issue tracking | description |
MSHARED-661 ( maven-archiver 3.4.0) |
MSHARED-796 ( maven-archiver-3.4.0) | META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
MSHARED-494 ( maven-archiver 3.1.0) | META-INF/maven/$groupId/$artifactId/pom.properties |
MSHARED-800 | META-INF/maven/$groupId/$artifactId/pom.properties |
MPLUGIN-261 ( maven-plugin-plugin 3.3) | META-INF/maven/plugin.xml |
MPLUGIN-326 ( maven-plugin-plugin 3.5.1) | META-INF/maven/plugin.xml META-INF/maven/$groupId/$artifactId/plugin-help.xml |
plexus-containers issue #8 ( plexus-component-metadata 2.0.0) | META-INF/plexus/components.xml |
plexus-containers issue #27 ( plexus-component-metadata 2.1.0) | META-INF/plexus/components.xml |
bnd-maven-plugin #3521 ( bnd-maven-plugin configuration) | META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
FELIX-6269 ( maven-bundle-plugin:manifest & bundle 4.2.2) | META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
FELIX-6203 ( maven-bundle-plugin:bundle 4.2.2) | META-INF/maven/$groupId/$artifactId/pom.properties |
sisu-maven-plugin 5e2377c ( sisu.inject 0.3.4) | META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named |
sisu-maven-plugin annotation processor 570e81 ( sisu.inject 0.9.0.M1) | META-INF/sisu/javax.inject.Named |
MRRESOURCES-114 ( maven-remote-resources-plugin 1.7.0) | projectTimespan, as often printed in META-INF/NOTICE |
JDK-8240734 (JDK 15) | module-info.class |
zip entries timestamp and order | |
COMPRESS-485 ( commons-compress 1.19) | keep entries order when gathering ParallelScatterZipCreator |
plexus-archiver | avoid timestamp issues in archives created by plexus-archiver (widely used in Maven plugins creating jar, zip, war, tar... archives) |
plexus-archiver issue #114 ( plexus-archiver 4.2.0) | To enable reproducible builds `AbstractArchiver#addFileSet` should add the files in order |
MSHARED-837 ( maven-archiver 3.5.0) | support => see "Output Archive Entries Timestamp" section of the proposal |
plexus-archiver #271 ( plexus-archiver 2.7.0) | remove variation based on user's umask on Unixes (particularly group write) |
plexus-archiver #124 ( plexus-archiver 4.2.0) | remove variation based on uid/gid & userName/groupName in tar |
MSOURCES-120 ( maven-source-plugin 3.2.0) | apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to maven-source-plugin |
MSOURCES-137 ( maven-source-plugin 3.3.1) | apply 022 umask (to ease RB check: independent from env) |
MASSEMBLY-921 ( maven-assembly-plugin 3.2.0) | apply reproducible archive (entries order and timestamp) to maven-assembly-plugin |
MASSEMBLY-989 ( maven-assembly-plugin 3.6.0) | apply 022 umask (to ease RB check: independent from env) |
MJAR-263 ( maven-jar-plugin 3.2.0) | apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to maven-jar-plugin |
MSITE-851 ( maven-site-plugin 3.9.0) | apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to site:jar |
MJAVADOC-627 ( maven-javadoc-plugin 3.2.0) | apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to javadoc:*jar |
MSHADE-347 ( maven-shade-plugin 3.2.2) | apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to shade:shade |
MSHADE-352 ( maven-shade-plugin 3.2.3) | keep reproducible timestamp when shading with transformer |
MSHADE-420 ( maven-shade-plugin 3.5.2) | mtime from extra field data from shaded dependency makes result builder's timezone sensitive |
ARCHETYPE-590 ( maven-archetype-plugin 3.2.0) | apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to archetype:jar |
MWAR-432 ( maven-war-plugin 3.3.0) | apply reproducible zip (entries order and timestamp) to war:jar |
MWAR-471 | dependencies copied to WEB-INF/lib have an executable permission on WSL mounting Windows share for local repo |
MACR-53 ( maven-acr-plugin 3.2.0) | |
MEAR-280 ( maven-ear-plugin 3.1.0) | |
MEJB-128 ( maven-ejb-plugin 3.1.0) | |
MRAR-86 ( maven-rar-plugin 3.0.0) | |
MJLINK-75 ( maven-jlink-plugin 3.0.0) | apply reproducible zip to the zip file created by the plugin |
issues fixed in maven-archiver will have been picked by 9 other plugins managed by Apache Maven team (acr, ear, ejb, jlink, rar), probably other plugins creating zip/jar/tar archives managed outside Apache Maven team will require to do the same | |
FELIX-6304 ( maven-bundle-plugin:bundle 5.1.1) | order and timestamp of jar entries for bundle goal |
FELIX-6404 ( maven-bundle-plugin 5.1.3) | regression in 5.1.2 |
FELIX-6495 ( maven-bundle-plugin 5.1.4) | bundle:manifest adds Bnd-LastModified even if outputTimestamp is defined |
FELIX-6496 ( maven-bundle-plugin 5.1.5) require bnd #5021(6.2) | non-reproducible Export-Package and Private-Package values |
FELIX-6602 ( maven-bundle-plugin 5.1.9) | non-reproducible Include-Resource entry |
FELIX-6681 | non-reproducible Export-Service entry |
spring-boot-maven-plugin:repackage #20176 ( 2.3.0-M4) | timestamp |
org.jboss.jandex:jandex-maven-plugin #26 ( 1.1.1) | unsorted files (notice: not sure that sorting files at plugin level is sufficient: it seems Jandex indexer itself produces non-reproducible output) |
org.jboss.jandex:jandex-maven-plugin #35 1.2.3 replaced by io.smallrye:jandex-maven-plugin #286 ( 3.1.0) | jandex.idx output is not stable/reproducible |
MJAR-275 (maven-jar-plugin 3.3.0) | outputTimestamp not applied to module-info.class |
moditect-maven-plugin:add-module-info #185 ( 1.0.0.Final) | creates module-info.class with non-reproducible timestamp |
moditect #222 ( 1.2.0.Final) | timestamp is dependent on timezone |
SM-5021 ServiceMix depends-maven-plugin:generate-depends-file (1.5.0) | timestamp in generated depends.txt |
XBEAN-335 Geronimo maven-xbean-plugin | timestamp in generated /META-INF/spring-* (Properties format) |
KARAF-7367 karaf-maven-plugin:kar #1492 ( 4.3.7) | does not take outputTimestamp into account |
quarkus-extension-maven-plugin #38364 ( 3.9.0) | timestamp in generated properties META-INF/quarkus-extension.properties, META-INF/quarkus-javadoc.properties and sources *.jdp |
tracking of plugins with issues and fixes is now also done in artifact:check-buildplan |