots count as unused if they are not used when the job is fully running (fully recovered).
The new design includes the concept of a Dispatcher. The dispatcher accepts job submissions from clients and starts the jobs on their behalf on a cluster manager.
The dispatcher is a cross-job service that can run a long-lived web dashboard
Future versions of the dispatcher should receive only HTTP calls and thus can act as a bridge in firewalled clusters
The dispatcher never executes code and can thus be viewed as a trusted process. It can run with higher privileges (superuser credentials) and spawn jobs on behalf of other users (acquiring their authentication tokens). Building on that, the dispatcher can manage user authentications
Fault Tolerance
The core recovery mechanism is still task restart and state restore from checkpoint.
Detection and restart of the process(es) that execute the JobManager and ResourceManager
Recovery of the job’s JobGraph and libraries
Architecture with Cluster Managers
Compared to the state in Flink 1.1, the new Flink-on-YARN architecture offers the following benefits:
The client directly starts the Job in YARN, rather than bootstrapping a cluster and after that submitting the job to that cluster. The client can hence disconnect immediately after the job was submitted
All user code libraries and config files are directly in the Application Classpath, rather than in the dynamic user code class loader
Containers are requested as needed and will be released when not used any more
The “as needed” allocation of containers allows for different profiles of containers (CPU / memory) to be used for different operators
Without Dispatcher
With Dispatcher
Yarn-specific Fault Tolerance Aspects
ResourceManager and JobManager run inside the ApplicationMaster process. Failure detection and restart of that process is done by YARN.
JobGraph and libraries are always part of the working directory from which the ApplicationMaster processes is spawned. Internally, YARN stores them in a private HDFS directory.
Mesos based setups are similar to YARN with a dispatcher. A dispatcher is strictly required for Mesos, because it is the only way to have the Mesos-specific ResourceManager run inside the Mesos cluster.
Mesos-specific Fault Tolerance Aspects
ResourceManager and JobManager run inside a regular Mesos container. The Dispatcher is responsible for monitoring and restarting those containers in case they fail. The Dispatcher itself must be made highly available by a Mesos service like Marathon, as in this picture:
JobGraph and libraries need to be stored by the dispatcher in a persistent storage, typically the same storage where the checkpoints are stored.
The Standalone Setup is should keep compatibility with current Standalone Setups.
For highly-available setups, there are multiple dispatcher processes, competing for being leader, similar as the currently the JobManagers do.
Standalone-specific Fault Tolerance Aspects
By default, there is no mechanism to restart failed processes. This has to be solved by external tools, or by the availability of sufficient standby machines (TaskManagers and Dispatchers).
For high-availability, dispatchers must store the JobGraphs and libraries of submitted jobs in a persistent storage, like the checkpoint storage.
Standalone Setup v2.0
A future version of the Standalone Setup could be thought of to implement something like a “lightweight Yarn” architecture:
All nodes run a simple “NodeManager” process that spawns processes for the TaskManagers and JobManagers, that way offering proper isolation of jobs against each other.
The LocalDispatcher will not spawn the JobManager internally but on a lightweight “node manager”
Docker / Kubernetes
Users define Flink clusters purely based on Dockerized Jobs and TaskManagers. There exists no client and no job submission step is involved.
This case uses a ResourceManager that tells each registering TaskManager to give its slots to the JobManager immediately. That way, the JobManager always has all available slots in the cluster at its disposal (without checking and requesting) and can trigger scaleout to the full set of resources.
Docker/Kubernetes-specific Fault Tolerance Aspects
ResourceManager and JobManager run inside the master process. Failure detection and restart of that process is done by container orchestrator (Kubernetes).
Libraries are always part of the master container. The JobGraph can be recovered by re-executing the program (may yield problems on non deterministic programs) or by storing it in the checkpoint storage.
The design here should cover all existing functionality, except the “Yarn Session” mode. The Yarn Session mode currently behaves like a standalone cluster bootstrapped on YARN.
