Java EE 5 Report Card
This table will be used to track the progress of the Apache Geronimo Java EE 5.0 implementation. The implementation will be staged over multiple milestone builds of the 2.0 release. This incremental rollout will allow users to provide early feedback on the new functions. The milestone driver levels in the table below indicate when the code for a particular function was available. It does not make any indication as to TCK status. The project won't aim to declare overall Java EE 5.0 functional compliance and official TCK certification until Geronimo 2.0 is complete.
For more detailed information, consult the Release Notes for the individual milestones.
Spec | Version | JSR No. | Changes from J2EE 1.4 | Latest Package(s) | Milestone Build |
Web Application Technologies |
Servlet | Servlet 2.5 | JSR 154 | Maintenance Update from Servlet 2.4 | Tomcat-6.0-G522103 (based on 6.0.10) | 2.0-M1 |
Java Server Pages | JSP 2.1 | JSR 245 | Upgrade from JSP 2.0 | Jasper-6.0-G522103 (based on 6.0.10) | 2.0-M1 |
JSP Debug | JSP Debug 1.0 | JSR 45 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Jasper-6.0-G522103 (based on 6.0.10) | 2.0-M1 |
Java Server Faces | JSF 1.2 | JSR 252 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Myfaces-impl-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT | 2.0-M3 |
Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library | JSTL 1.2 | JSR 52 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Glassfish-jstl-1.2 | 2.0-M1 |
Enterprise Application Technologies |
JavaBeans Activation Framework | JAF 1.1 | JSR 925 | Maintenance Update from JAF 1.0 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M1 |
JavaMail | JavaMail 1.4 | JSR 919 | Maintenance Update from JavaMail 1.3 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M1 |
Java Persistence API | JPA 1.0 | JSR 220 | New for Java EE 5.0 | OpenJPA-0.9.6-incubating | 2.0-M1 |
Java Transactions API | JTA 1.1 | JSR 907 | Maintenance Update from JTA 1.0 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M1 |
Java Message Service API | JMS 1.1 | JSR 914 | Same as J2EE 1.4 | Activemq-4.1-SNAPSHOT | 2.0-M1 |
Java EE Connector Architecture | JCA 1.5 | JSR 112 | Same as J2EE 1.4 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M1 |
Java Authorization Contract for Containers | JACC 1.1 | JSR 115 | Maintenance Update from JACC 1.0 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M1 |
Common Annotations for the Java Platform | Annotations 1.0 | JSR 250 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M3 - Partial support |
Enterprise JavaBeans | EJB 3.0 | JSR 220 | Upgrade from EJB 2.1 | OpenEJB 3.0 Snapshot | 2.0-M2 - Partial support |
Management |
Java EE Management | Java EE Mgmt 1.1 | JSR 77 | Maintenance Update from Mgmt 1.0 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M1 |
Java EE Application Deployment | App Deploy 1.2 | JSR 88 | Maintenance Update from App Deploy 1.1 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M4 |
Web Services - Axis2 |
Implementing Web Services | WSEE 1.2 | JSR 109 | Maintenance Update from WSEE 1.1 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M3 - Partial support |
Java API for XML-Based Web Services | JAX-WS 2.0 | JSR 224 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Axis2 implementation | 2.0-M3 - Pojo only |
Java Architecture for XML Binding | JAXB 2.0 | JSR 222 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Glassfish JAXB Implementation 2.0.3 | 2.0-M2 |
Java API for XML-Based RPC | JAX-RPC 1.1 | JSR 101 | Same as J2EE 1.4 | Axis 1.4 | 2.0-M3 |
Java API for XML Registries | JAXR 1.0 | JSR 93 | Same as J2EE 1.4 | Scout 0.5 | 2.0-M2 |
Web Service Metadata for the Java platform | WS Metadata 2.0 | JSR 181 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Axis2 implementation | 2.0-M3 - Partial support |
SOAP with Attachments API | SAAJ 1.3 | JSR 67 | Maintenance Update from SAAJ 1.2 | Axis2 implementation | 2.0-M4 - Partial support |
Streaming API for XML | STAX 1.0 | JSR 173 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Woodstox 3.2.0 | 2.0-M2 |
Web Services - CXF |
Implementing Web Services | WSEE 1.2 | JSR 109 | Maintenance Update from WSEE 1.1 | Geronimo implementation | 2.0-M3 - Partial support |
Java API for XML-Based Web Services | JAX-WS 2.0 | JSR 224 | New for Java EE 5.0 | CXF implementation 2.0-incubator-RC-SNAPSHOT | 2.0-M2 - Pojo only |
Java Architecture for XML Binding | JAXB 2.0 | JSR 222 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Glassfish JAXB Implementation 2.0.3 | 2.0-M2 |
Java API for XML-Based RPC | JAX-RPC 1.1 | JSR 101 | Same as J2EE 1.4 | Axis 1.4 | 2.0-M2 |
Java API for XML Registries | JAXR 1.0 | JSR 93 | Same as J2EE 1.4 | Scout 0.5 | 2.0-M2 |
Web Service Metadata for the Java platform | WS Metadata 2.0 | JSR 181 | New for Java EE 5.0 | CXF implementation - 2.0-incubator-RC-SNAPSHOT | 2.0-M3 - Partial support |
SOAP with Attachments API | SAAJ 1.3 | JSR 67 | Maintenance Update from SAAJ 1.2 | Glassfish SAAJ implementation 1.3 | 2.0-M4 - Partial support |
Streaming API for XML | STAX 1.0 | JSR 173 | New for Java EE 5.0 | Woodstox 3.2.0 | 2.0-M2 |
Misc |
JDK 5.0 - Corba support |
| ?? | Not part of Java EE 5.0 | Yoko-1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT | 2.0-M4 |