Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Refer to edgent-website contributing page and fork/clone the incubator-edgent-website repository.  it you already have a website clone make sure it is up to date:   git checkout master; git pull

Step-by-step guide

  1. Create a new clone of the tagged Edgent release. This presumes the release process's 'release:prepare' step has been performed.

    Code Block
    #Clone the tagged release
    git clone --branch edgent-1.2.0 javadoc-edgent-1.2.0
    #Move to clone's root directory
    cd javadoc-edgent-1.2.0
  2. Create Javadoc via maven. It will be created in the path under javadoc-edgent-1.2.0/target/site/apidocs/

    Code Block
    #Edit the maven-javadoc-plugin configuration in the top pom.xml
    # uncomment the "aggregate" reportSet config
    vi pom.xml
    #Run maven wrapper(For Windows, run mvnw.bat)
    ./mvnw install -DskipTests
    ./mvnw site
    #After the build is complete, make sure the Javadoc is created
    #  Open target/site/apidocs/index.html in your browser
    #  Verify it shows the expected Edgent version
    #  Verify it has the expected aggregated/categorized format
    #  Optionally navigate a bit to check to further check it
  3. Go to the incubator-edgent-website clone directory, create a branch for the website changes and copy / overwrite the generated Javadoc to the appropriate location. The location of the Javadoc is under incubator-edgent-website/site/javadoc/

    Code Block
    #Go to the website javadoc directory
    cd ../incubator-edgent-website/site/javadoc/
    #Work on an up to date master branch
    git checkout master
    git pull upstream
    #Create a new branch
    git checkout -b edgent???-updateFor-r1.2.0
    #When creating the specific version of Javadoc
    mkdir r1.2.0
    cp -r ../../../javadoc-edgent-1.2.0/target/site/apidocs/ r1.2.0/
    #When creating the latest Javadoc
    rm -rf latest
    mkdir latest
    cp -r ../../../javadoc-edgent-1.2.0/target/site/apidocs/ latest/
  4. It does not matter if it is latest, but if you add a new version of Javadoc, add the new version information and location to top-nav

    Code Block
    #Open the topnav.yml file and append information in javadoc_dropdowns section.
    vi incubator-edgent-website/site/_data/mydoc/mydoc_topnav.yml
  5. Review the status of your website repository and stage modified and new pages (e.g., from new classes and/or samples) and/or a new javadoc version directory

    Code Block
    #Review changes from step 3 and 4
    git status
       Changes not staged for commit:
           modified:   site/_data/mydoc/mydoc_topnav.yml	# from step 4
           modified:   latest/allclasses-frame.html			# from step 3
           modified:   latest/...
       Untracked files:
           ../../_site		# IGNORE, DO NOT ADD
           latest/org/...									# from step 3
    	   r1.2.0											# from step 3
    # if applicable, stage the changes to mydoc_topnav.yml
    git add site/_data/mydoc/mydoc_topnav.yml
    # if applicable, stage the changes to latest (modified, new)
    git add latest
    # if applicable, stage the new javadoc version directory
    git add r1.2.0
  6. Commit the changes to your branch

    Code Block
    #Check status again and keep iterating on step 5 until your workspace has the correct set of committed changes
    git status
    #Commit the staged changes
    git commit -m 'EDGENT[???] update website javadoc for release X.Y.Z'
  7. Refer to edgent-website developing page to local test and generate a pull request

  8. You can remove the temporary javadoc-edgent-X.Y.Z clone that you created
