Other Resources
Several Struts 2 books, articles, and presentations are available elsewhere.
Articles are organized into the categories Adoption and Migration, Ajax, CRUD and Data Access, General, Getting Started.
Adoption and Migration
- Adopting Struts 2.0 (S. Sangeetha and S. V. Subrahmanya)
- Comparing Struts 1 and Struts 2 (Michael Klaene)
- Migrating Struts Apps to Struts 2 (Ian Roughly)
- Migrating to Apache Struts 2: A tutorial for Struts 1 Developers. (Ted Husted)
- Ajax CRUD with Struts 2 and Tibco GI (Brian Walsh)
- Ajax programming with Struts 2 (Oleg Mikheev)
- Ajax support in struts 2.0 (Jesintha Priyadarshini L)
- Easy AJAX with Struts 2 (firstpartners.net)
- Struts 2 + Spring 2 + JPA + AJAX (Musachy Barroso)
- (Struts 1) AjaxChat: Chatting, the AJAX Way! (Frank Zammetti)
- Struts 2 JSON and dojo.rpc (Portuguese) (Diego Carrion)
Blogs about Struts
- Abhi on Java (Abhi Vuyyuru)
- Macaroni (Ted Husted)
- Mark's Struts 2 Cookbook (Mark Menard)
- Struts 2 Help and Reference
CRUD and Data Access
- Ajax CRUD with Struts 2 and Tibco GI (Brian Walsh)
- CRUD with WebWork, Spring, and JSTL (Larry Meador)
- Easy CRUD with Struts 2 (QuickTime video with Matt Raible - 8 minute)
- Struts 2 + Spring 2 + JPA + AJAX (Musachy Barrosso)
- Struts 2 CRUD Example (Philip Luppens)
- AppFuse and Struts 2 (Matt Raible)
- Building Struts 2 Apps without XML Gluecode (Ted Husted)
- Extending an Application with Custom Plugins (Musachy Barrosso)
- Integrating Struts 2 + JSF + Facelets (Matt Raible)
- Leveraging Struts2 Type Conversion (David DeWolf)
- Product Internationalization (Todd McCullough, Jive Software)
- Struts 2 Tags (Rose India)
- Struts 2 wired by Spring (Daniel Ambrósio)
- Struts 2.0 in Action
- Struts URLs for perfectionists (Peter Hilton)
- Working with cookies in Struts 2 (Omkar Patil)
- Struts 2 Tutorials
Getting Started
- Getting Started with Struts2 (Wesley Wannemacher)
- Struts 2 from Square One Draft manuscript covering part one of a four-day training course (Ted Husted)
- Struts 2 Tutorial Struts 2 with Spring and Hibernate using Eclipse (ArcTech Software)($)
- Struts 2 Tutorial (Rose India)
- Action Unit Testing With Struts 2.0
- Integration Testing Struts 2, Spring, and Hibernate JPA
- Unit Testing Struts 2 Actions wired with Spring using JUnit (arsenalist)
- Struts 2.0 Validations using Annotations (Krishna Srinivasan)
- Validation using Annotations (arsenalist)
- Animated Tutorial for Struts2 (Mohammad SeyedAlavi)
- PowerPoint version ZIP download (may not render correctly under OpenOffice)
- PDF version ZIP download (without animation)
- Coding Ajax Applications with Struts (Ted Husted)
- Migrating From Struts 1 to Struts 2 presentation (Matt Raible)
- Retrofitting Struts for Ajax Taglibs (Ted Husted)
- WebWork 2 presentation (Jason Carreira)
- Strutson. Command line to generate applications based on Hibernate, JPA, Spring and Convention Plugin. It supports generation of actions, CRUD views and services from model classes.