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Meeting bi-weekly Thursday at 10:00 pm Beijing Time.

Jun 23, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting: 

Host:Wei Guo

Next Meeting Host:  


  1. Show the meeting managment with Bagevent for track chair
  2. ApacheCon Asia Promotion Plan
    1. Live show plan for round 2
    2. Track introduction and highlight

Jun 16, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting: 

Host:Dianjin Wang

Next Meeting Host:  Wei Guo

Dianjin Wang, Xiaoqiao He, Heng Du, Ted Liu, Jiansheng Li, Wei Guo, Bo Jiang, Zhiyuan Ju, Yu Li, Zhongyi Tan, Sheng Wu, Cynthia Xin, Yu Xiao, lanx, Gang Li, Zhe Xian, Yonglun Zhang, Willem Jiang, lanX, A Rui, Jialin Qiao, Yeliang Wang


1. Introduction to Bagevent Management System
- Operation Demo
- Track Chairs' Phone No. and email collecitons to be uploaded to Bagevent.
2. ApacheCon Asia Promotion Plan
* Track Chair Promotion
* Speaker confirmation email: 06/19

Jun 02, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting: 

Host: Yonglun Zhang
Next Meeting Host: Dianjin Wang

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Zhenxu Ke, Bo Jiang, Rui, Xiaoqiao He, Heng Du, CynthiaXin, Weibing Wang, Juan Pan, Ted Liu, Lidong Dai, Wei Guo, Xiangdong Huang, Liang Zhang, Jialin Qiao, Yeliang Wang, Yu Li, Gang Li, Zhiyuan Ju, Sheng Wu, Dianjin Wang, Yin Xu, Jiansheng Li, Yu Xiao, Zhongyi Tan, Yonglun Zhang


  1. Progress presentations review and presentations to be determined
  2. Scheduling of presentations
  3. Presentations promotion


1. Presentations review

  • Approved 192 presentations.
  • Review criteria: no advertising. Don't be unrelated to Apache, except for the community track. If you don't pass, add a note in the statistics table. The review should be strict.
  • The track chair will send an email to the lecturer through the template to inform whether they are shortlisted or not. Is there a unified public email address? Need to confirm.

2. Presentations scheduling

  • Track chair fills out the scheduling form.
  • Lecture time: 40 minutes, maximum of 6 sessions. For the video that exceeds the length, it can be played at multiplier speed, within 1.3 times.
  • Is it possible to use a website to collect videos and provide a closing time for video submission, currently it is reminded by the assistant. Baige has a video collection service, charging a fee. (Follow up with Xu Yin to discuss)

3. Presentations promotion

  • Track chair to consider a warm-up format, starting in July.
  • We will think about it and decide on the preview program at the next meeting.

4. Other issues

  • Is there a limit for a lecturer to raise more than one topic? No.
  • In the statistics table, add a preheat type.
  • When will the audit results be announced? 6.20
  • Is it possible to increase the number of sessions by 6? The number of sessions can be increased, or quality ones can be put into meetup earlier.
  • Deadline for ppt and video submission: by 7.15.
  • For topics that may have a lot of commercial content, you can review the ppt first to decide whether to reject it.
  • The track chair will record the video and there will be no Q&A session. The assistant can collect questions and give feedback to the lecturer in advance.



  1. 议题评审
  2. 后续演讲排期的问题
  3. 议题宣传的问题
  4. 其他


1. 议题评审

  • 审核通过 192 个。
  • 评审标准:不要打广告。不要与 Apache 无关,社区 track 除外。没有通过的在统计表中加个说明。审核要严格一点。
  • track chair 通过姜老师模板给讲师发邮件通知是否入围。是否有统一的公共邮箱?需要确认。

2. 演讲排期

  • track chair 填写姜老师的排期表。
  • 演讲时间 40 分钟,最多排 6 场。对于超过长度的视频,可以倍速播放,1.3 倍以内。
  • 是否可以用一个网站收集视频,提供一个视频提交的关闭时间,目前是通过助手提醒。百格有视频收集服务,收取一定费用。(后续与许银商量下)

3. 议题宣传

  • track chair 考虑预热形式,七月份开始。
  • 大家考虑一下,下次会议决定预热方案。

4. 其他问题

  • 一个讲师提多个议题,是否有限制? 无。
  • 统计表中,加一个预热类型。
  • 审核结果什么时候公布?6.20 之前,会发邮件通知。
  • 6 场是否可以再增加?增加场数,或者优质的可以提前放到 meetup。
  • ppt 和视频提交截止时间?7.15 之前。
  • 对于内容可能存在大量商业内容的议题,可以先 review 下 ppt 决定是否拒绝。
  • track chair 录视频主持,没有答疑环节。小助手可以提前收集问题反馈给讲师。

May 19, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Yu Xiao
Next Meeting Host: Yonglun Zhang

Attendees: Williem Jiang, Yu Li, Juan Pan,Sheng Wu,Gang Li,IanX, CynthiaXin, Zhe Xian, Mingyu Chen, Jialin Qiao, Yonglun Zhang, Zhongyi Tan, Bo Jiang, Wei Guo, Yu Xiao


  1. Progress of CfP, Call for presenter
  2. Keynote speaker
  3. Brand for Apache TLP (about doris)
  4. Others


   (1) Apache Con Asia  Progress of CfP

  • The CfP number of temporary is not too good(Last year :180+ ,Now:60+).【need more propagate】.
  • When the chair reviews the Keynote, need to synchronize the form and inform the lecturer (
  • Repeat Keynote, need to add a repeat status.

  (2) Apache Con Asia Sponsorship

  • Sponsorship is not too ideal (may be very environmental relations).
  • Synchronized Sponsorship Situation (Williem Jiang, Bo Jiang).

  (3) Brand for Apache TLP

  • There is a risk of domestic companies registering a trademark with the same name.
  • When signing the SGA, there is no legal constraint of requiring a brand name trademark.
  • For incubated projects, the project name is not a pre-requisite for ASF incubator.



  1. 演讲议题收集进展。
  2. Keynote审核相关(。
  3. Apache品牌商标
  4. 其他


(1) Apache Con Asia 演讲议题收集进展

  • 暂时数量还不是太理想(目前60多篇,去年180)。【需要 Track Chair 帮忙宣传约稿】。
  • Track Chair审核议题的时候,需要同步下表格,然后通知讲师 (表格地址:。
  • 重复议题,需要加个表格里面新增重复状态。

(2) Apache Con Asia赞助情况

  • 赞助不是太理想(可能很环境有关系)。
  • 同步赞助情况 (姜宁,波波)。

(3) Apache品牌商标

  •  国内有公司注册相同名称的商标的风险。
  • 签署SGA的时候,并没有要求品牌商标的法律约束。
  • 对于孵化项目,项目名称不是ASF孵化的前置条件。

May 5, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Jialin Qiao
Next Meeting Host: Yu Xiao

Attendees: Williem Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Yu Li, Jialin Qiao, Ted Liu, Juan Pan, Dianjin Wang, Sheng Wu, Xiaoqiao He, Gang Li, IanX, CynthiaXin, Yu Xiao, Zhe Xian


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2022 Plan
  2. Progress of CfP, Call for presenter
  3. Others


(1) Apache Con Asia

  • Received 20 presentations(10 Chinese + 10 English), 【need more propagate】
  • Start to invite keynote speakers
  • Track Chair could refer to materials last year
  • Yu Li: Where to see the track submission?
    • 【Williem Jiang: Will public each week】
  • About presentation PPT: English PPT, could speak in Chinese
  • Trista Pan: We could publish an article by ALC Beijing about the theme of Apache Con & Track
    • 【Williem Jiang: Sure! Will collect picture of each Track Chair】
  • Yu Xiao: Any constrains about project?
  • Invite speakers in any way!


  1. ApacheCon Asia会议组织计划关键节点:
  2. 演讲议题收集进展
  3. 其他


(1) Apache Con Asia

  • 收到投稿 20 篇(中英文各一半),【需要 Track Chair 帮忙宣传约稿】
  • 邀请主题演讲人
  • Track Chair 的工作可借鉴去年素材
  • Yu Li:如何看到自己的 Track 收到的投稿?
    • 【Williem Jiang:后续每周同步投稿信息】
  • 关于演讲PPT:英文 PPT,可中文演讲
  • Trista Pan:可以以 ALC Beijing 公众号发一篇统一的大会主题和Track主题宣传文章
    • 【Williem Jiang:会整理一篇文章,需要收集Track Chair 照片】
  • Yu Xiao: 投稿项目有何要求?
  • 讲师邀请:不限渠道

April 21, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Yu Li
Next Meeting Host: Jialin Qiao

Attendees: Bo Jiang, Che Xian, Cynthia Xin, Dianjin Wang, Gang Li, Jialin Qiao, Juan Pan, lanX, Lidong Dai, Lifeng Nie, Mingyu Chen, Sheng Wu, Ted Liu, Williem Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Xiaoqiao He, Yonglun Zhang, Yu Li, Yu Xiao, Zhongyi Tan


  1. Update of ApacheCon Asia
  2. Progress of CfP
  3. Others


  • ApacheCon Asia 2022
    • Meeting already approved by the foundation, website is online:
    • Call for paper is open, deadline is May 31st
      • 【Action】Collect and confirm presentations for each track - by track chairs
    • Sponsors are almost confirmed, need more preparation for meetup solution and meeting propagation
      • 【Action】Meeting status sync up with the foundation - by Williem
      • 【Action】Contact sponsors to sign the agreement - by Ted/Bobo
  • China Open Source Blue Paper
    • Discuss and decide to involve in to propagate ALC (beijing and shenzhen)
      • 【Action】Article architect drafting (by Zhongyi) and content enriching (by all members)


  1. ApacheCon Asia会议组织进度跟进:
  2. 演讲议题收集进展
  3. 其他


  • ApacheCon Asia 2022
    • 会议已批准,网站和CFP均已上线,各track陆续开始有投稿和约稿:
    • CFP截止日期5.31
      • Actiontrack chair需要抓紧收集议题
    • 会议赞助商已基本确认,Meetup方案和宣传需要提前准备
      • Action】会议准备状态通过邮件列表向ASF同步 by 姜宁
      • Action】和赞助商的协议签署 by Ted/波波
  • CSDN和中国开源联盟筹备蓝皮书
    • ALC(Beijing and Shenzhen)写入蓝皮书,进行联合宣传
      • Action】中意负责搭好框架,之后大家填充内容

April 07, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Xiaoqiao He
Next Meeting Host: Yu Li

Attendees:  Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,  Zhongyi Tan, Bo Jiang, Juan Pan, Dianjin Wang, Cynthia Xin, Lidong Dai, Wei Guo, Xiaoqiao He, Ted Liu, Yu Li, Yonglong Zhang, Zhe Xian, Yin Xu


  1. Update of ApacheCon Asia
  2.  Plan B –  hold the online event, conference budget need to be approve in board meeting April 2022. 
  3.  Call for track chairs , Website ,  CFP 石墨. 



  1. ApacheCon Asia会议组织进度跟进:
  2. Track Chairs收集
  3. Website ,  CFP 石墨. 


1、同步ApacheCon Asia当前准备进展:

  • 同步当前的赞助方案;
  • 如果暂时没收集到战略赞助意向的话建议考虑文化衫LOGO单列赞助;
  • 建议先进行赞助商摸底;
  • 建议跟去年的赞助情况做对比后适当调整金额;


  • 下周调研石墨/百格/问卷网等供应商,下周确定最终选择 @江波;
  • CFP计划在20220421前上线;



March 24, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Xiaoqiao He
Next Meeting Host: Xiaoqiao He

Attendees:  Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Ted Liu, Cynthia Xin, Zhenxu Ke, Yu Li, Bo Jiang, Juan Pan, Yu Xiao, Zhongyi Tan, Wei Guo, Xiangdong Huang, Yonglong Zhang, Lidong Dai, Chengzi Li


  1. Update of ApacheCon Asia
  2.  Plan B –  hold the online event, conference budget need to be approve in board meeting April 2022. 
  3.  Call for track chairs , Website ,  CFP. 



  1. ApacheCon Asia会议组织进度跟进:
  2. Track Chairs收集 (Culture track (JianSheng Li))


1、同步ApacheCon Asia当前准备进展:

  • 考虑到疫情的原因,本次会议暂按照PlanB(线上)准备;
  • 同步当前赞助商方案草案,建议先对赞助商初期摸底;

2、讨论ApacheCon NA联合赞助的情况:

  • Trista: 是不是需要提前沟通与ApacheCon NA联合赞助;
  • Ted: 建议先预留联合折扣的可能;



  • Ted: 线上QA互动环节计划;需要确定使用哪家直播平台;


  • Ted: 这两部分由谁来做?
  • Ning: 暂时还没有完全确定;

6、Track Chair:后续再和大家确认;


  • 李橙子:本次ApacheCon Asia是否有计划组织小范围聚会?
  • Ning:考虑到人力和疫情的原因,暂时没有计划,可以考虑简单聚餐;
  • Ning + LiYu:预热meetup暂按照4个周末,每周末一天准备,有调整空间,建议先与阿里预沟通workshop计划和安排(TODO @LiYU);
  • Ning + Ted: 如果招商文档现在对外分发的话建议加上“草案”或者“后续有调整的可能”;
  • Sheng Wu: 预算在董事会批准前,我们是不是可以提前准备本次会议的后续流程;
  • Ning: 向董事会发信先把授权确定下来(TODO @Ning);

March 10, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Gang Li
Next Meeting Host:  Xiaoqiao He
Attendees:  Yu Xiao,Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,  Zhongyi Tan, Xiangdong Huang , Bo Jiang,Juan Pan, Dianjin Wang, Cynthia Xin, Zhenxu Ke,  Lidong Dai, Wei Guo,Xiaoqiao He,Liang Chen,Yin Xu


  1. Update of ApacheCon Asia
  2.  Call for track chairs   (Culture track ())


(1) Whether the online meeting needs to set up a virtual booth, this topic need to be discussed next conference.

(2) Email confirmation is required for reporting the budget to the Apache Foundation.

Ted suggested that the Apacche Foundation should set aside $30,000 to $40,000 for support.

(3) Hotel information: At present, the epidemic situation in Shanghai is relatively severe. Dianjin suggested that a deadline can be set, and then look at the epidemic situation.

Shanghai hotel fees:

Cynthia Xin: Xiaonanguo Garden Hotel: about 50,000 can be done, the main venue 300 + branch venues *4

Xu Yin: Dragon's Dream, 70,000 for a half day, 90,000 for a full day

(4) It's urgent to prepare an investment invitation letter. The budget can be based on the offline conference first,

The following declaration can be made on the sponsorship contract.

In the event of force majeure such as the epidemic, the sponsorship fee will not be refunded.

(5) Cynthia Xin suggested holding multiple small offline gatherings in multiple cities at the same time.

Benefits: Reduced hotel costs, split into different cities, and sponsors like it, because sponsors can advertise in multiple cities.

Let open source enthusiasts from various cities gather together. Costs will instead be lower as travel and accommodation are reduced

More preparation required: More effort will be required to organize the conference, possibly more volunteers and organizers.

Cynthia Xin:小南国花园酒店 : 是5万左右可以搞定 主会场300 +分会场*4
(5)Cynthia Xin建议,参照开源社组织的开源年会,多城市同时举行多个小型线下聚会。

February 24, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Xiangdong Huang
Next Meeting Host:  Gang Li
Attendees: Ted Liu, Yu Xiao,Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,  Zhongyi Tan, Xiangdong Huang , Bo Jiang, Yu Li, Juan Pan, Dianjin Wang, Cynthia Xin, Zhenxu Ke,  Lidong Dai, Wei Guo, Gang Li


  1. Update of ApacheCon Asia
  2.  Call for track chairs
  3.  Find the  topic to JD group (


  1. Considering the backed place (e.g., Beijing and Shanghai)
  2. We have Plan A and Plan B now for ApacheCon Asia
  3. Will confirm the sponsor plan next week.
  4. Call for tack chair (By default, all chairs last year will be inherited.)

