The table below describes what number ranges are reserved for what parts of the code, and also points to the enum file for those number ranges if one exists.
Number Range | Component | Enum File |
1000-1999 | DDL code (core/sql/sqlcomp/* modules) | sqlcomp/CmpDDLCatErrorCodes.h |
2000-2999 | SQL compiler mainline (core/sql/arkcmp/* modules + the core/sql/sqlcomp/* modules that aren't DDL modules) | arkcmp/CmpErrors.h |
3000-3999 | Parser (core/sql/parser/*) |
4000-4999 | Binder (core/sql/optimizer/Bind*) |
5000-5999 | Normalizer (core/sql/optimizer/Norm*) |
6000-6999 | Optimizer (core/sql/optimizer/ <everything else> ) | optimizer/opt_error.h |
7000-7999 | Generator (core/sql/generator/*) |
8000-8999 | Executor and Expressions code (core/sql/executor/* and core/sql/exp/*) | exp/ExpErrorEnums.h |
9200-9299 | Update Statistics utility (core/sql/ustat/*) | ustat/hs_const.h |
10000-10049 | execution time Sort code (core/sql/sort/*) | sort/SortError.h |
11100-11399 | UDR server and language manager code (core/sql/udrserv/*) | udrserv/udrdefs.h |
Info |
When adding new error diagnostics, pay attention to the management of ComDiagsArea objects. In the Executor, in particular, these objects are created on demand only. See also SQL Diagnostics Architecture and Design. |