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FLINK-15787 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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The current REST API uses different naming schemes for fields/parameters; many legacy fields use hyphens, while newer fields use camelCase.

Hyphens are problematic for front-end development:

"This results in the frontend having to use string-lookups to access those values and we lose the type information when doing that."

-- Daryl Roberts

Public Interfaces

The entire REST API. There's too much to list here.

Proposed Changes

Change all fields/parameters to camelCase.

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

  • What impact (if any) will there be on existing users?
  • Virtually every tooling against the REST API will break. Users that generated a client from the OpenAPI spec should only have to regenerate the client.
  • If we are changing behavior how will we phase out the older behavior?
  • It is theoretically possible to duplicate all fields/parameters in the 1.x APIs, but it would double the serialization overhead and invite a new classes of bugs (== both fields being in the request / consistency errors between supposedly identical fields).

Test Plan

We can enforce the naming scheme in the REST API generators.