February 10, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Yu Xiao
Next Meeting Host:  Xiangdong Huang
Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Heng Du, Jiansheng Li, Liang Chen, Zhongyi Tan, Xiangdong Huang , Bo Jiang, Yu Li, Trista Juan Pan, Dianjin Wang, Cynthia Xin, Docker Zhang, Eason Chen, Goson Zhang, Zhenxu Ke, Chengzi Li, Zhendong Liu, Weiming Xue, Enjoy Yin, Yonglun Zhang, Yu Xiao


  1. Discussion the conference proposal of ApacheCon Asia 2022 
    1.  conference type
    2.  budget
    3. sponsorship
  2. Online Meeting tools discussion
  3. vote apache member/board 
  4. Book promotion of 《开源之谜》


January 20, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Lidong Dai
Next Meeting Host: Yu Xiao
Attendees: Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Lidong Dai, Yu Li, Yonglun Zhang, Youqing, Gang Li, Yu Xiao, Dianjin Wang, Cynthia Xin, Jiansheng Li,Ted Liu, Xiangdong Huang, Bo Jiang, Zhenxu Ke, CalvinKirs, Juan Pan
* ALC New Member vote result:

Wei Guo,Lidong Dai,  Jerry Tan, Dianjin Wang, Bo Jiang, Yin Xu, Cynthia Xin

* Online Meeting tools discussion

January 06, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Dianjin Wang
Next Meeting Host: Lidong Dia
Attendees: Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Lidong Dai, Yu Li, Yonglun Zhang, Youqing, Gang Li, Yu Xiao, Dianjin Wang, Wei Guo, 
* ApacheCon Asia 2022 Kickoff - start the vote:
* Vote the event date in the mailing list, option is July 21st-23th
* And will be virtual
* ALC China Annually Report - preparation by Jan 9th
* ALC Mailing list - invite members to join

December 23, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Zhang Yonglun

Next Meeting Host :Wang Dianjin

Attendants: Ted Liu, Jiang Ning, Wu Sheng, Pan Juan, Dai Lidong, Li Gang, Wang Dianjin, Ke Zhenxu, Tan Zhongyi, Xiao Yu, Zhang Yonglun


1. Progress of annual report details ( (Finish before 12.26)
2. Mentors guide the development of ALC Shenzhen Chapter.
3. There will be no further actions on Log4j.
4. Information about JD's open source technology events.

December 9th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Xiao Yu

Next Meeting Host :Zhang Yonglun

Attendants: Jiangning,Ted, Wu Sheng , Wei Guo, Kezhenxu, TanZhongYi, Yu Li, Huang Xiangdong, Pan Juan, Wang dianjing,  Li gang,  Xiao yu, Zhang yonglun


     1. Discussion of annual report details(
         1.1 Statistics meet up, ApacheCon, Summer 2021, Blog, Public, Podcast
         1.2 incubated projects (5), commercialized projects (5), apache member, ipmc member, apache committer 
         1.3 Graphic version/article, annual report
         1.4 Report title changed to Apache Success in China 2021  
    2. ALC beijing Gatherings (
        2.1 Gatherings content
           a.New summer 2021 student internship
           b.New IoTDB Meetup
       2.2 Venue (2F, Building 4, Shuangqing Building)
       2.3 Event Recording

November 25th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Wei Guo

Next Meeting Host :Xiao Yu

Attendants: Wei Guo, Wu Sheng, Jiangning, jiang bo, Kezhenxu, xiao yu, TanZhongYi, Yu Li, DaiLidong, Huang Xiangdong, Xu Yin


  1. ALC Beijing Plan 2022
    1. Choose the right time for ApacheConAsia except for Weekend and holidays 
    2. Define the framework of the asset, such as project governance, community governance, compliance. Build Success at Apache in China. 
    3. Apache project contributes one article and one podcast. ALC Beijing will give a plan.
    4. Edit the annual e-report and one picture chart of ALC  (Ted Liu, Yu Li)
  2. Member meeting for ASF
  3. Gathering in Dec ,12 14:00 in TsingHua

November 11th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Sheng Wu

Next Meeting Host :Wei Guo

Attendants: Willem Jiang,XiangDong Huang, Zhengxu Ke, Wei Guo,  Bo Jiang, Ted liu, Dianjin Wang,Juan Pan, Liang Chen, Zhongyi Tan, Yonglun Zhang


  1. Meetup of 11-13. 100 in person meetup at Beijing, hosted by ShardingSphere community.
  2. Media content support of ALC Beijing WeChat Public Account 

October 28th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Willem Jiang

Next Meeting Host : Shen Wu

Attendants: Ted Liu,  Shen Wu, Yu Xiao, Xiangdong Huang, Wei Guo, Juan Pan,Jerry Tan, Lidong Dai,Youqin Han


  1. Plan to postpone 10-31 meetup of ALC Beijing

October 14th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Willem Jiang

Attendants: Ted Liu,  Shen Wu, Yu Xiao,  YongLun Zhang, Wei Guo, Juan Pan, Yuanshen Wang, Zhenxu Ke, Yu Li, Jerry Tan, Lidong Dai, Dianjin Wang


  1. 10-31 meetup in Beijing
    1. Apache project introduction track

September 23rd, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Ted Liu


Ted Liu,  Willem Jiang, Shen Wu, Yu Xiao, Xiangdong Huang, YongLun Zhang, Wei Guo. Juan Pan, Liang Chen,  Yuanshen Wang, Mark Shen,Zhenxu Ke, Yu Li, Jerry Tan, Lidong Dai, Dianjin Wang, Yin Xu


  1. 10-31 meetup in Beijing
    • decided to move forward to hold the meeting on Oct. 31st leveraging COSCon'21's Bejing venue
      • ALC Beijing core team planning meeting (20 pax)
      • ALC Beijing meetup track 1 (100 pax)
      • ALC Beijing meetup track 2 (100 pax)
  2. Status of ALC Shenzhen application
    • pending ComDev general mail list discussion and then ComDev PMC discussion 
    • ALC Shenzhen or GBA (Great Bay Area) plans to hold a meeting in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • Apache RocketMQ plans to hold a meetup in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • Apache EventMesh plans to hold a meetup in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • Apache InLong (incubating) plans to hold a community development planning meeting in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • more details here:
  3. Call-to-action:
    • Apache project community who wishes to present at the Meetup, need to fill out the form here:
    • To reserve and secure Beijing venue COSCon'21 Beijing venue producer, Bobo Jiang.

September 9th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:



Jerry Tan (谭中意)、Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Dianjin Wang, Juan Pan, Yu Li, Henry,冯征, xiangdong huang,肖宇,张永伦,kezhenxu,Ming Wen,陈亮,gosonzhang,shengwu吴晟,陈广胜,王欣、YouQing,杜恒,刘勋


  1. ASF annual report (all attendants discuss.) 

            * input and out 

            * who is sponsor 

  1. Apache doris graduation close door discussion. 

            * call of alc beijing member go to baidu, to know more details about project.

  1. ALC_大湾区 proposal (ASF ALC policy, ALC_beijing operation experience)。

          * need a leader 

          *  prepare proposal for ALC ShenZhen.

          * more detail discuss in the mail-list. 

  1. the meetup of Sept 17th  discussion

           * meet on venue. 11:00~ 12:30 and lunchtime.

August 26th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Jesse Zhou


1、ApacheCon Asia 2021 Summary

2、ALC Beijing Community Survey

Domestic surveys in China on the relationship between open source communities and open source developers and the motivation of participation are very scarce, and our research study hopes to fill this gap.

Based on the survey results, we also hope to better promote the development of open source communities, which can better meet the needs of contributors on the one hand, and provide a guide for community development on the other hand, which can better regulate the relationship between communities and developers and attract more contributors to participate.

August 5th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:  Jesse Zhou

Attendants:Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Zhongyi Tan, Yu Li, Bo Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Xun, Gang Li, JianSheng, Xian Zhe, Chen Liang, Xiangdong Huang, Li Dong Dai, Jesse Zhou, Juan Pan, Cynthia Xin

1、Track Chairs send e-mails to invite speakers to go online live interacting with the audience

2、Collect the address information of speakers for receiving gift

3、Ask hosts to test the network environment for ApacheCon live(Better find two hosts in case of accidents)

July 29th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:


Next Host: Jesse Zhou

Attendants:Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Zhongyi Tan, Yu Li, Bo Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Junpin Du,  JianSheng, Xian Zhe, Yin Yu, Xiangdong Huang, Li Dong Dai, Jesse Zhou, Juan Pan, Cynthia Xin,Shen Wu, Ruofei


1.confirm the list of the title of track chairs for warm-up video

1 姜波   SegmentFault 思否开发者社区 COO

2 吴晟  男 Apache 首位中国董事, Apache SkyWalking 创始人件兼  VP, 创始工程师

3 谭中意 男  开源技术深度爱好者, Keynote track chair

4 代立冬 男 Apache DolphinScheduler PMC 成员 & 前易观大数据平台总监

5 王殿进 男 StreamNative 社区负责人

6 郭炜 男 Apache DolphinScheduler 项目负责人 & 前易观 CTO

7 李钰 男 Apache Flink 社区 PMC 成员

8 潘娟 女 Apache ShardingSphere PMC 成员

9 堵俊平 男 华为计算产品线副总裁、云与计算开源业务(OSDT)总经理

10 张乎兴 男 阿里云技术专家

11 姜宁 男 Apache软件基金会员, ALC Beijing发起人,华为技术专家

2.ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:

a.Track Chair provide welcome video

b.Rehearsals of ApacheCon Asia in Hopin (this weekend)

3.Keynote speaker status

a.all keynotes are collected

b.all keynotes are translated by volunteers, and they should be done by the end of the months

4. Interaction in  the hopin

a.Introduce the procedure of ApacheCon Asia 2021 session

b.Track chairs need to oversee the whole session

c.ask speakers to interact with the audience during session with Chat

5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

July 22nd, 2021, Thursday

Time: 10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting

Host: Wei Guo

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Zhongyi Tan, Yu Li, Bo Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Xun,  Gang Li, JianSheng, Xian Zhe, Chen Liang, Xiangdong Huang, Li Dong Dai, Yuren Zhou, Liang Zhang, Cynthia Xin,


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Hopin speaker inivitation,most  speakers registered
    2. Register 872
    3. Track Chair provide welcome video
    4. Rehearsals of ApacheCon Asia in Hopin 
  2. Keynote speaker status
    a. jiangning, xiangdong and xiangdong's and professor. 
    b. Need plan B for Hong's session e.g. Round table session. --Zhong Yi Tan
  3. Collect the presentation video 
    a. Need to handle the video of beginning and ending part---ALL Track Chair (deadline 8.2)
    b. Collect the presentation video  ---ALL Track Chair (deadline 7.30)
    c.  Introduction video of  Track Chair ---ALL Track Chair (deadline 7.25)
  4. PR of ApacheCon Asia need to be follow up
  5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

July 15th, 2021, Thursday

Time: 10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting

Host:Yu Li

Attendees: Bo Jiang, Che Xian, Cynthia Xin, Dianjin Wang, Duo Zhang, Jiansheng Li, Juan Pan, Junping Du, Lidong Dai, Rui, Sheng Wu, Ted Liu, Wei Guo, Willem Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Zhongyi Tan 

Next week host: Wei Guo


  1. Asia 2021 Infra status:
    • Hopin speaker invitation/registration status
      • Still 20+ not registered, need to get the list and track chair need to follow up.
    • Overall registration status
      • 616 now, targeting at 1000 (or more).
    • Session video recording status:
      • Track chairs need to track the status and help verify the quality of the video, and update the this form:
      • Some tracks have already sent email to speakers for reminding video submission, others need to follow up with the template.
    • Volunteer gathering and training status: volunteers already gathered, the training will start this Friday (7.16) evening.
  2. Keynote speaker invitation status
    • Need each track chair to cooperate on making the opening video, by end of this Sunday (7.18).
    • Video should be uploaded to network disk and send link to 殿进.
  3. Keynote session recording status
    • Already got 2 recordings, need to catch up.
  4. ApacheCon Asia PR status
    • Many PR articles have been published, and more coming (better publish by ALC Beijing).
    • Better to complete track PRs before end of next Sunday (7.25).
  5. Status of gift for Chinese speakers and volunteers
    • T-shirt style already confirmed (by voting), need to collect size and other information from speakers / volunteers.
    • More gifts are under discussion (e.g. online interactions / QA).
  6. Need to update the Asia schedule on Hopin (discussion / reply required in ApacheCon mailing list)

July 8th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Dianjing Wang

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Lidong Dai, Ted Liu, Trista Pan, Che Xian, Dianjin Wang, Yuren Zhou, Cynthia Xin, Rui, Yu Li.

ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
- Hopin;
1. speaker inivitation, 60+ speakers don't registerd
* Send confirmation email to every speaker by track chair.
2. Register 418, 200 invitation , we need to introduce hopin link more
* Promote this event in WeChat Official accounts, WeChat Groups
* Speaker Poster: will provide an online tool to generate speaker poster automatically
* Speaker info data preparation @volunteer students, July 12th
* DDL: Next Friday, July 16th
* English / Chinese version
3. Track the recorded session
* Template provide by Yin Xu
* DDL: July 25th
4. Keynote speaker invitation status, 2 keynotes need to be updated
* Keynote session update
* Openning by Sheng Wu
* 11 confirmed.
5. PR of ApacheCon Asia = video of Track Chairs
* Video template of ApacheCon Asia @Dianjin Wang
* own tracks' introductions videos.
6. Booth of Sponsors in Hopin
7. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer
* Sponsor: API7
* New Sponsor: about 5K$ by Huawei

July 1st, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:LiDong Dai

Attendees: Ted Liu,Wei Guo, Youqing,  Dianjin Wang,  Bo Jiang, Juan Pan,  Willem Jiang, Wen Ming, Xiangdong Huang,Cynthia Xin,  Ovilia Zhang,Tan Zhong Yi

Next week host:Dianjing Wang


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Hopin speaker inivitation, 80+ speakers don't registerd
    2. Register 200 + 200 , we need to introduce hopin link more
    3. Track the recorded session
  2. Keynote speaker invitation status
  3. Keynote session information collection  online , Abraction, Profile
  4. Keynote time (ApacheCon at Home 15 mins)? Pannel disussion
  5. PR of ApacheCon Asia =  video of Track Chair
  6. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

June 24th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Willem Jiang,

Attendees: Ted Liu,Wei Guo, Youqing,  Dianjin Wang, LiDong Dai,  Yu Li,  Yuan Liu, Juan Pan,  Wen Ming, Xiangdong Huang,Cynthia Xin,  Ovilia Zhang,Tan Zhong Yi,Yin Xu

Next week host: LiDong Dai


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Hopin speaker inivitation, 100 speakers don't registerd
    2. Track chair need to send out the meeting information,  July 25th regular session deadline
  2. TODO Keynote session online , Abraction, Profile
  3. PR of ApacheCon Asia =  video of Track Chairs
  4. Keynote speaker invitation status (Backup panel discussion)
  5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

June 17th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Ovilia Zhang,

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, jiangbo,  Youqing,  LIDong Dai,  Yu Li,  Yuan Liu, Juan Pan,   Tan Zhong Yi


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Speaker introductions are online, please double check it
      1. Track chair: ask speakers to double-check; add speech of yourself
    2. Hopin speaker invitation
      1. Track chair: ask speakers and community to register
      2. Ovilia: Invitation generator
    3. Speaker information collection : 30 more to register
    4. Keynote Speaker information collection TODO
  2. The work that track chair need to do.
    1. Write track introduction article
    2. Connect with the speakers, (we need to create a template with important information)
    3. Collect the session video
    4. Host sessions
  3. PR of ApacheCon Asia
    1. General article
    2. Post for ApacheCon and speaker
      1. Track chair who is interested in this can contact Jiangbo
  4. Keynote speaker invitation status 
  5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer 《ApacheCon Asia 志愿者需求》

June 10th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Wei Guo

Attendees:Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, jiangbo, Zhongyi Tan, Youqing,  Dianjin Wang, Ted Liu, Juan Pan, XIanche, Zhang Duo, Sheng Wu, Wen Ming, Xiangdong Huang,Cynthia Xin, Li Gang, Ovilia Zhang,.


  1. Created the form for collect information about the Chinese speaker, and invite into WeChat group(end-date before 6.15). link:
  2. Slack channel for ApacheCon Asia speaker (Send out notification), the link will be sent the e-mail list.  The Chair must join slack channel: #acasia2021. 
  3. KV design, template of slides finished as the attachment.
  4. PR of ApacheCon Asia  (setup deadline. The article is and  Chinese version(bobo.  And the first choice is Huodongxing to Hoping?
  5. Track chair : Speaker information collection, Session video collection (7.15 dead-line)
  6. Session Recording Guide should be online. (JiangNing)
  7. Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021    1. Apache at Asia ,2. Apache ❤️ Asia , 3. Let's Grow the Community Together.  10 people voted 3, 5 people voted 2.  'Let's Grow the Community Together' will be the Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021.
  8. Keynote speaker invitation status .
    a. invite OSI Board Director or Officer
       Eclipse Foundation(optional)
  9. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer: 
     Needs a sponsor(ask for 微众银行, Huawei, Tencent). T-shirt KV+Slogan design (BoBo), Cynthia will help for the delivery.

