- [RANGER-1321] - Provide a mechanism to create service-specific default policies
- [RANGER-1348] - Atlas Autocompletion not working properly
- [RANGER-1378] - Update MySQL Schema to fix issues related to only_full_group_by restriction of MySQL 5.7 version
- [RANGER-1392] - Hive test connection is failing even if jdbc.url configured is correct in Ranger 0.7.0
- [RANGER-1401] - Add consolidated db schema script for SQLServer DB flavor
- [RANGER-1405] - groups are not shown if exact user name is passed in search filter
- [RANGER-1406] - Audit Spool File not getting created when ranger service user didn't have permission to log into Solr
- [RANGER-1407] - Service update transaction log is not generated in some cases
- [RANGER-1409] - User role get deleted from table when he tries to update his role to a restricted role
- [RANGER-1413] - Good coding practice in Ranger recommended by static code analysis
- [RANGER-1414] - Ranger Hive Authorizer API for row-filtering and column-masking need only return those tables that need masking/filtering
- [RANGER-1416] - SunX509 is the hardcoded Algorithm for SSL
- [RANGER-1417] - Ranger Upgrade is failing for Oracle DB flavor
- [RANGER-1422] - Ranger Knox Plugin audit doesn't have the access type populated.
- [RANGER-1428] - In certain scenario user data contains junk email-id
- [RANGER-1431] - Do some code improvement in Java method AuthSessionService.mapEntityToViewBean
- [RANGER-1434] - Enable Group Search First causes issues when "Enable Group Sync" is disabled
- [RANGER-1435] - Allow different files to be specified for unix based usersync
- [RANGER-1437] - Disable optimization for tag download to include only tags that have policies
- [RANGER-1440] - Improve install script to retry failing statement
- [RANGER-1446] - Ranger Solr Plugin does not work when the collection list in the request is empty
- [RANGER-1448] - Change of import / export icons on Ranger UI
- [RANGER-1453] - Ranger KMS failed to start with Exception: More than one Master Key exists
- [RANGER-1459] - Ranger update policy API is failing on Postgres / Oracle for case sensitive ACLs
- [RANGER-1460] - Hdfs authorizer uses hadoop-acls to allow access with one allowing tag policy and no resource policy
- [RANGER-1463] - Good coding practices per static code analysis
- [RANGER-1472] - tag downloads fail with error "XXServiceResourceElement.findTaggedResourcesInServiceId"
- [RANGER-1474] - On SP12, hive policy page opens up with UDF as default under resources, rather than table.
- [RANGER-1475] - some users missed to be sync if they are syncd from openldap If deltasync is enabled
- [RANGER-1476] - External users not editable through Ranger UI
- [RANGER-1477] - 'show databases' fails with access-denied when user doesn't have access to some of the databases
- [RANGER-1481] - Capture cluster name in ranger audit info
- [RANGER-1482] - 'Ranger KMS' repo is not getting created in manual installation
- [RANGER-1483] - Ranger hive service definition to use hive metastore directly
- [RANGER-1484] - RangerUI: Escape of policy condition text entered in the policy form.
- [RANGER-1490] - Increase size of sort_order column of x_policy_resource_map
- [RANGER-1495] - Good coding practices recommendation by static code analysis
- [RANGER-1499] - Upgrade Tomcat version
- [RANGER-1500] - Add support to exclude/disable SSL protocols.
- [RANGER-1509] - Add version number to ldapconfigcheck.jar
- [RANGER-1513] - Add Support for S3 authorization in Ranger Hive Plugin
- [RANGER-1522] - Update consolidated db schema script for SQLServer DB flavor to reduce execution time
- [RANGER-1530] - NPE in HadoopConfigHolder
- [RANGER-1531] - Good coding practice while parsing XML documents in Ranger
- [RANGER-1535] - Add tag attributes to audit log record
- [RANGER-1548] - Display detailed error messages in Ranger for Audit store issues
- [RANGER-1550] - HDFS test connection and resource lookup failing
- [RANGER-1554] - Ranger AD search filter is not get honored when logging into admin UI
- [RANGER-1556] - Provide keyadmin user with privileges to read ranger kms audits
- [RANGER-1557] - Add Nifi as default in supported component list
- [RANGER-1560] - Code Improvement To Follow Best Practices
- [RANGER-1561] - Good coding practice in Ranger recommended by static code analysis
- [RANGER-1562] - HDFS test connection is failing due to null pointer exception
- [RANGER-1571] - Code Improvement To Follow Best Practices
- [RANGER-1576] - Show attribute values to tags column in audit log
- [RANGER-1577] - Update Ranger-WASB servicedefinition to remove Execute permission and disallow policies with a trailing slash
- [RANGER-1578] - Ranger plugins should use default service-def when it fails to obtain from Ranger Admin or cache
- [RANGER-1579] - WASB policy edit page is not opening
- [RANGER-1581] - Ranger plugins need to support additional date formats for tag attribute values
- [RANGER-1583] - Test connections are failing for plugins after upgrade
- [RANGER-1584] - Allow tagsync to support log directory from Ambari configuration
- [RANGER-1602] - Include / Exclude toggle not working for same level resources
- [RANGER-1603] - Code improvement as recommended by good coding practices
- [RANGER-1607] - Ranger service check failed on SLES11.3 cluster with sslv3 alert handshake failure
- [RANGER-1612] - When servicedef is accessed, one of the properties "enableDenyAndExceptionsInPolicies" is returned as "false" if there is no value set for it.
- [RANGER-1618] - PasswordUtil is not thread-safe
- [RANGER-1619] - Ranger Hive Plugin fails to check the URI when the location doesn't exist
- [RANGER-1620] - Fix kafka-ranger-env.sh script to not throw error when it is sourced from bash
- [RANGER-1622] - Error installing Knox plugin using KNOX_HOME
- [RANGER-1426] - Change return type of RangerBaseService.validateConfig
- [RANGER-1471] - Remember filters on all tabs of Ranger Audits page
- [RANGER-1497] - Improvement of unit test coverage for ranger
- [RANGER-1546] - Code Improvement To Follow Best Practices
- [RANGER-1626] - Release Ranger 0.7.1
{"serverDuration": 57, "requestCorrelationId": "7e690e02e461c857"}