This page summarizes the "CI/CD knowledge Tranfer" metting that took place in San Francisco, Friday 13th. 9am - 1pm in Westin hotel.

The meeting was organized by Jarek Potiuk  in order to kick-start the project of knowledge transfer and reduce a "bus factor" for the CI/CD infrastructure of Airflow.

So far, most of the work in Airflow CI/CD was done be Jarek (especially when it comes to GitHub Actions workflows) but having more people involved is necesary so the CI/CD will continue to sustainably work - especially that we are approaching a busy period of work connected to Airflow 3, where we expect changes to make things restructuring and refactorings we plan for Airflow 3 work.


The room we took was an extended rental of Airflow Summit, and we used the fact that the people were already in the same place / hotel. We used Bloomberg's targeted sponsorship only to pay for breakfast (and some overhead, not the basic rental). 

The things we discussed and explained:

Particularly we reviewed, classified and prioritized work that are currently planned for our CI / CD: - including adding new ideas and proposals.

Total Cost of the meeting: USD 924.25

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