Next meeting Host: XianCe

PPT template:

Marketing Plan. Notice the job on 6.15. 

Slogan voting record:


李建盛在郵件里投了 3

June  3rd, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Willem Jiang

Attendees:Ted Liu, Cynthia Xin, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Bo jiang,Ovilia Zhang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Sheng Wu, XiangDong Huang, Lidong Dai, Zhongyi Tan,
Next Host: Wei Guo


  1. Session schedule published
  2. Registration link Chinese,  Hopin
  3. PR of ApacheCon Asia ,  Preparing the post  and article for the ApacheCon Asia, we need the speaker provide their information.  
  4. Session Recording Guide  (Create online form for it) 设置表单,收集照片,录像指南, 信息存储在一个地方。@bobo 提供主视觉设计稿
  5. Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021    Apache at Asia or Apache ❤️ Asia
  6. Keynote speaker invitation status :  – Planners mailing list start the discussion talk about the keynote speaker
  7. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer: @Cynthia with gift design and T shirt, Ted Liu follow up the gift money 

May  27th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Zhongyi Tan

Attendees:Ted Liu, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Ovilia Zhang, Juan Pan, Willem Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Sheng Wu, XiangDong Huang, Lidong Dai, Zhongyi Tan
Next Host: Willem Jiang


  1. Track Chair Session schedule
  2. General session confirmation
  3. Session Abstract translation  50%
  4. PR of ApacheCon Asia
  5. Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021
  6. Keynote speaker invitation
  7. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

1. Track Chair Session schedule/ done
2. 5个general issue: 1 fail ;2和3 转到integration track; 4 转到中间件track ;5 转到incubator track
3. session 翻译进度:大数据track 翻译, 3人各负责1/3, deadline是本周;@温铭 , 还有4篇,deadline是本周
4. PR进度: 请各个track chair完成讲师的信息搜集,deadline是6月10日,模版是 ; slogon和视觉风格,请@波波给出几个选项,用来做选择
5. Keynote speaker invitation: 还差4个席位,请在邮件组中继续讨论
6. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer: tracker chair搞定各自的志愿者,由专人统一培训和管理,该人同时负责gift方案。 Ted Liu @姜宁 请跟apachecon官方沟通相关费用

ApacheCon Asia 宣传规划:

ApacheCon Asia 关键时间点:

ApacheCon 议题追踪:

May  20th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Junping Du

Attendees: Ted Liu, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Ovilia Zhang, Juan Pan, Willem Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Sheng Wu, Yuren Zhou, Cynthia Xin, Ming, Lidong Dai, Zhongyi Tan
Next Host: Zhongyi Tan


1. 当前Track Chair已经评审出接受的session,需要跟进一下确认
2. 各Track Chair需要加到相关的邮件列表里,明天姜宁Track群中发消息,各位自查一下,并在群里confirm。
3. 标题及Abstract的翻译工作需要各Track Chair快速推进,大数据等大的track需要分工合作,有访问google doc困难的,可向姜宁求助
4. 相关的赞助协议跟进,华为已于4月底完成付款,其他由Ted继续跟踪
5. Culture 和 Community Track合并之后,Session内容比较多,请建盛与Ted 求助,一同完成翻译工作。
6. 赞助商Logo及视频的需要明确厂商内容,请波波重视,Virtual Booth因技术原因仅对英语受众开放
7. 会议的在线志愿者招募进度相对缓慢,需要新思路来应对。
8. 下次会议一周后举行,由谭中意主持。
9. 为保证与会人员的出勤率与参与度,Track Chair(以及其他会议工作人员)在会议举办前无故缺席(因故需事前请假),将被要求发红包来鼓励其他人的参与。

May  13rd, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Dianjin Wang

Attendees: Ted Liu, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Lidong Dai, Jiansheng Li, Ovilia Zhang, Juan Pan, Willem Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Yu Li, Sheng Wu, Yuren Zhou, Zhenxu Ke, Cynthia Xin, Ming, Yu Xiao, Yonglun Zhang
Ask for leave: Liang Zhang, Bo Jiang, Huxing Zhang
Next Host: Junping Du


  • ApacheCon Asia status update (待解决问题)


    1. Keynote
    - 演讲议题全部确认
    - 议题详情跟进确认(标题、简介等资料),方便后续推广
    - 英文演讲:中文字幕翻译,后续需跟进演讲视频提交

    2. 演讲议题
    - 各 Track Chair 于 5月14日尽快完成打分、确定 Track 议题
    - 打分建议:>=10 代表通过,<10 分代表不通过
    - 如果本 Track 议题数量较满,更合适其他 Track,可群里同步姜宁/吴晟进行 Track 分类修改,05/14 日完成
    - 普通 Track 数量:可控制在 6~12 个左右
    - 最终演讲议题时间安排,Track Chari 需前往 Google Docs(吴晟后续提供)自行占位,先到先到
    - 如果 Track 存在中英文混排情况,Track Chair 负责对标题与简介进行统一、提供最终内容
    - Track Chari 选择所在 Track 2~3 篇优质议题资料,同步 江波 协助推广宣传

    3. 圆桌论坛:
    - 计划在大会第2、3天各安排中文、英文一场,待敲定主题、嘉宾

    4. 网站
    - Hopin 提前开始测试 - 05/16 晚测试 - Dianjin, Willem Jiang(cc Bo Jiang)
    - 网站议题更新 - Willem Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Dianjin, Juping’s team member(?)
    - 中文活动注册 - 活动行,创建 ALC 北京帐号,Dianjin 支持

    5. 赞助商
    - 寻找礼品赞助商,敲定方案 - Cynthia Xin
    - 与基金会沟通礼品经费,海外讲师暂不邮寄周边礼品,以感谢函代替

April 29th, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Lidong Dai

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu,Wei Guo,Lidong Dai,Bo Jiang,Dianjin Wang,Kezhen Xu,Ming wen,Cynthia Xin,Youqing,Gang Li,Yuren Zhou,Yu Xiao

Ask For Leave: Juan Pan

Next Host:  Dianjin Wang


ApacheCon Asia status update


1、Track Co-Chair 更新

  • 合并 Culture 到 Community Track

2、Keynote 邀请情况讨论

3、目前各 Track 的投稿状态





1、市场营销费用 TODO 波波

2、虚拟展位在hopin中如何设置; TODO 波波、吴晟

3、赞助商应提供什么材料;TODO 波波

4、志愿者礼品:提供礼品预算 TODO 辛庆

5、需要确认hopin是否能播放一个数小时的大视频,并在聊天室内进行提问环节 TODO 姜宁

April 22th, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Xiangdong Huang

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu, Wei Guo,Lidong Dai, Kezhen Xu, Yuren Zhou, Xiangdong, Juan Pan, Youqing, Gang Li, Yu Li


- ApacheCon Asia status update


  • 虚拟展位在hopin中如何设置;
  • 国内是否应完全follow国外的展示方式或自由发挥;
  • Logo如何展示(目前设计见石墨文档的图);
  • 赞助商应提供什么材料;
  • 去问ASF 或者调研Hopin,并反馈给赞助商 控制下国内厂商的预期,例如目前仅考虑了 Logo的露出+导流二维码)。
  • 对于虚拟展台的在线页面(Office hour?),思否安排出开发计划
  • 备注:厂商比较关心曝光量等(尽量按照赞助邀请方案来落实)
  • 方案二:
  • 对于国际版本,完全follow国外的,他们要求什么就是什么
  • 对于国内版本,思否将现有的原型展示给赞助商看(ddl:);赞助商反馈意见(ddl:);大家定稿;思否开发。


  • 给江波Track列表;(明天中午之前)
  • 江波生成各track、keynote、演讲人专访等的会前和会后宣传日期表(下周四)
  • 各track chair在指定日期前提供素材;
  • 思否如期编排宣传


  • 需要确认hopin是否能播放一个数小时的大视频,并在聊天室内进行提问环节。


  • 国内/外讲师,track chair(或志愿者)催并拿到视频,然后track chair上传到统一的地方
  • 思否从统一的地方下载并进行视频处理

志愿者征集(执行人:辛庆;如果招不够志愿者,则track chair 最好能自行解决自己track的志愿者;DDL:下周四)

  • (暂定:每4个报告1个志愿者)
  • 征收视频、上传视频
  • 翻译视频+配字幕
  • 其他。。。
  • 可得权益:证书/Apache周边 (Ted问Sally)

April 15th, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Wei Guo

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu, Wei Guo,Lidong Dai, Kezhen Xu, Yuren Zhou, Xiangdong, Juan Pan, Youqing, Gang Li


- ApacheCon Asia status update

  • Web and Online site:
    • SegmentFault has UI for the sponsors, and they will give the timeline for test.
    • Hoping for English register and Segmentfault for Chinese 
  • finSponsorship update: Ted
    • Confirmed sponsors: Tencent, Didi, Alibaba, Baidu
    • Contract signed: Huawei, Kyligence, API7,
  • ApacheCon Asia CFP promotio (deadline: May 3rd)
    • Current submissions by track
      • Community: 7
      • Big Data: 9
      • Observability: 5
      • Workflow / Data Governance: 7
      • API / Micro Service: 2
      • Culture:1
      • Messaing:2
      • Streaming: 3
      • IoT / IIoT: 2
      • Integration: 2
      • Middleware:1
      • Data Visulization:1
    • Action:
      • Change to a weekly meeting before CFP close.
      • Ask Track Chairs to join the next meeting.
      • Recommend the Keynoter and vote for it.
      • Ask each track chair to write some articles for the track, segment fault will publish it.
      • Write keynoter's article first for meeting branding.
      • Ask SegmentFault for the timeline for testing.
      • The host will make a notification at 19:00 pm before the next meeting and suggest everyone write the agenda before the meeting.

- Next meeting host: Xiangdong Huang

April 1st, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Yu Li

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu,  Zhenxu Ke,Wei Guo,Yu Li,Liang Zhang,Dianjing Wang,Gang Li,  Zheng Feng, Xiangdong Huang, Juan Pan,Lidong Dai,  Yu Xiao


- ApacheCon Asia status update

  • Sponsorship update: Ted
    • Confirmed sponsors: Huawei, Kyligence, API7, Tencent, Didi, Alibaba, Baidu
  • Keynote & Community Track discussion
    • Community track: 3 submissions, several on road
    • Keynote: 6 from sponsor, 2 inviting (Sharan Foga and Sheng Wu), totally 15 at most
  • ApacheCon Asia CFP promotion (deadline: May 3rd)
    • Current submissions by track
      • Observability: 4
      • Workflow / Data Governance: 2
      • API / Micro Service: 1
      • Big Data: 4
      • Streaming: 2
      • Integration: 1
      • Community: 3
      • IoT / IIoT: 1
    • Action:
      • Ask SegmentFault to start propagation
      • Track chairs need to start inviting speakers

- Next meeting host: Wei Guo

Mar 18th,  2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Willem Jiang

Attendees: Ted Liu,Zhenxu Ke,Jianshen Li,Wei Guo,Youqing han,Xin Wang,Yu Li, Juan Pan


 - ApacheCon Asia repo: 

 - Track info update by Mar 21, Session per track (4-12) 

 - ApacheCon Asia 会议宣传文章(3月24日 JianShen), Apache project website

 - ApacheCon prospectus

 - ApacheCon Asia media support after the meeting

Mar 4th,  2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Willem Jiang

Attendees: Ted Liu,Juan Pan,Willem Jiang,Zhenxu Ke,Xiangdong Huang,Ming Wen,Wei Guo,Juan Pan,Xin Wang,Yu Li


  - ApacheCon Asia  update

  - 直播平台选型, 下周四之前明确 赞助方式,价格

  - 翻译以志愿者方式进行,主要保证Keynotes

  - Sponsor plan explanation

  - Apache Con Website 

    Hbase conf:

    code :




Feb 18th,  2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host: Juan Pan

Attendees: Ted Liu, Yu Li, Juan Pan,Ning Jiang,Zhenxu Ke,Xiangdong Huang


  - ApacheCon Asia  update

  1. Subscribe
  2. The start time of CFP is undecided (Later)
  3. How to handle translation issue (Later) It is suggested to let speakers take charge of their respective talkings
  4. But 1. Slides are in English 2. Keynotes have translation
  5. Cost estimate
  6. Online conference Platform live broadcast (Social Account get some fans)

  - Discussion about the ApacheCon tracks and CFP

Observability (Sheng Wu)

Message Queue (Jia Zhai)

API / Microservice(Ming Wen)

IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang)

Big Data (Junping Du, Duo zhang)

Web Server/Tomcat (Huxing Zhang)

Middleware (Liang Zhang)

Stream/Flink (Yu Li)

Integration/Camel (Willem Jiang)

Incubator (Ming Wen, Juan Pan)

Community (Ted Liu)

Culture (Jiansheng Li)


Feb 4, 2021, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Sheng Wu

Attendees: Ted Liu, Yu Li, Juan Pan,Ning Jiang,Zhenxu Ke,Xiangdong Huang


    - ApacheCon Asia update

Follow the ASF board requirements, keep following ApacheCon Asia online only(not in person). Prepare tracks, need to adopt more English sessions.

Consider only requiring slides in English, but could provide more Chinese tracks(Chinese speakers). Only translate some talks.

ApacheCon Asia, Aug. 6th-8th.


Observability (Sheng Wu), Message Queue (Jia Zhai), API GateWay (Min Wen), IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang), Big Data (Junping Du),

Web Server/Tomcat ( ),  Middleware (Liang Zhang), Stream/Flink (Yu Li), Integration/Camel (Ning Jiang), incubator (Ming Wen),

Community (Ted Liu), Culture (Jiansheng Li)

Sponsor, Ted Liu, Ning Jiang(Huawei), Yu Li(Alibaba), Juan Pan(JD)?


Jan 21, 2021, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Zhenxu Ke

Note: Next bi-week host, Sheng Wu

Attendees: Zhenxu Ke, Juan Pan, Gang Li, Sheng Wu, Xiangdong Huang, Liang Zhang



  • Update status ApacheCon Asia preparation,the track status

          - Date:  April-August (Shenzhen), May/June/July (Beijing)

          - Track list and Chairs:  SkyWalking (Sheng Wu), Message Queue (Jia Zhai), API GateWay (Min Wen), IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang), Big Data (Junping Du), Web Server/Tomcat ( ),  Middleware (Liang Zhang), Stream/Flink (Yu Li), Integration/Camel (Ning Jiang), incubator ( ), Community ( ), Culture ( Jiansheng Li) etc..

          - Promotion / Operation: (Ning Jiang)

  • WeChat,Bilibili social account information

          - Bilibili 100 followers milestone.

          - Operational Plan:

            - Liang Zhang contacts Jinwei Qin to post some ALC Beijing articles on Zhihu (知乎)

            - Tighten up inter-community / inter-project cooperation 

Jan 7, 2021, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Xiangdong Huang

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Juan Pan, Gang Li, Zhenxu Ke, Xiangdong Huang.

Note: Next bi-week host, Zhenxu Ke



  1.  Update status of CHOASS Meetup Shanghai, ApacheCon Asia preparation,the track status
  2.  Summer 2020 student interview advocacy 
  3.  Translation project status update
  4.  WeChat public account articles


       1. ApacheCon Asia  2021 Plan: (shimo).

         -  Learn how to set tracks on previous ApacheCon.
            (Willem: Normally the conference date is confirmed in March.
             Sheng Wu: Any day after the previous conference is over.). 

        TODO List:

          - Date:  April (Shenzhen), May/June/July (Beijing)

          - Place: record to the government if in Beijing. Option: Shenzhen.  

          - Sponsor: e.g., ...

          - Track list and Chairs:  Skywalking (Sheng Wu), Message Queue ( ), API GateWay ( ), IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang), Big Data ( ), Web Server/Tomcat ( ),  MicroService ( ), Stream/Flink (Yu Li), Integration/Camel ( ), incubator ( ), Community ( ), Culture ( ) etc..

        - Hosting rights      

        - Money cost estimation: Meeting room, gifts, etc..  (Willem Jiang)

        - Tickets price: depends on the sponsor and money cost.

        - subtitles of videos recorded by foreign speakers.

     2. Summer 2020 student interview advocacy/ 4.WeChat public account articles

        - Write more articles about mentor guide and other topics.

     3. Translation project status update.

        -  Almost done. 

        - Need to consider how to attract more people.

       - Apache Official Chinese website. (Willem discuss with Craig). Or, publish the contents to the Webchat Public Account.

       - Considering, (free for open source projects)


December 17, 2020, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Willem Jiang

Attendees: Sheng Wu,  Jiansheng Li, Gang Li, Ted Liu, Juan Pan, Zhenxu Ke, Willem (Ning) Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Youqing Han, Wangxin, Zhangliang

Note: Next bi-week host, HuangXiangDong



  1. ALC Beijing Translation status update
  2. ALC Beijing annual meeting actions
    1. ALC Beijing 2020 work summary (工作总结)
    2. ALC Beijing 2021 road map (重点工作)
  3. ApacheCon Asia preparation
    1. Check if we can find enough Track Chair
    2. Sponsore

November 19, 2020, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Juan Pan

Note: Next bi-week host, Xiangdong Huang

Attendees: Sheng Wu,  Jiansheng Li, Gang Li, Ted Liu, Juan Pan, Zhenxu Ke, Willem (Ning) Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Youqing Han


  1. The  preparation for ALC Beijing Member annual party (6th Dec.)

         *  Post this activity news 

         * Attendees' list

         * Activity site (Gang Li )

         * Agenda (1. ALC Beijing governance)

         * Detail link 

    2.   ApacheCon 2021 

         *Prepare the ApacheCon Asia Proposal or not?

    3.  The Non-coding volunteers

        * Recruit volunteers or intern (Ted Liu )

        * Detail link

    4.  Apache IoTDB meetup support

       * Promotion work (Xiangdong Huang )

November 5, 2020, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758
Passcode: 857845

Host: Sheng Wu

Note : Next bi-week host, Juan Pan

Attendees: Sheng Wu,Jiansheng Li, Gang Li, Jiansheng Li, Juan Pan, Zhenxu Ke, Xiangdong Huang, Willem (Ning) Jiang


  1. Apache SkyWalking DevCon X ALC Beijing update
  2. ALC  Beijing Meetup & 2020 years party , 6. Dec (
  3. we need more volunteers


  1. 128 registered attendee(on site), 46 registered online SkyWalking DevCon.
  2. Design and buy roll up banner of the ALC. Send the requirements to Youqing Han. Try to catch up the SkyWalking DevCon timeline.
  3. Set up a ALC Beijing offset. Dec. 6th. (Sunday). Open the register page.
  4. Release note of ShardingSphere would be 2 weeks away.
  5. SkyWalking will have 2 blogs in these 2 months in English.

October 22, 2020, Thu

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 673 0428 1038
Passcode: 184608

Host: Ning(Willem) Jiang

Note : Next bi-week host Sheng Wu

Attendees: Gang Li, Jianshen Li,Juan Pan, Liang Zhang,  Dianjin Wang, Youqing Han


 0. Apache RoadShow - Updates (Ning Jiang will be the host the open source governance track  CosCon 1024)

 1.  SkyWalking  meetup updates

 2. Pulsar Asia Summit (Dianjin Wang will prepare some articles for ALC Beijing)

 3.  ApacheCon presentation meetup WeChat article (create an issue for the presentation publishing scheduler)

 4.  ALC Beijing Member annual party & December, (create an issue for the meeting up time and place)

   *  Arrangement, Sponsor 

   *  What did we do this year

   *  What are we going to do next year

October 8, 2020, Thu

Time: 22:00 Beijing/Asia Time 

Please confirm: 

and submit the discuss topic, and get Zoom address. 

Host: Jiansheng Li 

Attendees:Ted Liu . Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,Gang Li, Ted liu , zhengxu Ke, 

Note : Next bi-week host Sheng Wu


  0. Apache Roadshow - China (10/24-25) promotion

  1. ApacheCon@Home content spread 

  2. ALC Beijing  meetup  collect suggestion. 

  3. SkyWalking has an unopened plan about Beijing meetup/devcon. We should consider co-hosting this event with ALC Beijing.


 0、  ApacheCon@Home 

     a.  waiting for YouTube record ,and select some meaning topic 

     b.  create GitHub issue , alc beijing member need recommend and vote.

     c.  ShengWu suggested speaker write a article base his/her slide. the editor help.

     d. JianshengLi will contact speaker for help write article.

1、ALC Beijing  meetup 

   a、every mouth host one meetup 

   b、based Apache Project, one session  talking about apache way , culture 

   c、 December host : Apache DolphinScheduler  ?  tomorrow will reply(Gang li)

2、 Apache SkyWalking  、ALC Beijing  co-hosting  

   a、Next bi-weekly meeting Wu Sheng will give big picture.

3、 Apache Roadshow

  a、15~16   Apache Projects submitted proposal 

  b、Ted suggest members promote COSCon'20 & Apache Roadshow - China 

  c、 Jiansheng Li will collect topics  of submitted  , and write some articles.

4、 translate mission 
   a. we need more volunteers :

   b.  write an article , spread with other apache communities. (Jiansheng Li)

September 24, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 3524 2861

Passcode: 350005

Host: Willem (Ning) Jiang


Xiangdong Huang, Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,Liang Zhang,  Gang Li, Jia Zhai,Ted Liu,Jiansheng Li, Dianjin Wang,Juan Pan

Note : Next week host Jiansheng Li


  1. ApacheCon@home Chinese audience.  We can find more channels to send out the message. 
  2. We can write some new articles for ApacheCon@home mandarin by Segment Fault.
  3. Willem record Mandarin Track introduction. 
  4. Apache Project Trademark Policy. The translation task 

September 10, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 3524 2861

Passcode: 350005

(40 minutes limited)

Host: Jia Zhai


Xiangdong Huang, Ted Liu, Jia Zhai, Dianjin Wang, Zhenxu Ke, Willem Jiang, Gang li,  Youqing Han,  Zhang duo, Jianshen Li,Juan Pan

Note : Next week host Willem Jiang


  1. ApacheCon@home stats update.
    1. 中文 Track 信息
    2. 参会指南
  2. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow-China update.
    1. 讲师征集令
    2. CSDN 分会场 媒体渠道合作推广
  3. ApacheCon@home China track and Apache Roadshow China 二弹齐发,宣传文稿征集.


  1. ApacheCon@home stats update.
    • 需要页面英翻中: 推荐 bing、有道词典
      • 姜宁:开issue,讲师自己翻译自己的内容,拉群方便交流。
    • 张亮 实习生 负责翻译
  2. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow-China update.
    • 希望 ALC Beijing 踊跃报名
    • 接下来会有 社区合作召集
  3. ApacheCon@home China track and Apache Roadshow China 二弹齐发,宣传文稿征集.
    • 整体文章: 9个议题穿插 (待定)
    • 李健盛:New Apache Members from China, responsibilities and obligations
    • 把所有中文 track 一起重点宣传:
    • 其他宣传方式:
      • 小视频: 姜宁吴晟沟通组委会;李健盛 殿进 sf
      • 引流 微信群(ALC Beijing 粉丝),文章也会注意。
    • 鼓励国内各个 apache 项目的资源(微信群、公众号)一起帮忙推动。ALC Beijing 公众号 作为 Hub
      • Action 李健盛 王殿进
      • 姜宁:ALC Beijing Slack,创建 #channel: alc-beijing-media-operator
    • Hopin 注册有门槛
      • 参会指南中包含注册步骤
      • 微信群 可以支持用户注册
    • ApacheCon@home

August  27, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:


Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Jincheng Sun, Jiansheng Li, Sheng Wu, Gang Li, Youqing Han, Zhenxu Ke, Jia Zhai,Juan Pan


  1. ApacheCon@home media corporation
  2. ALC Beijing meetup sumeria 
  3. The Open Source Manual development status
  4. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow-China update

Note : Next week host Jia Zai

  1. ApacheCon宣传
    * segmentfualt会帮忙宣传,下次会议邀请加入 @姜宁 @建胜
    * 有一个负责运营的同学帮忙宣传;@Zhai Jia
    * 中文议题整理,放出去让大家知道,可以提前在线注册Apache在线系统,暂时没有转播系统。
    * ApacheCon国内用户,人数,时间,网速
    * 跟ApacheCon交流,直播、录像是否允许;如果允许直播效果如何;hopin同步转播B站,是否允许;(只转中文)
    * 可以在线直接注册免费票,连过去直接看,直接推广原链接;

      2. Open Source Manual项目的进度同步
           * Repo地址

           * 是否项目迁移至 ALC Beijing
           * 建议 单独建一个Org 承载 @吴晟 晟哥

       3. ALC Beijing 第一次线下Meetup反馈

1. 提前到现场准备
2. 签到环节
3. 话筒准备
4. 现场声音小
5. 主题穿插在技术主题里应该比单纯讲文化好一些 @张亮
6. 第二期 怎么讲 @吴晟,第一期群 问卷调查
7. Meetup活动频率
* 9月份宣传 ApacheCon @建盛
* 每个月一个策划人,排班表 @建盛
8. ALC 跟 开源社1024活动
9. 视频剪辑放上传B站

      4. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow China update

* 时间:9月26日讲师投稿,10月上旬
* 开源社 Apache Roadshow - China 2020
* 问卷网,讲师征集令
* 国外讲师,暂时无详细计划,以国内为主;建议请国外讲师准备视频

August  13, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(40 minutes limited)

Host:Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭)

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Jincheng Sun, Jiansheng Li, Sheng Wu, Gang Li, Youqing Han, Zhenxu Ke,Juan Pan


  1. 8.16 meetup status:  zoom b 站, we use Zoom video to send the live video to Bilibili。
    1.  提前约时间(时间待定: )模拟调试设备
    2. 海报调整(typo, qr_code) Done
  2. We got a new episode 0 of ALC Beijing Podcast posted. 

Note : Next week host YouqingHan

July  30, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time-limited)

Host:Ted Liu (刘天栋)

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Jincheng Sun, Jiansheng Li, Sheng Wu, Gang Li, Youqing Han, Zhenxu Ke, Juan Pan, Yu Li


1. First ALC Beijing offline meeting prep status update, and finalize the event date(s)

。ALC Beijing 在线会议(首秀)

ALC Beijing First Meetup: How difficult in the open source world?



。上海徐汇区田林路 192 号华鑫科技园 J 座微软加速器(待定)



。10 min.


。50 min.



(ASF 2020 新晋成员谈责任、付出和意义。可以当作圆桌问题或是下一次 Meetup 圆桌的主题)

。Q&A:10 min.


。40 min. Apache Flink 李钰(8/4 周二)

。40 min. Apache DolphinScheduler 李岗(8/4 周二)

。40 min. 待定?

Zoom capacity:吴晟(100)、黄向东 - 清华 Cernet?

宣传渠道:ASF Member 群以及 ASF(源自中国)项目群,开源社媒体组

宣传文章:建盛 - 下周一(8/3)



2. Apache 2020 Annual Report interpretation & call for ALC Beijing Member commentaries

。8/13 ALC Beijing meeting 之前- 李建盛


3. ApacheCon China track status update - Sheng Wu

。8 CFP submissions

。Time Zone: 4:30pm Beijing Time starts,max. 6 session/day or 2 days on 9/29-30

。Big Data, CloudStack, IoT, Observability, Streaming, Community

。General ticket applied to ApacheCon@China

4. ApacheCon@Home promotion in China by ALC-Beijing?

。Subject to next ALC Beijing meeting discussion


。下次 8/13 主席:Kezhenxu

July  16, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Yu Li (李钰)

Attendees: Willem Jiang (姜宁), Sheng Wu (吴晟), Ted Liu (刘天栋), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan (潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Gang Li (李岗), Youqing Han (韩柚清), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭)


July  16, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Yu Li (李钰)

Attendees: Willem Jiang (姜宁), Sheng Wu (吴晟), Ted Liu (刘天栋), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan (潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Gang Li (李岗), Youqing Han (韩柚清), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭)


  1. ALC Beijing online event discussion
  2. ApacheCon China track discussion


  1. Previous event follow-up
    1. The ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video is complete and uploaded to
    2. The "Trillions and Trillions Served" video has been translated and uploaded to
    3. The progress of ALC Beijing Podcast Episode 0 already recorded:
  2. The online event is under arrangement: 
    1. The first event targets at middle of August (Aug. 15/16)
    2. Jiansheng suggests to setup a Program Committee (current members: Jiansheng, Williem, Youqing, Ted, Xiangdong, Yu)
    3. Ted suggests to gather open source enthusiasts in different cities and make an online broadcast (share experience and interact online/offline)
    4. Yu suggests to arrange some "Apache into Chinese colleges" events in future
  3. ApacheCon China track discussion
    1. CFP started, keynote prepared (driven by Willem/Sheng)
    2. Deadline of CFP is end of next week
    3. CFP submission should include: Topic, Abstract, Speaker, Brief self-introduction
  4. Next host: Ted Liu (刘天栋)

July  2, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Willem Jiang(姜宁)

Attendees: Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟),  Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),  Gang Li (李岗) , Yu Li (李钰),  Rudy Steiner (王金)


  1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video. (Editing suggestion)
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Apache Documentary translation. (There are about half an hour script  which need to be updated)


    1. We can make two versions of video, one is the long version to merge the files together, the other is a short version in 3 mins.

    2. Online events,  Let's setup the schedule for the event.  出品人 李建盛策划。 Yu Li (李钰)We can ask help from the Flink China operation team.  

    3. Break down the translation task to three pics, then we can check the timeline of the script.

    4. ALC Beijing Podcast Episode 0 (What's the plan of ALC Beijing Podcast) July 11th  recording.

    5. Next host: Yu Li (李钰)

June  18, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Xiangdong Huang (黄向东)

Attendees:Willem Jiang(姜宁), Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟),  Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Youqing Han (韩柚清), Gang Li (李岗) , Lei Zhang (张磊),  Rudy Steiner (王金)


  1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video.
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Apache Documentory translation.


         1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video plan:

         2. Event, 促进国内企业更规范地使用Apache 开源项目。( used Apache Skywalking but not mentioned about Apache Skywalking and Apache License 2.0. The company fixed the issue quickly after the Skywalking committee notified the company.).

         2.1  Write an article to help Chinese companies know how to use Open Source Software correctly.
                是否以此写文普及使用开源软件的注意事项等内容。(是否有第三方媒体愿意写 ,LiJiansheng)

         2.2 Jiansheng 开源之道‘s blog will invite some lawyers and discuss the above issue. 

         3.  Welcome a new contributor, Rudy Steiner, who likes to translate English articles. 

         4  ALC Beijing online event discussion 

         4.1. Who is responsible for the online event discussion: 

         4.2  Which projects want to introduce themself: (the first event) Willem Jiang

                 -  参考对象:软件所点亮计划,每周一次 

                 -  Send an invitation to the Apache communities to record their project introduction video first. (Willem Jiang)

                 - maybe APISIX be the first(Willem Jiang, Wen Ming)

         4.3 how to advertise online events:  

         5. next host: Willem Jiang.

June  4, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Gang Li (李岗)

Attendees:Willem Jiang(姜宁),Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕),Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),Hongtao Gao(高洪涛)


  1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video.
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Open Source Manual eBook information. 


      1.ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video.
        There will be a demo about the content of the introduction video,The recording duration is about one minute.
        Every ALC Beijing member need prepare the introduction video,need provide the recorded video in two weeks.
        Let's pay attention to the issue

      2.ALC Beijing online event discussion.
        Send an invitation to the Apache communities to record their project introduction video first.
        After receiving feedback, we can schedule each community introduction
        The project introduction video recorded by the community can be uploaded to the bilibili and tencent video.

        Let's keep running brainstorm here

     3.Open Source Manual eBook discussion.
        The outline still needs to be adjusted,We can disussion about the table of content here
        Need to reconsider the final purpose of the ebook,consider the ebook for publication or as a tool manual.

May  21, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Willem Jiang(姜宁)

Attendees:Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Zhangliang,  Jeff Zhang (章剑锋), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭),Gang Li (李岗),  Jincheng Sun( 孙金城 ),Juan Pan(潘娟), Ted Liu (刘天栋)


  1. ALC Beijing WeChat public account article.
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Open Source Manual eBook information. 


     1. We could let our ALC Beijing member Introduce the Apache projects which he involves.

     2. There are some new ideas about hosting ALC Beijing online events.

        Ted suggested we could run a weekly webinar (about 30 mins) with related topics ,and Jeff suggested a topic of how to producing the Open Source.  

        Let's keep running brainstorm here

     3. Introduced the Open Source Manual

      The ebook github repo,  the repo will be transferred to alc-beijing group shortly.

       We can disussion about the table of content here

       Willem will write an article to ask help from community.

May  7, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

Zoom account login required

(no time limited)

Host:Sheng Wu

Attendees:  Willem Jiang(姜宁),LiJiansheng (适兕), Swapnil M Mane, Hongtao Gao, Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭),Gang Li (李岗),  Jincheng Sun( 孙金城 ), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Yu Li (李钰)


  1. and articles writing work flow. (sync )
  2. Share the information about volunteers and we need to make a task list for them
  3. ALC  Beijing podcast site hosted issue. (maybe still need sponsor.)
  4. ALC Beijing first online event kickoff. 


  1. Automatic process of ALC Beijing website has been set up. New article should be added through the pull request, and pages are refreshed through the GitHub Action.
  2. Two students have applied to be the volunteers as the ALC Beijing WeChat account editor. We don't have enough tasks for now.
  3. Summer2020 is good chance to invite more people taking part in the ALC Beijing and understanding the Apache culture.
  4. China internal account requires personal phone number or a China entity. We are not willing to open personal information. Willem Jiang is going to pay the first month by himself. We could find out the sponsor solution in this month.
  5. Should begin the SharidngSphere podcast preparation. Start with sending the invitation mail to the dev mail list.   There are some links about the Chaoss Podcast:
  6. Setup issue, github project to track the podcast process and posted links. 
  7. SkyWalking podcast link,
  8. QA event is a good start option.
  9. We can discuss the online event here. 《ALC 在线会议》

April  23, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail: (no time limited)

Host:Juan Pan(潘娟)

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁),  LiJiansheng (适兕), Gang Li (李岗), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),

Juan Pan(潘娟),  Sheng Wu (吴晟), Hongtao Gao(高洪涛)


  1. ALC Beijing public account article status update, we got 5 articles in these two week.
  2. ALC github team repo and github page.
  3. ALC Beijing Podcast status update:
    1. episode 1: 
    2. episode 2 : Inivte ShardingShphere project for share a good story.


  1. There were 5 articles posted and 2 articles published on ALC-Beijing public account during this week.
  2. Zhenxu Ke took charge of [Issue]( to build alc-beijing site through Hugo. 
  3. Episode 1 of the podcast serials will be online next week, and episode 2 will invite Apache ShardingSphere community to share their incubator journey.
  4. A discussion of creating WeChat group for audiences and team member is underway, not decided.

April  9, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail: (no time limited)

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁),  LiJiansheng (适兕), Ted Liu(刘天栋), Gang Li (李岗), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),

Juan Pan(潘娟), Liang Zhang (张亮), Yu Li(李钰), Sheng Wu (吴晟), Swapnil M Mane


  1. ALC Beijing Member introduction article. (if you will not write , maybe can choose interview)
  2. ALC Podcast update and sponsor request.
  3. ALC  Beijing WeChat public need more editors. (Call for help)


  1.   Trista asked a question about share JD internal video through ALC Beijing Public Account. 
  2.   Ted Apache China Roadshow No update
  3.   ALC Beijing member will update to ALC Beijing  personal interview 
  4.   Huawei、kaiyuanshe、SkyWalking , can help for Podcast host. but we should try to reach the Chinese audience. produce episode first.  The money is not the issue, we just need to evaluate the meaning. 
  5.   talking about ALC Beijing wechat public account content . Sheng Wu Ted Liu Swapnil Mane give  a lot of good suggestions. But we didn't have chance discuss about volunteers for publisher or editor.  We can address this issue in the next meet. There is an argument about whether we should prioritize contents or editors due to ALC Beijing has limited resources(man power and time perspective).
  6. Another topic is about which kinds of contents/materials should be posted in our account.

March 26, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁),Gang Li (李岗), Sheng Wu(吴晟),Jeff Zhang (章剑锋), Ted Liu (刘天栋), Swapnil M Mane,

 LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Jincheng Sun ( 孙金城), Liang Zhang (张亮),

Aditya Sharma, Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭), Yu Li (李钰)


 1. Update the wechat account status information about  ALC-Beijing

2. Ask help from Apache projects to post articles

3. Show the POC case of ALC website, and ask feedback and help

4. 2020 Apache China Roadshow (co-located with COSCon'2020)

。Date: Oct. 24-25 Sat.-Sun. (tentative)

。City: Chengdu, Hangzhou & others?

5. ALC Site, structure, and contribution process.


  1. We are looking for volunteers to share the Apache project news and experience with ASF with Local community through blog post or Podcast.
  2.  We could make a logo wall with Apache projects that our ALC members contribute to attract more apache project users.
  3. Swapnil shared the POC of ALC website and how to add content to it, we need to find volunteer with UI experience to create a theme for ALC.
  4.  Ted shared the information about Apache China RoadShow
  5.  Lijiansheng shared the Proposal of ALC-Beijing Podcast. We need to set up a procedure to make the Podcast, please give some feedbacks to the proposal 

March 12, 2020

Time:  9:30 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁), Swapnil M Mane, Aditya Sharma, Gang Li (李岗), 

Sheng Wu(吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Jincheng Sun ( 孙金城)


  1. We need to quote some words for ALC-Beijing in the Chinese article, please feel free to add your comments

  2. There are some online events which could help us spread the word of ALC-Beijing, we can make a list of them.  

  3. The status of Logo of ALC and WebSite。

  4. ALC-Beijing WeChat Public account logo,and discuss publishing some article about Apache.

This logo is just for ALC-Beijing Wechat account temporary usage, once we have the official logo, we will replace the on 


  1.  Shen Wu suggested We need to find a way to host the articles in GitHub for the corporation
  2.  For the online event slides, Swapnil suggested we need to share the slides with the ALC community and get some feedback and approval.
  3.  For the WebSite, we may need to wait for a while, but in the meantime, we could discuss some technical details and find a web designer to work with us.
  4.  For the Chinese article, Juan Pan made a good suggestion, we need to add a section about how to join the ALC-Beijing.

March 5th, 2020

Time:  9:30 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁), Swapnil M Mane, Aditya Sharma,  Sheng Wu(吴晟),

LiJiansheng (适兕), Gang Li (李岗), Juan Pan(潘娟), Jia Zhai (翟佳)


   1.  Introduce yourself (We have some new guest to join) 

   2. We have a WeChat public account “ALC-Beijing”, let's talk about the Chinese article to introduce ALC-Beijing.  Please feel free to add your story or comments on this page.

   3. Creating a Logo of ALC-Beijing.

   4. Do we need to have a weekly meeting?


    1. Start the Discussion of  the website of ALC in the dev mailing list.

       We prefer to use git to manage the content of website,  in this way others can edit the content by sending PR for it.

        We can post blogs into the website and then publish the content to "ALC-Beijing" WeChat public account.

    2. For the ALC-Beijing introduction article, we can take the ALC wiki page as reference.  

    3. ALC already start the process of creating logo of ALC, we just need to follow the discussion of the mailing list.

         We may need to create a wiki page for tracking the status of LOGO design.

    4. It's OK to hold the bi-weekly meeting, every one are encourage to use mailing list or slack channel to start discussion.

    5. For holding the online event, we need to make a proposal of speakers and contents first, then we start a discussion in the dev@community.a.o . If we get approve from dev@community.a.o, we can proceed our online meetup plan.


February 27th, 2020

Time:  9:30 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail :
New meeting link -

Attendees: Willem Jiang (姜宁),  Sheng Wu(吴晟), Swapnil M Mane, LiJiansheng (适兕),

Jincheng Sun (孙金城),Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Aditya Sharma, Jeff Zhang


  1. Introduce yourself to the team
  2. Discuss how to introduce a new member to the ALC Chapter
    1. Prepare the draft based on the discussion and share it with ComDev ( for review.
  3. Plan about the coming up meetup
  4. Write some Chinese Articles to introduce ASF and Apache Way.
  5. Potential cooperation opportunities between the projects, especially incubating projects


  1. Nominate the member (private mail discussion first), Swapnil is planning to write some proposal about it this weekend and will share it with ComDev.
  2. Coming up events:  Online meetup, Podcast,  Webinar, Blogs (We need to prepare the announcement of ALC Beijing, writing a blog post for it)
  3. Online meetup problems: 
    1. Which platform can support that?
    2. What content that we want to share with audiences?
    3.  Here are the topics for the events Resources 

Meeting bi-weekly Thursday at 10:00 pm Beijing Time.

Janary 06, 2022, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Wang Dianjin

Next Meeting Host :



  1. Progress of annual report 
  2. ApacheCon Asia 2022 host time
  3. ALC Beijing Member mailing list

December 23, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Zhang Yonglun

Next Meeting Host :Wang Dianjin

Attendants: Ted Liu, Jiang Ning, Wu Sheng, Pan Juan, Dai Lidong, Li Gang, Wang Dianjin, Ke Zhenxu, Tan Zhongyi, Xiao Yu, Zhang Yonglun


1. Progress of annual report details ( (Finish before 12.26)
2. Mentors guide the development of ALC Shenzhen Chapter.
3. There will be no further actions on Log4j.
4. Information about JD's open source technology events.

December 9th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Xiao Yu

Next Meeting Host :Zhang Yonglun

Attendants: Jiangning,Ted, Wu Sheng , Wei Guo, Kezhenxu, TanZhongYi, Yu Li, Huang Xiangdong, Pan Juan, Wang dianjing,  Li gang,  Xiao yu, Zhang yonglun


     1. Discussion of annual report details(
         1.1 Statistics meet up, ApacheCon, Summer 2021, Blog, Public, Podcast
         1.2 incubated projects (5), commercialized projects (5), apache member, ipmc member, apache committer 
         1.3 Graphic version/article, annual report
         1.4 Report title changed to Apache Success in China 2021  
    2. ALC beijing Gatherings (
        2.1 Gatherings content
           a.New summer 2021 student internship
           b.New IoTDB Meetup
       2.2 Venue (2F, Building 4, Shuangqing Building)
       2.3 Event Recording

November 25th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Wei Guo

Next Meeting Host :Xiao Yu

Attendants: Wei Guo, Wu Sheng, Jiangning, jiang bo, Kezhenxu, xiao yu, TanZhongYi, Yu Li, DaiLidong, Huang Xiangdong, Xu Yin


  1. ALC Beijing Plan 2022
    1. Choose the right time for ApacheConAsia except for Weekend and holidays 
    2. Define the framework of the asset, such as project governance, community governance, compliance. Build Success at Apache in China. 
    3. Apache project contributes one article and one podcast. ALC Beijing will give a plan.
    4. Edit the annual e-report and one picture chart of ALC  (Ted Liu, Yu Li)
  2. Member meeting for ASF
  3. Gathering in Dec ,12 14:00 in TsingHua

November 11th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Sheng Wu

Next Meeting Host :Wei Guo

Attendants: Willem Jiang,XiangDong Huang, Zhengxu Ke, Wei Guo,  Bo Jiang, Ted liu, Dianjin Wang,Juan Pan, Liang Cheng, Zhongyi Tan, Yonglun Zhang


  1. Meetup of 11-13. 100 in person meetup at Beijing, hosted by ShardingSphere community.
  2. Media content support of ALC Beijing WeChat Public Account 

October 28th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Willem Jiang

Next Meeting Host : Shen Wu

Attendants: Ted Liu,  Shen Wu, Yu Xiao, Xiangdong Huang, Wei Guo, Juan Pan,Jerry Tan, Lidong Dai,Youqin Han


  1. Plan to postpone 10-31 meetup of ALC Beijing

October 14th,  2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Willem Jiang

Attendants: Ted Liu,  Shen Wu, Yu Xiao,  YongLun Zhang, Wei Guo, Juan Pan, Yuanshen Wang, Zhenxu Ke, Yu Li, Jerry Tan, Lidong Dai, Dianjin Wang


  1. 10-31 meetup in Beijing
    1. Apache project introduction track

September 23rd, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:Ted Liu


Ted Liu,  Willem Jiang, Shen Wu, Yu Xiao, Xiangdong Huang, YongLun Zhang, Wei Guo. Juan Pan, Liang Chen,  Yuanshen Wang, Mark Shen,Zhenxu Ke, Yu Li, Jerry Tan, Lidong Dai, Dianjin Wang, Yin Xu


  1. 10-31 meetup in Beijing
    • decided to move forward to hold the meeting on Oct. 31st leveraging COSCon'21's Bejing venue
      • ALC Beijing core team planning meeting (20 pax)
      • ALC Beijing meetup track 1 (100 pax)
      • ALC Beijing meetup track 2 (100 pax)
  2. Status of ALC Shenzhen application
    • pending ComDev general mail list discussion and then ComDev PMC discussion 
    • ALC Shenzhen or GBA (Great Bay Area) plans to hold a meeting in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • Apache RocketMQ plans to hold a meetup in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • Apache EventMesh plans to hold a meetup in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • Apache InLong (incubating) plans to hold a community development planning meeting in Shenzhen on Oct. 30 leveraging COSCon'21's Shenzhen venue
    • more details here:
  3. Call-to-action:
    • Apache project community who wishes to present at the Meetup, need to fill out the form here:
    • To reserve and secure Beijing venue COSCon'21 Beijing venue producer, Bobo Jiang.

September 9th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:



Jerry Tan (谭中意)、Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Dianjin Wang, Juan Pan, Yu Li, Henry,冯征, xiangdong huang,肖宇,张永伦,kezhenxu,Ming Wen,陈亮,gosonzhang,shengwu吴晟,陈广胜,王欣、YouQing,杜恒,刘勋


  1. ASF annual report (all attendants discuss.) 

            * input and out 

            * who is sponsor 

  1. Apache doris graduation close door discussion. 

            * call of alc beijing member go to baidu, to know more details about project.

  1. ALC_大湾区 proposal (ASF ALC policy, ALC_beijing operation experience)。

          * need a leader 

          *  prepare proposal for ALC ShenZhen.

          * more detail discuss in the mail-list. 

  1. the meetup of Sept 17th  discussion

           * meet on venue. 11:00~ 12:30 and lunchtime.

August 26th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host: Jesse Zhou


1、ApacheCon Asia 2021 Summary

2、ALC Beijing Community Survey

Domestic surveys in China on the relationship between open source communities and open source developers and the motivation of participation are very scarce, and our research study hopes to fill this gap.

Based on the survey results, we also hope to better promote the development of open source communities, which can better meet the needs of contributors on the one hand, and provide a guide for community development on the other hand, which can better regulate the relationship between communities and developers and attract more contributors to participate.

August 5th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:

Host:  Jesse Zhou

Attendants:Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Zhongyi Tan, Yu Li, Bo Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Xun, Gang Li, JianSheng, Xian Zhe, Chen Liang, Xiangdong Huang, Li Dong Dai, Jesse Zhou, Juan Pan, Cynthia Xin

1、Track Chairs send e-mails to invite speakers to go online live interacting with the audience

2、Collect the address information of speakers for receiving gift

3、Ask hosts to test the network environment for ApacheCon live(Better find two hosts in case of accidents)

July 29th, 2021, Thursday

Time:10:00PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting:


Next Host: Jesse Zhou

Attendants:Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Zhongyi Tan, Yu Li, Bo Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Junpin Du,  JianSheng, Xian Zhe, Yin Yu, Xiangdong Huang, Li Dong Dai, Jesse Zhou, Juan Pan, Cynthia Xin,Shen Wu, Ruofei


1.confirm the list of the title of track chairs for warm-up video

1 姜波   SegmentFault 思否开发者社区 COO

2 吴晟  男 Apache 首位中国董事, Apache SkyWalking 创始人件兼  VP, 创始工程师

3 谭中意 男  开源技术深度爱好者, Keynote track chair

4 代立冬 男 Apache DolphinScheduler PMC 成员 & 前易观大数据平台总监

5 王殿进 男 StreamNative 社区负责人

6 郭炜 男 Apache DolphinScheduler 项目负责人 & 前易观 CTO

7 李钰 男 Apache Flink 社区 PMC 成员

8 潘娟 女 Apache ShardingSphere PMC 成员

9 堵俊平 男 华为计算产品线副总裁、云与计算开源业务(OSDT)总经理

10 张乎兴 男 阿里云技术专家

11 姜宁 男 Apache软件基金会员, ALC Beijing发起人,华为技术专家

2.ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:

a.Track Chair provide welcome video

b.Rehearsals of ApacheCon Asia in Hopin (this weekend)

3.Keynote speaker status

a.all keynotes are collected

b.all keynotes are translated by volunteers, and they should be done by the end of the months

4. Interaction in  the hopin

a.Introduce the procedure of ApacheCon Asia 2021 session

b.Track chairs need to oversee the whole session

c.ask speakers to interact with the audience during session with Chat

5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

July 22nd, 2021, Thursday

Time: 10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting

Host: Wei Guo

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, Zhongyi Tan, Yu Li, Bo Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Xun,  Gang Li, JianSheng, Xian Zhe, Chen Liang, Xiangdong Huang, Li Dong Dai, Yuren Zhou, Liang Zhang, Cynthia Xin,


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Hopin speaker inivitation,most  speakers registered
    2. Register 872
    3. Track Chair provide welcome video
    4. Rehearsals of ApacheCon Asia in Hopin 
  2. Keynote speaker status
    a. jiangning, xiangdong and xiangdong's and professor. 
    b. Need plan B for Hong's session e.g. Round table session. --Zhong Yi Tan
  3. Collect the presentation video 
    a. Need to handle the video of beginning and ending part---ALL Track Chair (deadline 8.2)
    b. Collect the presentation video  ---ALL Track Chair (deadline 7.30)
    c.  Introduction video of  Track Chair ---ALL Track Chair (deadline 7.25)
  4. PR of ApacheCon Asia need to be follow up
  5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

July 15th, 2021, Thursday

Time: 10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Meeting

Host:Yu Li

Attendees: Bo Jiang, Che Xian, Cynthia Xin, Dianjin Wang, Duo Zhang, Jiansheng Li, Juan Pan, Junping Du, Lidong Dai, Rui, Sheng Wu, Ted Liu, Wei Guo, Willem Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Zhongyi Tan 

Next week host: Wei Guo


  1. Asia 2021 Infra status:
    • Hopin speaker invitation/registration status
      • Still 20+ not registered, need to get the list and track chair need to follow up.
    • Overall registration status
      • 616 now, targeting at 1000 (or more).
    • Session video recording status:
      • Track chairs need to track the status and help verify the quality of the video, and update the this form:
      • Some tracks have already sent email to speakers for reminding video submission, others need to follow up with the template.
    • Volunteer gathering and training status: volunteers already gathered, the training will start this Friday (7.16) evening.
  2. Keynote speaker invitation status
    • Need each track chair to cooperate on making the opening video, by end of this Sunday (7.18).
    • Video should be uploaded to network disk and send link to 殿进.
  3. Keynote session recording status
    • Already got 2 recordings, need to catch up.
  4. ApacheCon Asia PR status
    • Many PR articles have been published, and more coming (better publish by ALC Beijing).
    • Better to complete track PRs before end of next Sunday (7.25).
  5. Status of gift for Chinese speakers and volunteers
    • T-shirt style already confirmed (by voting), need to collect size and other information from speakers / volunteers.
    • More gifts are under discussion (e.g. online interactions / QA).
  6. Need to update the Asia schedule on Hopin (discussion / reply required in ApacheCon mailing list)

July 8th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Dianjing Wang

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Lidong Dai, Ted Liu, Trista Pan, Che Xian, Dianjin Wang, Yuren Zhou, Cynthia Xin, Rui, Yu Li.

ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
- Hopin;
1. speaker inivitation, 60+ speakers don't registerd
* Send confirmation email to every speaker by track chair.
2. Register 418, 200 invitation , we need to introduce hopin link more
* Promote this event in WeChat Official accounts, WeChat Groups
* Speaker Poster: will provide an online tool to generate speaker poster automatically
* Speaker info data preparation @volunteer students, July 12th
* DDL: Next Friday, July 16th
* English / Chinese version
3. Track the recorded session
* Template provide by Yin Xu
* DDL: July 25th
4. Keynote speaker invitation status, 2 keynotes need to be updated
* Keynote session update
* Openning by Sheng Wu
* 11 confirmed.
5. PR of ApacheCon Asia = video of Track Chairs
* Video template of ApacheCon Asia @Dianjin Wang
* own tracks' introductions videos.
6. Booth of Sponsors in Hopin
7. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer
* Sponsor: API7
* New Sponsor: about 5K$ by Huawei

July 1st, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:LiDong Dai

Attendees: Ted Liu,Wei Guo, Youqing,  Dianjin Wang,  Bo Jiang, Juan Pan,  Willem Jiang, Wen Ming, Xiangdong Huang,Cynthia Xin,  Ovilia Zhang,Tan Zhong Yi

Next week host:Dianjing Wang


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Hopin speaker inivitation, 80+ speakers don't registerd
    2. Register 200 + 200 , we need to introduce hopin link more
    3. Track the recorded session
  2. Keynote speaker invitation status
  3. Keynote session information collection  online , Abraction, Profile
  4. Keynote time (ApacheCon at Home 15 mins)? Pannel disussion
  5. PR of ApacheCon Asia =  video of Track Chair
  6. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

June 24th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Willem Jiang,

Attendees: Ted Liu,Wei Guo, Youqing,  Dianjin Wang, LiDong Dai,  Yu Li,  Yuan Liu, Juan Pan,  Wen Ming, Xiangdong Huang,Cynthia Xin,  Ovilia Zhang,Tan Zhong Yi,Yin Xu

Next week host: LiDong Dai


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Hopin speaker inivitation, 100 speakers don't registerd
    2. Track chair need to send out the meeting information,  July 25th regular session deadline
  2. TODO Keynote session online , Abraction, Profile
  3. PR of ApacheCon Asia =  video of Track Chairs
  4. Keynote speaker invitation status (Backup panel discussion)
  5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

June 17th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Ovilia Zhang,

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, jiangbo,  Youqing,  LIDong Dai,  Yu Li,  Yuan Liu, Juan Pan,   Tan Zhong Yi


  1. ApacheCon Asia 2021 Infra status:
    1. Speaker introductions are online, please double check it
      1. Track chair: ask speakers to double-check; add speech of yourself
    2. Hopin speaker invitation
      1. Track chair: ask speakers and community to register
      2. Ovilia: Invitation generator
    3. Speaker information collection : 30 more to register
    4. Keynote Speaker information collection TODO
  2. The work that track chair need to do.
    1. Write track introduction article
    2. Connect with the speakers, (we need to create a template with important information)
    3. Collect the session video
    4. Host sessions
  3. PR of ApacheCon Asia
    1. General article
    2. Post for ApacheCon and speaker
      1. Track chair who is interested in this can contact Jiangbo
  4. Keynote speaker invitation status 
  5. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer 《ApacheCon Asia 志愿者需求》

June 10th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:Wei Guo

Attendees:Willem Jiang, Wei Guo, jiangbo, Zhongyi Tan, Youqing,  Dianjin Wang, Ted Liu, Juan Pan, XIanche, Zhang Duo, Sheng Wu, Wen Ming, Xiangdong Huang,Cynthia Xin, Li Gang, Ovilia Zhang,.


  1. Created the form for collect information about the Chinese speaker, and invite into WeChat group(end-date before 6.15). link:
  2. Slack channel for ApacheCon Asia speaker (Send out notification), the link will be sent the e-mail list.  The Chair must join slack channel: #acasia2021. 
  3. KV design, template of slides finished as the attachment.
  4. PR of ApacheCon Asia  (setup deadline. The article is and  Chinese version(bobo.  And the first choice is Huodongxing to Hoping?
  5. Track chair : Speaker information collection, Session video collection (7.15 dead-line)
  6. Session Recording Guide should be online. (JiangNing)
  7. Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021    1. Apache at Asia ,2. Apache ❤️ Asia , 3. Let's Grow the Community Together.  10 people voted 3, 5 people voted 2.  'Let's Grow the Community Together' will be the Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021.
  8. Keynote speaker invitation status .
    a. invite OSI Board Director or Officer
       Eclipse Foundation(optional)
  9. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer: 
     Needs a sponsor(ask for 微众银行, Huawei, Tencent). T-shirt KV+Slogan design (BoBo), Cynthia will help for the delivery.

Next meeting Host: XianCe

PPT template:

Marketing Plan. Notice the job on 6.15. 

Slogan voting record:


李建盛在郵件里投了 3

June  3rd, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Willem Jiang

Attendees:Ted Liu, Cynthia Xin, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Bo jiang,Ovilia Zhang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Sheng Wu, XiangDong Huang, Lidong Dai, Zhongyi Tan,
Next Host: Wei Guo


  1. Session schedule published
  2. Registration link Chinese,  Hopin
  3. PR of ApacheCon Asia ,  Preparing the post  and article for the ApacheCon Asia, we need the speaker provide their information.  
  4. Session Recording Guide  (Create online form for it) 设置表单,收集照片,录像指南, 信息存储在一个地方。@bobo 提供主视觉设计稿
  5. Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021    Apache at Asia or Apache ❤️ Asia
  6. Keynote speaker invitation status :  – Planners mailing list start the discussion talk about the keynote speaker
  7. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer: @Cynthia with gift design and T shirt, Ted Liu follow up the gift money 

May  27th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Zhongyi Tan

Attendees:Ted Liu, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Ovilia Zhang, Juan Pan, Willem Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Sheng Wu, XiangDong Huang, Lidong Dai, Zhongyi Tan
Next Host: Willem Jiang


  1. Track Chair Session schedule
  2. General session confirmation
  3. Session Abstract translation  50%
  4. PR of ApacheCon Asia
  5. Slogan of ApacheCon Asia 2021
  6. Keynote speaker invitation
  7. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer

1. Track Chair Session schedule/ done
2. 5个general issue: 1 fail ;2和3 转到integration track; 4 转到中间件track ;5 转到incubator track
3. session 翻译进度:大数据track 翻译, 3人各负责1/3, deadline是本周;@温铭 , 还有4篇,deadline是本周
4. PR进度: 请各个track chair完成讲师的信息搜集,deadline是6月10日,模版是 ; slogon和视觉风格,请@波波给出几个选项,用来做选择
5. Keynote speaker invitation: 还差4个席位,请在邮件组中继续讨论
6. The Gift of Chinese Speaker and Volunteer: tracker chair搞定各自的志愿者,由专人统一培训和管理,该人同时负责gift方案。 Ted Liu @姜宁 请跟apachecon官方沟通相关费用

ApacheCon Asia 宣传规划:

ApacheCon Asia 关键时间点:

ApacheCon 议题追踪:

May  20th, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Junping Du

Attendees: Ted Liu, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Ovilia Zhang, Juan Pan, Willem Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Sheng Wu, Yuren Zhou, Cynthia Xin, Ming, Lidong Dai, Zhongyi Tan
Next Host: Zhongyi Tan


1. 当前Track Chair已经评审出接受的session,需要跟进一下确认
2. 各Track Chair需要加到相关的邮件列表里,明天姜宁Track群中发消息,各位自查一下,并在群里confirm。
3. 标题及Abstract的翻译工作需要各Track Chair快速推进,大数据等大的track需要分工合作,有访问google doc困难的,可向姜宁求助
4. 相关的赞助协议跟进,华为已于4月底完成付款,其他由Ted继续跟踪
5. Culture 和 Community Track合并之后,Session内容比较多,请建盛与Ted 求助,一同完成翻译工作。
6. 赞助商Logo及视频的需要明确厂商内容,请波波重视,Virtual Booth因技术原因仅对英语受众开放
7. 会议的在线志愿者招募进度相对缓慢,需要新思路来应对。
8. 下次会议一周后举行,由谭中意主持。
9. 为保证与会人员的出勤率与参与度,Track Chair(以及其他会议工作人员)在会议举办前无故缺席(因故需事前请假),将被要求发红包来鼓励其他人的参与。

May  13rd, 2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Dianjin Wang

Attendees: Ted Liu, Junping Du, Duo Zhang, Lidong Dai, Jiansheng Li, Ovilia Zhang, Juan Pan, Willem Jiang, Dianjin Wang, Weiguo, Yu Li, Sheng Wu, Yuren Zhou, Zhenxu Ke, Cynthia Xin, Ming, Yu Xiao, Yonglun Zhang
Ask for leave: Liang Zhang, Bo Jiang, Huxing Zhang
Next Host: Junping Du


  • ApacheCon Asia status update (待解决问题)


    1. Keynote
    - 演讲议题全部确认
    - 议题详情跟进确认(标题、简介等资料),方便后续推广
    - 英文演讲:中文字幕翻译,后续需跟进演讲视频提交

    2. 演讲议题
    - 各 Track Chair 于 5月14日尽快完成打分、确定 Track 议题
    - 打分建议:>=10 代表通过,<10 分代表不通过
    - 如果本 Track 议题数量较满,更合适其他 Track,可群里同步姜宁/吴晟进行 Track 分类修改,05/14 日完成
    - 普通 Track 数量:可控制在 6~12 个左右
    - 最终演讲议题时间安排,Track Chari 需前往 Google Docs(吴晟后续提供)自行占位,先到先到
    - 如果 Track 存在中英文混排情况,Track Chair 负责对标题与简介进行统一、提供最终内容
    - Track Chari 选择所在 Track 2~3 篇优质议题资料,同步 江波 协助推广宣传

    3. 圆桌论坛:
    - 计划在大会第2、3天各安排中文、英文一场,待敲定主题、嘉宾

    4. 网站
    - Hopin 提前开始测试 - 05/16 晚测试 - Dianjin, Willem Jiang(cc Bo Jiang)
    - 网站议题更新 - Willem Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Dianjin, Juping’s team member(?)
    - 中文活动注册 - 活动行,创建 ALC 北京帐号,Dianjin 支持

    5. 赞助商
    - 寻找礼品赞助商,敲定方案 - Cynthia Xin
    - 与基金会沟通礼品经费,海外讲师暂不邮寄周边礼品,以感谢函代替

April 29th, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Lidong Dai

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu,Wei Guo,Lidong Dai,Bo Jiang,Dianjin Wang,Kezhen Xu,Ming wen,Cynthia Xin,Youqing,Gang Li,Yuren Zhou,Yu Xiao

Ask For Leave: Juan Pan

Next Host:  Dianjin Wang


ApacheCon Asia status update


1、Track Co-Chair 更新

  • 合并 Culture 到 Community Track

2、Keynote 邀请情况讨论

3、目前各 Track 的投稿状态





1、市场营销费用 TODO 波波

2、虚拟展位在hopin中如何设置; TODO 波波、吴晟

3、赞助商应提供什么材料;TODO 波波

4、志愿者礼品:提供礼品预算 TODO 辛庆

5、需要确认hopin是否能播放一个数小时的大视频,并在聊天室内进行提问环节 TODO 姜宁

April 22th, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Xiangdong Huang

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu, Wei Guo,Lidong Dai, Kezhen Xu, Yuren Zhou, Xiangdong, Juan Pan, Youqing, Gang Li, Yu Li


- ApacheCon Asia status update


  • 虚拟展位在hopin中如何设置;
  • 国内是否应完全follow国外的展示方式或自由发挥;
  • Logo如何展示(目前设计见石墨文档的图);
  • 赞助商应提供什么材料;
  • 去问ASF 或者调研Hopin,并反馈给赞助商 控制下国内厂商的预期,例如目前仅考虑了 Logo的露出+导流二维码)。
  • 对于虚拟展台的在线页面(Office hour?),思否安排出开发计划
  • 备注:厂商比较关心曝光量等(尽量按照赞助邀请方案来落实)
  • 方案二:
  • 对于国际版本,完全follow国外的,他们要求什么就是什么
  • 对于国内版本,思否将现有的原型展示给赞助商看(ddl:);赞助商反馈意见(ddl:);大家定稿;思否开发。


  • 给江波Track列表;(明天中午之前)
  • 江波生成各track、keynote、演讲人专访等的会前和会后宣传日期表(下周四)
  • 各track chair在指定日期前提供素材;
  • 思否如期编排宣传


  • 需要确认hopin是否能播放一个数小时的大视频,并在聊天室内进行提问环节。


  • 国内/外讲师,track chair(或志愿者)催并拿到视频,然后track chair上传到统一的地方
  • 思否从统一的地方下载并进行视频处理

志愿者征集(执行人:辛庆;如果招不够志愿者,则track chair 最好能自行解决自己track的志愿者;DDL:下周四)

  • (暂定:每4个报告1个志愿者)
  • 征收视频、上传视频
  • 翻译视频+配字幕
  • 其他。。。
  • 可得权益:证书/Apache周边 (Ted问Sally)

April 15th, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Wei Guo

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu, Wei Guo,Lidong Dai, Kezhen Xu, Yuren Zhou, Xiangdong, Juan Pan, Youqing, Gang Li


- ApacheCon Asia status update

  • Web and Online site:
    • SegmentFault has UI for the sponsors, and they will give the timeline for test.
    • Hoping for English register and Segmentfault for Chinese 
  • finSponsorship update: Ted
    • Confirmed sponsors: Tencent, Didi, Alibaba, Baidu
    • Contract signed: Huawei, Kyligence, API7,
  • ApacheCon Asia CFP promotio (deadline: May 3rd)
    • Current submissions by track
      • Community: 7
      • Big Data: 9
      • Observability: 5
      • Workflow / Data Governance: 7
      • API / Micro Service: 2
      • Culture:1
      • Messaing:2
      • Streaming: 3
      • IoT / IIoT: 2
      • Integration: 2
      • Middleware:1
      • Data Visulization:1
    • Action:
      • Change to a weekly meeting before CFP close.
      • Ask Track Chairs to join the next meeting.
      • Recommend the Keynoter and vote for it.
      • Ask each track chair to write some articles for the track, segment fault will publish it.
      • Write keynoter's article first for meeting branding.
      • Ask SegmentFault for the timeline for testing.
      • The host will make a notification at 19:00 pm before the next meeting and suggest everyone write the agenda before the meeting.

