
Target releaseContributor Survey 2.0

DI-27 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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  • Describe the requirements and timeline of the research project to understand the state of diversity and inclusion in the ASF. 

Background and strategic fit

This project will help us achieve our short term goals (2019):  DI-25 - Getting issue details... STATUS


  • A contributor survey and a contributor experience research will give us a complete picture of the current status of D&I and it's main root causes
  • We'll be able to draw recommendations and map gaps we can address in our medium term goals

Requirements and Timeline

Milestones for the Bitergia Analytics consultancy are throughout a 6-month project:

Note: Dates assume a start date and kickoff by September 16, 2019.

Requirements by Milestone

Completion Date

Milestone 1 - Survey Design

  • Include relevant CHAOSS D&I WG metrics and survey questions.
  • Feedback collected in a 1-hour session with ASF members. One week before, draft survey submitted to dev@diversity.apache.org.
  • ASF pilots the survey with ComDev and incubator for one week.
  • Final survey is provided to ASF, ready to begin data collection.

Nov 15, 2019

Milestone 2 - Survey Data Collection

  • ASF distributes the survey to its members.
  • ASF reminds its members to take the survey to achieve 10% response rate (750 responses) or more.
  • Survey is open from Dec 2nd until Dec 20th, then assess if we open it until Jan 12th. 

Mar 13, 2020

Milestone 3 - Initial Survey Analysis

  • Survey responses are analyzed.
  • Initial results are shared with ASF as a presentation in a 1-hour session. Slides are shared on dev@diversity.apache.org.
  • Initial results inform the design of interviews.

Jun 26, 2020

Milestone 4 - Interview Preparation

  • Include relevant CHAOSS D&I WG metrics and interview questions.
  • Design questions to elicit reactions to the initial survey results.
  • Identify projects of interest in collaboration with ASF.
  • Recruit informants from those projects with help from ASF.
  • Interview questions submitted to dev@diversity.apache.org.

Jun 26, 2020

Milestone 5 - Conduct Interviews

  • 20 interviews are conducted.

Aug 3, 2020

Milestone 6 - Analysis of Interviews

  • Working session to define a structure for analysis and reports.
  • Qualitative analysis of interviews.
  • Interview results, together with quantitative analysis results, are shared with ASF as a presentation in a 1-hour session. Slides are shared on dev@diversity.apache.org.

Sep 4 , 2020

Milestone 7 - Quantitative Analysis

  • Use of Bitergia technology to observe diverse in contribution data.
  • Use of relevant CHAOSS metrics.
  • Validation of survey and interview findings with evidence from contribution data. 
  • Quantitative analysis results, together with interview results, are shared with ASF as a presentation in a 1-hour session. Slides are shared on dev@diversity.apache.org.

Sep 14, 2020

Milestone 8 - Final Report

  • Written documentation and discussion of findings from surveys, interviews, and quantitative analysis.
  • Structure is oriented around CHAOSS guidelines and best practices.
  • Lessons learned and experiences shared with CHAOSS community.
  • Final report shared with ASF on dev@diversity.apache.org.

Oct 16, 2020


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this document:
