- Created by Daniel Takamori, last modified by Joshua C. Poore on Jul 08, 2019
NOTE : Apache SensSoft's name is changing to Apache Flagon. Expect major changes in the coming months to docs.
Apache Flagon (Incubating) incorporates components that work together to provide user-experience researchers, project managers and software developers insights about how web tools are used. Applications for this technology include:
- user workflow modeling and usability testing–understand how users work with web tools to improve human computer interface and user interface design.
- business analytics–track and understand user behavior that results in sales and visibility.
- technology modeling–understanding how user behavior affects overall software system performance.
- education, training, and research–teach, train and assess using with tasks implemented in (virtual) real-world, ubiquitous software environments.
Apache Flagon (Incubating) consists of a number of components that facilitate user activity log data capture, retrieval, segmentation and analysis, and visualization, as well as staging your own web-based user testing experiments. All components are designed to work together, but can grow as separate projects:
- The User Analytic Logging Engine (UserALE) – Collect every user event on your web page or tool, know when it was collected, and see what elements it was directed toward. Select the right version of UserALE below:
- UserALE.js (the Official Java Script Client for UserALE). Click here for Demo and Documentation.
- UserALE.pyqt5 (for PyQt5 Desktop applications, ver. 0.1.5, documentation here)
- Distill (download here; ver. 0.1.3, documentation here) – Retrieve user activity logs that matter to you. Make calls to this extensible analytic framework for segments of your log database, compute statistics, and analyze workflows with graph analytics.
- The Test Application Portal (TAP) (download here; ver. ) – Register users at your site, keep permissions on who has access to your user data, visualize your results and preform A/B testing against your favorite metrics. TAP is your front-end to an end-to-end Apache Flagon system.
- The Subject Tracking and Online User Testing application (STOUT) (download here, ver.) – Conduct your own formal usability testing experiment. Register users anonymously, manage testing, path users through your experimental design, and index other data (e.g., survey data) with anonymous, unique subject identifiers
Get started logging with UserALE.js NOW. See our Quick Start guide.
- User Mailing List:
- To subscribe, email: user-subscribe@flagon.incubator.apache.org
- To send, email: user@flagon.incubator.apache.org
- Developer mailing list:
- To subscribe, email: dev-subscribe@flagon.incubator.apache.org
- To send, email: dev@flagon.incubator.apache.org
- Commits mailing list:
- To subscribe, email: commits-subscribe@flagon.incubator.apache.org
- To send, email: commits@flagon.incubator.apache.org
- Incubation Status
- Quarterly Reports
- Jenkins Continuous Integration build
Apache Flagon (Incubating) is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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