Like other ASF projects, Camel benefits from the contributions of a large community of developers and users. One of the Camel PMC focuses is fostering collaboration and growing a stronger, increasingly diverse community. Part of it is easy access to the code. While traditionally the ASF used svn repositories in the past couple of years we provided git mirrors on github. Recently the ASF started to support native git repositories for projects and we thought git would be option for Camel and decided to migrate our svn repo to git.

The migration is now complete and development taked place on the official Camel git repository. We still have a bit of work to do in updating the site and the instructions for contributors. The github mirror does not yet sync up with git repo, and we're working on resolving this as well. However, development is back to normal, as active as ever, and we provided, we hope, an easier way to access, use and improve our (collective) code.

For more instructions on using git check the ASF git site.