The core functionality of a Yarn Session is to have a set of machines that are already allocated and thus can accept a series of short jobs.
Component Design and Details
Resource Allocation Details (JobManager, ResourceManager, TaskManager)
There are various identifiers used to describe what component and status a message is associated with:
ResourceID - The unique identifier of a TaskManager (container)
RmLeaderID - Fencing token for the specific instance of granted leadership to a ResourceManager. Disambiguates between messages over the course of loss and re-gain of leadership.
JobID - Unique ID of a job over its lifetime
JmLeaderID - Unique ID of a JobManager, a fencing token like the current LeaderSessionID. Changes each time a new JobManager takes a job over. Disambiguates between messages sent by different JobManagers over time, to prevent that old stale JobManagers (who still think they are in charge) send interfering messages.
AllocationID - Slot allocation identifier, created by the JobManager when requesting a slot, constant across re-tries. Used to identify responses by the ResourceManager and to identify deployment calls towards the TaskManager that was allocated from.
Profile - The resource profile of the desired slot (CPU cores, Memory, Disk, …)
Slot Allocation with Reequesting a New TaskManager
Message loss handling:
Loss of messages (4) or (6) will be handled by re-try of message (4). ResourceManager will not request a duplicate instance, as there is already a slot allocated to that AllocationID, or a pending request for that AllocationID. If the slot was already released before the retry, a redundant container may be brought up and will be eventually released as unused.
Loss of message (10) will be handled by TaskManager registration retries. ResourceID helps deduplicate repeated registrations.
Loss of message (12) by timeout and retry. Duplication through retry leads to refused registration at JobManager (AllocationID collision), or to registration and release as unused.
Loss of message (13) compensated by heartbeat slot reports
Loss of message (14) by registration retry loop, disambiguated by combination of (AllocationID, ResourceID)
Slot Allocation from cached TaskManager
Loss of messages handled analog to above.
The ResourceManager should always mark a slot as occupied before it is actually occupied at the TaskManager, thereby never trying to allocate an already used slot. The exception is an incorrect timeout and release on the ResourceManager side, which will be caught by the TaskManager rejecting a slot allocation request for an already occupied slot.
Failure Handling
TaskManager Failure
ResourceManager: detection and reaction
Restarted TaskManager process will lookup (leader) ResourceManager and register and offer its slots
ResourceManager Failure
TaskManager: detection and reaction
It may happen that the ResourceManager launches a container for a slot allocation request, fails, and after recovery (the JobManager re-requests the outstanding slots), starts another container for that slot request. The second container will be released as “unused” after the idle time.
JobManager Failure
TaskManager: detection and reaction
Acquired leader status
Registers at ResourceManager (to receive notifications about TaskManager failures)
Triggers execution of its job (execution graph) from latest completed checkpoint
Concurrent JobManager & ResourceManager Failure
TaskManagers handle regular JobManager failure
TaskManagers will try to offer slots to a new JobManager for a certain period of time
TaskManagers will be in registration loop for ResourceManager
Concurrent TaskManager & ResourceManager Failure
JobManager misses failure notifications for TaskManager container from the cluster manager, but detects TaskManager failure via its own heartbeats
Pending allocation request from the JobManager time out (or get canceled upon noticing the loss of the ResourceManager), new allocation requests will happen when ResourceManager is coming back
JobManager may need to scale down to compensate for lost slots
Public Interfaces
The changes here do not affect any program API
The biggest user-facing changes are the YARN CLI experience. While this FLIP needs not necessarily change the parameters of the CLI, it will change the responses. For example, jobs will be accepted without first waiting for all TaskManagers to be allocated and available.
Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
The standalone mode is still emulated/reproduced in a similar way as it exists prior to this FLIP.
The YARN session mode can still work as a "standalone mode bootstrapped on YARN".
Test Plan
- The ResourceManager, JobManager, TaskManager, and SlotPool need strong unit tests for the protocol.
- The YARN and Mesos integration have their regular tests, as they have prior to this proposal
Rejected Alternatives
(none yet)