We encourage everyone to download the release https://distarchive.apache.org/repos/dist/release/carbondata/1.1.0/, and feedback through the CarbonData user mailing lists!
- No more parallel loading of dictionary metadata in executor. Now dictionary metadata is loaded only once after all tasks inside executor uses it.
- Minimized file operations to avoid multiple namenode calls during query
Please find the detailed JIRA list : https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12320220&version=12338987
- [CARBONDATA-659] - Should add WhitespaceAround and ParenPad to javastyle
- [CARBONDATA-676] - Correcting spelling mistakes and removed unnecessary methods
- [CARBONDATA-719] - Add a release guide in documentation
- [CARBONDATA-1020] - Remove incubator info as top level project