Creating the http handler SU
Now, we are going to INLINE
create the http handler bean SU
to process the data sent by http-consumer-su.Using a Maven archetype to create the service unit project
ServiceMix provides several Maven archetypes to help you create your projects more rapidly and reliably.
We start off by using the servicemix-bean-service-unit
archetype, which is used for creating a bean service unit project. The groupId for this archetype is org.apache.servicemix.tooling
From our tutorial project directory, where we already have the parent pom.xml, we run this command to create a service unit project named http-handler-su
Maven executes the archetype and reports BUILD SUCCESSFUL
when it's done.
What is being generated?
First of all, the archetype creates the project directory, containing:
- a pom.xml file for building the service unit project
- a directory src/main/resources containing a template xbean.xml file for configuring the service unit
- a directory src/main/java containing a java class template
Because we started Maven's archetype:create from the directory containing our parent pom.xml, Maven has also added a module to the parent pom.xml
xmlNow, we will have to configure the service unit to provide the services we want.
Further reading
- Maven archetypes contains a list of Maven archetypes available with ServiceMix