- Next meeting host: Xiangdong Huang

April 1st, 2021,  Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Yu Li

Attendees: Ted Liu,Willem Jiang,ShengWu,  Zhenxu Ke,Wei Guo,Yu Li,Liang Zhang,Dianjing Wang,Gang Li,  Zheng Feng, Xiangdong Huang, Juan Pan,Lidong Dai,  Yu Xiao


- ApacheCon Asia status update

  • Sponsorship update: Ted
    • Confirmed sponsors: Huawei, Kyligence, API7, Tencent, Didi, Alibaba, Baidu
  • Keynote & Community Track discussion
    • Community track: 3 submissions, several on road
    • Keynote: 6 from sponsor, 2 inviting (Sharan Foga and Sheng Wu), totally 15 at most
  • ApacheCon Asia CFP promotion (deadline: May 3rd)
    • Current submissions by track
      • Observability: 4
      • Workflow / Data Governance: 2
      • API / Micro Service: 1
      • Big Data: 4
      • Streaming: 2
      • Integration: 1
      • Community: 3
      • IoT / IIoT: 1
    • Action:
      • Ask SegmentFault to start propagation
      • Track chairs need to start inviting speakers

- Next meeting host: Wei Guo

Mar 18th,  2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Willem Jiang

Attendees: Ted Liu,Zhenxu Ke,Jianshen Li,Wei Guo,Youqing han,Xin Wang,Yu Li, Juan Pan


 - ApacheCon Asia repo: 

 - Track info update by Mar 21, Session per track (4-12) 

 - ApacheCon Asia 会议宣传文章(3月24日 JianShen), Apache project website

 - ApacheCon prospectus

 - ApacheCon Asia media support after the meeting

Mar 4th,  2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host:  Willem Jiang

Attendees: Ted Liu,Juan Pan,Willem Jiang,Zhenxu Ke,Xiangdong Huang,Ming Wen,Wei Guo,Juan Pan,Xin Wang,Yu Li


  - ApacheCon Asia  update

  - 直播平台选型, 下周四之前明确 赞助方式,价格

  - 翻译以志愿者方式进行,主要保证Keynotes

  - Sponsor plan explanation

  - Apache Con Website 

    Hbase conf:

    code :




Feb 18th,  2021, Thursday

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join  Meeting

Host: Juan Pan

Attendees: Ted Liu, Yu Li, Juan Pan,Ning Jiang,Zhenxu Ke,Xiangdong Huang


  - ApacheCon Asia  update

  1. Subscribe
  2. The start time of CFP is undecided (Later)
  3. How to handle translation issue (Later) It is suggested to let speakers take charge of their respective talkings
  4. But 1. Slides are in English 2. Keynotes have translation
  5. Cost estimate
  6. Online conference Platform live broadcast (Social Account get some fans)

  - Discussion about the ApacheCon tracks and CFP

Observability (Sheng Wu)

Message Queue (Jia Zhai)

API / Microservice(Ming Wen)

IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang)

Big Data (Junping Du, Duo zhang)

Web Server/Tomcat (Huxing Zhang)

Middleware (Liang Zhang)

Stream/Flink (Yu Li)

Integration/Camel (Willem Jiang)

Incubator (Ming Wen, Juan Pan)

Community (Ted Liu)

Culture (Jiansheng Li)


Feb 4, 2021, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Sheng Wu

Attendees: Ted Liu, Yu Li, Juan Pan,Ning Jiang,Zhenxu Ke,Xiangdong Huang


    - ApacheCon Asia update

Follow the ASF board requirements, keep following ApacheCon Asia online only(not in person). Prepare tracks, need to adopt more English sessions.

Consider only requiring slides in English, but could provide more Chinese tracks(Chinese speakers). Only translate some talks.

ApacheCon Asia, Aug. 6th-8th.


Observability (Sheng Wu), Message Queue (Jia Zhai), API GateWay (Min Wen), IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang), Big Data (Junping Du),

Web Server/Tomcat ( ),  Middleware (Liang Zhang), Stream/Flink (Yu Li), Integration/Camel (Ning Jiang), incubator (Ming Wen),

Community (Ted Liu), Culture (Jiansheng Li)

Sponsor, Ted Liu, Ning Jiang(Huawei), Yu Li(Alibaba), Juan Pan(JD)?


Jan 21, 2021, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Zhenxu Ke

Note: Next bi-week host, Sheng Wu

Attendees: Zhenxu Ke, Juan Pan, Gang Li, Sheng Wu, Xiangdong Huang, Liang Zhang



  • Update status ApacheCon Asia preparation,the track status

          - Date:  April-August (Shenzhen), May/June/July (Beijing)

          - Track list and Chairs:  SkyWalking (Sheng Wu), Message Queue (Jia Zhai), API GateWay (Min Wen), IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang), Big Data (Junping Du), Web Server/Tomcat ( ),  Middleware (Liang Zhang), Stream/Flink (Yu Li), Integration/Camel (Ning Jiang), incubator ( ), Community ( ), Culture ( Jiansheng Li) etc..

          - Promotion / Operation: (Ning Jiang)

  • WeChat,Bilibili social account information

          - Bilibili 100 followers milestone.

          - Operational Plan:

            - Liang Zhang contacts Jinwei Qin to post some ALC Beijing articles on Zhihu (知乎)

            - Tighten up inter-community / inter-project cooperation 

Jan 7, 2021, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Xiangdong Huang

Attendees: Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu, Juan Pan, Gang Li, Zhenxu Ke, Xiangdong Huang.

Note: Next bi-week host, Zhenxu Ke



  1.  Update status of CHOASS Meetup Shanghai, ApacheCon Asia preparation,the track status
  2.  Summer 2020 student interview advocacy 
  3.  Translation project status update
  4.  WeChat public account articles


       1. ApacheCon Asia  2021 Plan: (shimo).

         -  Learn how to set tracks on previous ApacheCon.
            (Willem: Normally the conference date is confirmed in March.
             Sheng Wu: Any day after the previous conference is over.). 

        TODO List:

          - Date:  April (Shenzhen), May/June/July (Beijing)

          - Place: record to the government if in Beijing. Option: Shenzhen.  

          - Sponsor: e.g., ...

          - Track list and Chairs:  Skywalking (Sheng Wu), Message Queue ( ), API GateWay ( ), IoT/IIoT (Xiangdong Huang), Big Data ( ), Web Server/Tomcat ( ),  MicroService ( ), Stream/Flink (Yu Li), Integration/Camel ( ), incubator ( ), Community ( ), Culture ( ) etc..

        - Hosting rights      

        - Money cost estimation: Meeting room, gifts, etc..  (Willem Jiang)

        - Tickets price: depends on the sponsor and money cost.

        - subtitles of videos recorded by foreign speakers.

     2. Summer 2020 student interview advocacy/ 4.WeChat public account articles

        - Write more articles about mentor guide and other topics.

     3. Translation project status update.

        -  Almost done. 

        - Need to consider how to attract more people.

       - Apache Official Chinese website. (Willem discuss with Craig). Or, publish the contents to the Webchat Public Account.

       - Considering, (free for open source projects)


December 17, 2020, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Willem Jiang

Attendees: Sheng Wu,  Jiansheng Li, Gang Li, Ted Liu, Juan Pan, Zhenxu Ke, Willem (Ning) Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Youqing Han, Wangxin, Zhangliang

Note: Next bi-week host, HuangXiangDong



  1. ALC Beijing Translation status update
  2. ALC Beijing annual meeting actions
    1. ALC Beijing 2020 work summary (工作总结)
    2. ALC Beijing 2021 road map (重点工作)
  3. ApacheCon Asia preparation
    1. Check if we can find enough Track Chair
    2. Sponsore

November 19, 2020, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758

Passcode: 857845

Host:Juan Pan

Note: Next bi-week host, Xiangdong Huang

Attendees: Sheng Wu,  Jiansheng Li, Gang Li, Ted Liu, Juan Pan, Zhenxu Ke, Willem (Ning) Jiang, Xiangdong Huang, Youqing Han


  1. The  preparation for ALC Beijing Member annual party (6th Dec.)

         *  Post this activity news 

         * Attendees' list

         * Activity site (Gang Li )

         * Agenda (1. ALC Beijing governance)

         * Detail link 

    2.   ApacheCon 2021 

         *Prepare the ApacheCon Asia Proposal or not?

    3.  The Non-coding volunteers

        * Recruit volunteers or intern (Ted Liu )

        * Detail link

    4.  Apache IoTDB meetup support

       * Promotion work (Xiangdong Huang )

November 5, 2020, Thur.

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 1880 8758
Passcode: 857845

Host: Sheng Wu

Note : Next bi-week host, Juan Pan

Attendees: Sheng Wu,Jiansheng Li, Gang Li, Jiansheng Li, Juan Pan, Zhenxu Ke, Xiangdong Huang, Willem (Ning) Jiang


  1. Apache SkyWalking DevCon X ALC Beijing update
  2. ALC  Beijing Meetup & 2020 years party , 6. Dec (
  3. we need more volunteers


  1. 128 registered attendee(on site), 46 registered online SkyWalking DevCon.
  2. Design and buy roll up banner of the ALC. Send the requirements to Youqing Han. Try to catch up the SkyWalking DevCon timeline.
  3. Set up a ALC Beijing offset. Dec. 6th. (Sunday). Open the register page.
  4. Release note of ShardingSphere would be 2 weeks away.
  5. SkyWalking will have 2 blogs in these 2 months in English.

October 22, 2020, Thu

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 673 0428 1038
Passcode: 184608

Host: Ning(Willem) Jiang

Note : Next bi-week host Sheng Wu

Attendees: Gang Li, Jianshen Li,Juan Pan, Liang Zhang,  Dianjin Wang, Youqing Han


 0. Apache RoadShow - Updates (Ning Jiang will be the host the open source governance track  CosCon 1024)

 1.  SkyWalking  meetup updates

 2. Pulsar Asia Summit (Dianjin Wang will prepare some articles for ALC Beijing)

 3.  ApacheCon presentation meetup WeChat article (create an issue for the presentation publishing scheduler)

 4.  ALC Beijing Member annual party & December, (create an issue for the meeting up time and place)

   *  Arrangement, Sponsor 

   *  What did we do this year

   *  What are we going to do next year

October 8, 2020, Thu

Time: 22:00 Beijing/Asia Time 

Please confirm: 

and submit the discuss topic, and get Zoom address. 

Host: Jiansheng Li 

Attendees:Ted Liu . Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,Gang Li, Ted liu , zhengxu Ke, 

Note : Next bi-week host Sheng Wu


  0. Apache Roadshow - China (10/24-25) promotion

  1. ApacheCon@Home content spread 

  2. ALC Beijing  meetup  collect suggestion. 

  3. SkyWalking has an unopened plan about Beijing meetup/devcon. We should consider co-hosting this event with ALC Beijing.


 0、  ApacheCon@Home 

     a.  waiting for YouTube record ,and select some meaning topic 

     b.  create GitHub issue , alc beijing member need recommend and vote.

     c.  ShengWu suggested speaker write a article base his/her slide. the editor help.

     d. JianshengLi will contact speaker for help write article.

1、ALC Beijing  meetup 

   a、every mouth host one meetup 

   b、based Apache Project, one session  talking about apache way , culture 

   c、 December host : Apache DolphinScheduler  ?  tomorrow will reply(Gang li)

2、 Apache SkyWalking  、ALC Beijing  co-hosting  

   a、Next bi-weekly meeting Wu Sheng will give big picture.

3、 Apache Roadshow

  a、15~16   Apache Projects submitted proposal 

  b、Ted suggest members promote COSCon'20 & Apache Roadshow - China 

  c、 Jiansheng Li will collect topics  of submitted  , and write some articles.

4、 translate mission 
   a. we need more volunteers :

   b.  write an article , spread with other apache communities. (Jiansheng Li)

September 24, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 3524 2861

Passcode: 350005

Host: Willem (Ning) Jiang


Xiangdong Huang, Willem Jiang, Sheng Wu,Liang Zhang,  Gang Li, Jia Zhai,Ted Liu,Jiansheng Li, Dianjin Wang,Juan Pan

Note : Next week host Jiansheng Li


  1. ApacheCon@home Chinese audience.  We can find more channels to send out the message. 
  2. We can write some new articles for ApacheCon@home mandarin by Segment Fault.
  3. Willem record Mandarin Track introduction. 
  4. Apache Project Trademark Policy. The translation task 

September 10, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 3524 2861

Passcode: 350005

(40 minutes limited)

Host: Jia Zhai


Xiangdong Huang, Ted Liu, Jia Zhai, Dianjin Wang, Zhenxu Ke, Willem Jiang, Gang li,  Youqing Han,  Zhang duo, Jianshen Li,Juan Pan

Note : Next week host Willem Jiang


  1. ApacheCon@home stats update.
    1. 中文 Track 信息
    2. 参会指南
  2. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow-China update.
    1. 讲师征集令
    2. CSDN 分会场 媒体渠道合作推广
  3. ApacheCon@home China track and Apache Roadshow China 二弹齐发,宣传文稿征集.


  1. ApacheCon@home stats update.
    • 需要页面英翻中: 推荐 bing、有道词典
      • 姜宁:开issue,讲师自己翻译自己的内容,拉群方便交流。
    • 张亮 实习生 负责翻译
  2. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow-China update.
    • 希望 ALC Beijing 踊跃报名
    • 接下来会有 社区合作召集
  3. ApacheCon@home China track and Apache Roadshow China 二弹齐发,宣传文稿征集.
    • 整体文章: 9个议题穿插 (待定)
    • 李健盛:New Apache Members from China, responsibilities and obligations
    • 把所有中文 track 一起重点宣传:
    • 其他宣传方式:
      • 小视频: 姜宁吴晟沟通组委会;李健盛 殿进 sf
      • 引流 微信群(ALC Beijing 粉丝),文章也会注意。
    • 鼓励国内各个 apache 项目的资源(微信群、公众号)一起帮忙推动。ALC Beijing 公众号 作为 Hub
      • Action 李健盛 王殿进
      • 姜宁:ALC Beijing Slack,创建 #channel: alc-beijing-media-operator
    • Hopin 注册有门槛
      • 参会指南中包含注册步骤
      • 微信群 可以支持用户注册
    • ApacheCon@home

August  27, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:


Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Jincheng Sun, Jiansheng Li, Sheng Wu, Gang Li, Youqing Han, Zhenxu Ke, Jia Zhai,Juan Pan


  1. ApacheCon@home media corporation
  2. ALC Beijing meetup sumeria 
  3. The Open Source Manual development status
  4. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow-China update

Note : Next week host Jia Zai

  1. ApacheCon宣传
    * segmentfualt会帮忙宣传,下次会议邀请加入 @姜宁 @建胜
    * 有一个负责运营的同学帮忙宣传;@Zhai Jia
    * 中文议题整理,放出去让大家知道,可以提前在线注册Apache在线系统,暂时没有转播系统。
    * ApacheCon国内用户,人数,时间,网速
    * 跟ApacheCon交流,直播、录像是否允许;如果允许直播效果如何;hopin同步转播B站,是否允许;(只转中文)
    * 可以在线直接注册免费票,连过去直接看,直接推广原链接;

      2. Open Source Manual项目的进度同步
           * Repo地址

           * 是否项目迁移至 ALC Beijing
           * 建议 单独建一个Org 承载 @吴晟 晟哥

       3. ALC Beijing 第一次线下Meetup反馈

1. 提前到现场准备
2. 签到环节
3. 话筒准备
4. 现场声音小
5. 主题穿插在技术主题里应该比单纯讲文化好一些 @张亮
6. 第二期 怎么讲 @吴晟,第一期群 问卷调查
7. Meetup活动频率
* 9月份宣传 ApacheCon @建盛
* 每个月一个策划人,排班表 @建盛
8. ALC 跟 开源社1024活动
9. 视频剪辑放上传B站

      4. COSCon'20 Apache Roadshow China update

* 时间:9月26日讲师投稿,10月上旬
* 开源社 Apache Roadshow - China 2020
* 问卷网,讲师征集令
* 国外讲师,暂时无详细计划,以国内为主;建议请国外讲师准备视频

August  13, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(40 minutes limited)

Host:Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭)

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Jincheng Sun, Jiansheng Li, Sheng Wu, Gang Li, Youqing Han, Zhenxu Ke,Juan Pan


  1. 8.16 meetup status:  zoom b 站, we use Zoom video to send the live video to Bilibili。
    1.  提前约时间(时间待定: )模拟调试设备
    2. 海报调整(typo, qr_code) Done
  2. We got a new episode 0 of ALC Beijing Podcast posted. 

