ServiceMix CXF SE
ServiceMix CXF SE component is a JBI Service Engine exposing (annotated) POJO as services on the JBI Bus.
It uses Apache CXF internally to perform service invocations and xml marshaling.
- JSR-181 annotations
- JAXB2/Aegis/XMLBeans databinding
- WSDL auto generation
- Java proxy support
- MTOM / attachments support
Maven Archetype
You can use the servicemix-cxf-se-service-unit archetype to create a CXF SE Service Unit (including a sample POJO):
Code Block |
mvn archetype:create \
-DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.servicemix.tooling \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=servicemix-cxf-se-service-unit \
-DarchetypeVersion=2010.01 \ \ \
Once you've customized the service unit, simply install the SU:
Info |
Remember that to be deployable in ServiceMix, the ServiceUnit has to be embedded in a Service Assembly: only the Service Assembly zip file can be deployed in ServiceMix. To add your SU in a SA, you need to define it in the dependency sets: Code Block |
Endpoint Configuration
The CXF SE endpoint provides a property named pojo. You can expose any POJO which contains the @WebService annotation.
A simple example follows:
Code Block |
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.calculator.CalculatorImpl">
You can use a proxy (see Proxies section of this page):
Code Block |
<bean class="org.apache.servicemix.cxfse.GreeterImplForClientProxy">
<property name="calculator">
<cxfse:proxy service="calculator:CalculatorService" context="#context" type="org.apache.cxf.calculator.CalculatorPortType" />
Info |
title | Endpoint Attributes |
borderStyle | solidbgColor='lightblue' |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
endpoint | String | JBI Endpoint name | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) | interfaceName | QName | Interface QName implemented by the JBI endpoint | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) | mtomEnabled | boolean | Enable MTOM / attachment support | no (defaults to false) | pojo | Object | the instanciated POJO to service requests | one of pojo or pojoClass | service | QName | JBI Service name | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) | useJBIWrapper | boolean | Specifies if the endpoint expects to receive the JBI wrapper in the message received from the NMR | no (defaults to true,Ignore the value of useSOAPEnvelope if useJBIWrapper is true) | useSOAPEnvelope | boolean | Specifies if the endpoint expects soap messages when useJBIWrapper is false | no (defaults to true) | useXmlBeans | boolean | Specifies if the endpoint use xmlbeans databinding to marshell/unmarshell message | no (defaults to false) | useAegis | boolean | Specifies if the endpoint use aegis databinding to marshell/unmarshell message | no (defaults to false), generally we use aegis databinding with simple frontend | pojoService | QName | Specifies the servicemodel service name generated from the pojo | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) | pojoEndpoint | QName | Specifies the servicemodel endpoint name generated from the pojo | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) pojoService and pojoEndpoint can control the servicemodel generated from pojo, it's equivalent to the annotation in java code, but it's useful when you can't change the java code |
Accessing the JBI bus
The prefered way to access the JBI bus is by retrieving a ComponentContext implementation.
If you want to get ComponentContext implementation injected into your POJO, and send a request to another service from your POJO, you need add the following method on your POJO:
Code Block |
private javax.jbi.component.ComponentContext context;
public void setContext(javax.jbi.component.ComponentContext context) {
this.context = context;
By this way, the ComponentContext inject into your POJO automatically
You will be able to use the provided DeliveryChannel to send requests.
Note that only sendSync is allowed for active JBI exchanges (but you have to use send for DONE or ERROR status exchanges).
You can also use the client api:
Code Block |
public void myMethod() {
ServiceMixClient client = new ServiceMixClientFacade(this.context);
QName service = new QName("", "receiver");
EndpointResolver resolver = client.createResolverForService(service);
client.send(resolver, null, null, "<hello>world</hello>");
You can find a whole context injection test case here
You can create java proxies for JBI endpoints, provided that they expose a WSDL.
The basic configuration is the following:
Code Block |
<cxfse:proxy service="calculator:CalculatorService" context="#context" type="org.apache.cxf.calculator.CalculatorPortType" />
You can use it from one of you client bean, or from inside another component, and call the JBI endpoint as a plain Java object.
Info |
title | Proxy attributes |
borderStyle | solidbgColor='lightblue' |
Name | Type | Description | Required |
type | Class | proxy class type | yes | endpoint | String | JBI Endpoint name | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) | interfaceName | QName | Interface QName implemented by the JBI endpoint | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) | service | QName | JBI Service name | no (will be auto-generated if not specified) | mtomEnabled | boolean | Enable MTOM / attachment support | no (defaults to false) | useJBIWrapper | boolean | Specifies if the endpoint expects to receive the JBI wrapper in the message received from the NMR | no (defaults to true,Ignore the value of useSOAPEnvelope if useJBIWrapper is true) | useSOAPEnvelope | boolean | Specifies if the endpoint expects soap messages when useJBIWrapper is false | no (defaults to true) |
From a CXF SE Service Unit, it could be used as following:
Code Block |
<bean class="org.apache.servicemix.cxfse.GreeterImplForClientProxy">
<property name="calculator">
<cxfse:proxy service="calculator:CalculatorService" context="#context" type="org.apache.cxf.calculator.CalculatorPortType" />
Code Block |
private CalculatorPortType calculator;
public void setCalculator(CalculatorPortType calculator) {
this.calculator = calculator;
public CalculatorPortType getCalculator() {
return calculator;
public void myMethod() {
int ret = 0;
try {
ret = getCalculator().add(1, 2);
} catch (Exception e) {
You can find a complete proxy test case here
MTOM support
MTOM is a way to handle large amounts of binary data in your services. Unlike attachments, the XML infoset stays the same. MTOM just "optimizes" any base64Binary data you have in your messages. When MTOM is turned on, this base64 data gets sent as a binary attachment saving time and space.
MTOM support can be turned on using:
Code Block |
<cxfse:endpoint mtomEnabled="true" ... />
MTOM is supported for the following classes:
- DataSource
- DataHandler
- byte[]
If you have a bean with the following method:
Code Block |
public String echo(String msg, DataHandler binary) {
you will be able to call it using the following requests:
Code Block |
<echo xmlns:xop=''>
<msg>hello world</msg>
<xop:Include href='binary'/>
provided that the JBI message contains an attachment named "binary".
You can find a complete MTOM test case here
Interceptors Configuration
Since cxfse is using Apache CXF internally, so you can configure cxf se endpoint with inteceptors which follow cxf inteceptor api.
example per as below
Code Block |
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor"/>
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingInInterceptor"/>
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingOutInterceptor"/>
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.interceptor.LoggingOutInterceptor"/>
<bean class="org.apache.cxf.calculator.CalculatorImpl">
Can find document for CXF interceptors here