Component Documentation
- cTAKES 4.0 - Assertion (named entity attributes:negation, aka polarity; history; subject; and more)
- cTAKES 4.0 - Chunk Adjuster
- cTAKES 4.0 - Chunker
- cTAKES 4.0 - Clinical Documents Pipeline
- cTAKES 4.0 - Constituency Parser
- cTAKES 4.0 - Context Dependent Tokenizer
- cTAKES 4.0 - Core (sentence detectors, tokenizers, and more)
- cTAKES 4.0 - Coreference
- cTAKES 4.0 - Dependency Parser and Semantic Role Labeler
- cTAKES 4.0 - Document Preprocessor (for CDA documents, not needed for plaintext input)
- cTAKES 4.0 - Drug Named Entity Recognition
- cTAKES 4.0 - Fast Dictionary Lookup
- cTAKES 4.0 - GUI (dictionary creator; pipeline fabricator/runner)
- cTAKES 4.0 - LVG
- cTAKES 4.0 - NE Contexts (named entity attributes including negation)
- cTAKES 4.0 - Negation Annotators
- cTAKES 4.0 - Original Dictionary Lookup (consider Fast Dictionary Lookup instead)
- cTAKES 4.0 - POS Tagger
- cTAKES 4.0 - Relation Extractor
- cTAKES 4.0 - Semantic Similarity
- cTAKES 4.0 - Sense Disambiguator Annotator
- cTAKES 4.0 - Side Effect
- cTAKES 4.0 - Smoking status
- cTAKES 4.0 - Template Filler
- cTAKES 4.0 - Temporal Module
- cTAKES 4.0 - YTEX DBCollectionReader
- cTAKES 4.0 - YTEX DBConsumer
- cTAKES 4.0 - YTEX SentenceAnnotator