Note : Next week host YouqingHan

July  30, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time-limited)

Host:Ted Liu (刘天栋)

Attendees: Ted Liu, Willem Jiang, Jincheng Sun, Jiansheng Li, Sheng Wu, Gang Li, Youqing Han, Zhenxu Ke, Juan Pan, Yu Li


1. First ALC Beijing offline meeting prep status update, and finalize the event date(s)

。ALC Beijing 在线会议(首秀)

ALC Beijing First Meetup: How difficult in the open source world?



。上海徐汇区田林路 192 号华鑫科技园 J 座微软加速器(待定)



。10 min.


。50 min.



(ASF 2020 新晋成员谈责任、付出和意义。可以当作圆桌问题或是下一次 Meetup 圆桌的主题)

。Q&A:10 min.


。40 min. Apache Flink 李钰(8/4 周二)

。40 min. Apache DolphinScheduler 李岗(8/4 周二)

。40 min. 待定?

Zoom capacity:吴晟(100)、黄向东 - 清华 Cernet?

宣传渠道:ASF Member 群以及 ASF(源自中国)项目群,开源社媒体组

宣传文章:建盛 - 下周一(8/3)



2. Apache 2020 Annual Report interpretation & call for ALC Beijing Member commentaries

。8/13 ALC Beijing meeting 之前- 李建盛


3. ApacheCon China track status update - Sheng Wu

。8 CFP submissions

。Time Zone: 4:30pm Beijing Time starts,max. 6 session/day or 2 days on 9/29-30

。Big Data, CloudStack, IoT, Observability, Streaming, Community

。General ticket applied to ApacheCon@China

4. ApacheCon@Home promotion in China by ALC-Beijing?

。Subject to next ALC Beijing meeting discussion


。下次 8/13 主席:Kezhenxu

July  16, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Yu Li (李钰)

Attendees: Willem Jiang (姜宁), Sheng Wu (吴晟), Ted Liu (刘天栋), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan (潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Gang Li (李岗), Youqing Han (韩柚清), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭)


July  16, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Yu Li (李钰)

Attendees: Willem Jiang (姜宁), Sheng Wu (吴晟), Ted Liu (刘天栋), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan (潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Gang Li (李岗), Youqing Han (韩柚清), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭)


  1. ALC Beijing online event discussion
  2. ApacheCon China track discussion


  1. Previous event follow-up
    1. The ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video is complete and uploaded to
    2. The "Trillions and Trillions Served" video has been translated and uploaded to
    3. The progress of ALC Beijing Podcast Episode 0 already recorded:
  2. The online event is under arrangement: 
    1. The first event targets at middle of August (Aug. 15/16)
    2. Jiansheng suggests to setup a Program Committee (current members: Jiansheng, Williem, Youqing, Ted, Xiangdong, Yu)
    3. Ted suggests to gather open source enthusiasts in different cities and make an online broadcast (share experience and interact online/offline)
    4. Yu suggests to arrange some "Apache into Chinese colleges" events in future
  3. ApacheCon China track discussion
    1. CFP started, keynote prepared (driven by Willem/Sheng)
    2. Deadline of CFP is end of next week
    3. CFP submission should include: Topic, Abstract, Speaker, Brief self-introduction
  4. Next host: Ted Liu (刘天栋)

July  2, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Willem Jiang(姜宁)

Attendees: Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟),  Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),  Gang Li (李岗) , Yu Li (李钰),  Rudy Steiner (王金)


  1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video. (Editing suggestion)
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Apache Documentary translation. (There are about half an hour script  which need to be updated)


    1. We can make two versions of video, one is the long version to merge the files together, the other is a short version in 3 mins.

    2. Online events,  Let's setup the schedule for the event.  出品人 李建盛策划。 Yu Li (李钰)We can ask help from the Flink China operation team.  

    3. Break down the translation task to three pics, then we can check the timeline of the script.

    4. ALC Beijing Podcast Episode 0 (What's the plan of ALC Beijing Podcast) July 11th  recording.

    5. Next host: Yu Li (李钰)

June  18, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Xiangdong Huang (黄向东)

Attendees:Willem Jiang(姜宁), Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟),  Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Youqing Han (韩柚清), Gang Li (李岗) , Lei Zhang (张磊),  Rudy Steiner (王金)


  1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video.
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Apache Documentory translation.


         1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video plan:

         2. Event, 促进国内企业更规范地使用Apache 开源项目。( used Apache Skywalking but not mentioned about Apache Skywalking and Apache License 2.0. The company fixed the issue quickly after the Skywalking committee notified the company.).

         2.1  Write an article to help Chinese companies know how to use Open Source Software correctly.
                是否以此写文普及使用开源软件的注意事项等内容。(是否有第三方媒体愿意写 ,LiJiansheng)

         2.2 Jiansheng 开源之道‘s blog will invite some lawyers and discuss the above issue. 

         3.  Welcome a new contributor, Rudy Steiner, who likes to translate English articles. 

         4  ALC Beijing online event discussion 

         4.1. Who is responsible for the online event discussion: 

         4.2  Which projects want to introduce themself: (the first event) Willem Jiang

                 -  参考对象:软件所点亮计划,每周一次 

                 -  Send an invitation to the Apache communities to record their project introduction video first. (Willem Jiang)

                 - maybe APISIX be the first(Willem Jiang, Wen Ming)

         4.3 how to advertise online events:  

         5. next host: Willem Jiang.

June  4, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Gang Li (李岗)

Attendees:Willem Jiang(姜宁),Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕),Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),Hongtao Gao(高洪涛)


  1. ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video.
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Open Source Manual eBook information. 


      1.ALC Beijing Initial Member Introduction Video.
        There will be a demo about the content of the introduction video,The recording duration is about one minute.
        Every ALC Beijing member need prepare the introduction video,need provide the recorded video in two weeks.
        Let's pay attention to the issue

      2.ALC Beijing online event discussion.
        Send an invitation to the Apache communities to record their project introduction video first.
        After receiving feedback, we can schedule each community introduction
        The project introduction video recorded by the community can be uploaded to the bilibili and tencent video.

        Let's keep running brainstorm here

     3.Open Source Manual eBook discussion.
        The outline still needs to be adjusted,We can disussion about the table of content here
        Need to reconsider the final purpose of the ebook,consider the ebook for publication or as a tool manual.

May  21, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

(no time limited)

Host:Willem Jiang(姜宁)

Attendees:Sheng Wu (吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Zhangliang,  Jeff Zhang (章剑锋), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭),Gang Li (李岗),  Jincheng Sun( 孙金城 ),Juan Pan(潘娟), Ted Liu (刘天栋)


  1. ALC Beijing WeChat public account article.
  2. ALC Beijing online event discussion.
  3. Open Source Manual eBook information. 


     1. We could let our ALC Beijing member Introduce the Apache projects which he involves.

     2. There are some new ideas about hosting ALC Beijing online events.

        Ted suggested we could run a weekly webinar (about 30 mins) with related topics ,and Jeff suggested a topic of how to producing the Open Source.  

        Let's keep running brainstorm here

     3. Introduced the Open Source Manual

      The ebook github repo,  the repo will be transferred to alc-beijing group shortly.

       We can disussion about the table of content here

       Willem will write an article to ask help from community.

May  7, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Room ID:638 2829 7856

Zoom account login required

(no time limited)

Host:Sheng Wu

Attendees:  Willem Jiang(姜宁),LiJiansheng (适兕), Swapnil M Mane, Hongtao Gao, Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭),Gang Li (李岗),  Jincheng Sun( 孙金城 ), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Yu Li (李钰)


  1. and articles writing work flow. (sync )
  2. Share the information about volunteers and we need to make a task list for them
  3. ALC  Beijing podcast site hosted issue. (maybe still need sponsor.)
  4. ALC Beijing first online event kickoff. 


  1. Automatic process of ALC Beijing website has been set up. New article should be added through the pull request, and pages are refreshed through the GitHub Action.
  2. Two students have applied to be the volunteers as the ALC Beijing WeChat account editor. We don't have enough tasks for now.
  3. Summer2020 is good chance to invite more people taking part in the ALC Beijing and understanding the Apache culture.
  4. China internal account requires personal phone number or a China entity. We are not willing to open personal information. Willem Jiang is going to pay the first month by himself. We could find out the sponsor solution in this month.
  5. Should begin the SharidngSphere podcast preparation. Start with sending the invitation mail to the dev mail list.   There are some links about the Chaoss Podcast:
  6. Setup issue, github project to track the podcast process and posted links. 
  7. SkyWalking podcast link,
  8. QA event is a good start option.
  9. We can discuss the online event here. 《ALC 在线会议》

April  23, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail: (no time limited)

Host:Juan Pan(潘娟)

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁),  LiJiansheng (适兕), Gang Li (李岗), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),

Juan Pan(潘娟),  Sheng Wu (吴晟), Hongtao Gao(高洪涛)


  1. ALC Beijing public account article status update, we got 5 articles in these two week.
  2. ALC github team repo and github page.
  3. ALC Beijing Podcast status update:
    1. episode 1: 
    2. episode 2 : Inivte ShardingShphere project for share a good story.


  1. There were 5 articles posted and 2 articles published on ALC-Beijing public account during this week.
  2. Zhenxu Ke took charge of [Issue]( to build alc-beijing site through Hugo. 
  3. Episode 1 of the podcast serials will be online next week, and episode 2 will invite Apache ShardingSphere community to share their incubator journey.
  4. A discussion of creating WeChat group for audiences and team member is underway, not decided.

April  9, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail: (no time limited)

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁),  LiJiansheng (适兕), Ted Liu(刘天栋), Gang Li (李岗), Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东),

Juan Pan(潘娟), Liang Zhang (张亮), Yu Li(李钰), Sheng Wu (吴晟), Swapnil M Mane


  1. ALC Beijing Member introduction article. (if you will not write , maybe can choose interview)
  2. ALC Podcast update and sponsor request.
  3. ALC  Beijing WeChat public need more editors. (Call for help)


  1.   Trista asked a question about share JD internal video through ALC Beijing Public Account. 
  2.   Ted Apache China Roadshow No update
  3.   ALC Beijing member will update to ALC Beijing  personal interview 
  4.   Huawei、kaiyuanshe、SkyWalking , can help for Podcast host. but we should try to reach the Chinese audience. produce episode first.  The money is not the issue, we just need to evaluate the meaning. 
  5.   talking about ALC Beijing wechat public account content . Sheng Wu Ted Liu Swapnil Mane give  a lot of good suggestions. But we didn't have chance discuss about volunteers for publisher or editor.  We can address this issue in the next meet. There is an argument about whether we should prioritize contents or editors due to ALC Beijing has limited resources(man power and time perspective).
  6. Another topic is about which kinds of contents/materials should be posted in our account.

March 26, 2020

Time:  10:00 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁),Gang Li (李岗), Sheng Wu(吴晟),Jeff Zhang (章剑锋), Ted Liu (刘天栋), Swapnil M Mane,

 LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Jincheng Sun ( 孙金城), Liang Zhang (张亮),

Aditya Sharma, Zhenxu Ke (柯振旭), Yu Li (李钰)


 1. Update the wechat account status information about  ALC-Beijing

2. Ask help from Apache projects to post articles

3. Show the POC case of ALC website, and ask feedback and help

4. 2020 Apache China Roadshow (co-located with COSCon'2020)

。Date: Oct. 24-25 Sat.-Sun. (tentative)

。City: Chengdu, Hangzhou & others?

5. ALC Site, structure, and contribution process.


  1. We are looking for volunteers to share the Apache project news and experience with ASF with Local community through blog post or Podcast.
  2.  We could make a logo wall with Apache projects that our ALC members contribute to attract more apache project users.
  3. Swapnil shared the POC of ALC website and how to add content to it, we need to find volunteer with UI experience to create a theme for ALC.
  4.  Ted shared the information about Apache China RoadShow
  5.  Lijiansheng shared the Proposal of ALC-Beijing Podcast. We need to set up a procedure to make the Podcast, please give some feedbacks to the proposal 

March 12, 2020

Time:  9:30 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁), Swapnil M Mane, Aditya Sharma, Gang Li (李岗), 

Sheng Wu(吴晟), LiJiansheng (适兕), Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Jincheng Sun ( 孙金城)


  1. We need to quote some words for ALC-Beijing in the Chinese article, please feel free to add your comments

  2. There are some online events which could help us spread the word of ALC-Beijing, we can make a list of them.  

  3. The status of Logo of ALC and WebSite。

  4. ALC-Beijing WeChat Public account logo,and discuss publishing some article about Apache.

This logo is just for ALC-Beijing Wechat account temporary usage, once we have the official logo, we will replace the on 


  1.  Shen Wu suggested We need to find a way to host the articles in GitHub for the corporation
  2.  For the online event slides, Swapnil suggested we need to share the slides with the ALC community and get some feedback and approval.
  3.  For the WebSite, we may need to wait for a while, but in the meantime, we could discuss some technical details and find a web designer to work with us.
  4.  For the Chinese article, Juan Pan made a good suggestion, we need to add a section about how to join the ALC-Beijing.

March 5th, 2020

Time:  9:30 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail:

Attendees: Willem Jiang(姜宁), Swapnil M Mane, Aditya Sharma,  Sheng Wu(吴晟),

LiJiansheng (适兕), Gang Li (李岗), Juan Pan(潘娟), Jia Zhai (翟佳)


   1.  Introduce yourself (We have some new guest to join) 

   2. We have a WeChat public account “ALC-Beijing”, let's talk about the Chinese article to introduce ALC-Beijing.  Please feel free to add your story or comments on this page.

   3. Creating a Logo of ALC-Beijing.

   4. Do we need to have a weekly meeting?


    1. Start the Discussion of  the website of ALC in the dev mailing list.

       We prefer to use git to manage the content of website,  in this way others can edit the content by sending PR for it.

        We can post blogs into the website and then publish the content to "ALC-Beijing" WeChat public account.

    2. For the ALC-Beijing introduction article, we can take the ALC wiki page as reference.  

    3. ALC already start the process of creating logo of ALC, we just need to follow the discussion of the mailing list.

         We may need to create a wiki page for tracking the status of LOGO design.

    4. It's OK to hold the bi-weekly meeting, every one are encourage to use mailing list or slack channel to start discussion.

    5. For holding the online event, we need to make a proposal of speakers and contents first, then we start a discussion in the dev@community.a.o . If we get approve from dev@community.a.o, we can proceed our online meetup plan.


February 27th, 2020

Time:  9:30 PM Beijing Time

Connection Detail :
New meeting link -

Attendees: Willem Jiang (姜宁),  Sheng Wu(吴晟), Swapnil M Mane, LiJiansheng (适兕),

Jincheng Sun (孙金城),Juan Pan(潘娟), Xiangdong Huang (黄向东), Aditya Sharma, Jeff Zhang


  1. Introduce yourself to the team
  2. Discuss how to introduce a new member to the ALC Chapter
    1. Prepare the draft based on the discussion and share it with ComDev ( for review.
  3. Plan about the coming up meetup
  4. Write some Chinese Articles to introduce ASF and Apache Way.
  5. Potential cooperation opportunities between the projects, especially incubating projects


  1. Nominate the member (private mail discussion first), Swapnil is planning to write some proposal about it this weekend and will share it with ComDev.
  2. Coming up events:  Online meetup, Podcast,  Webinar, Blogs (We need to prepare the announcement of ALC Beijing, writing a blog post for it)
  3. Online meetup problems: 
    1. Which platform can support that?
    2. What content that we want to share with audiences?
    3.  Here are the topics for the events Resources 

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