Goal of the social media information aggregation platform

This is an important topic to get a good-enough description of so we know what to build - and so we can see if we have enough volunteers to do it.

This is a participatory document, please add your constructive thoughts!

To create a forum / blog aggregator / message board for use internally. Ideally this should like something like reddit / hackernews / lobsters / lemmy. There are several solutions out there to choose from.


  • Upvotes and downvotes
  • Scoped forums comprised of post+threads
  • LDAP authentication to the ASF
  • Export conversations / keep historical record
  • Self-hosted and FOSS
  • ADA compliant
  • Not in a "niche" language
  • Cross platform shareabililty / public &  private threads.

Services/Volunteers Needed

  • Service Administrator
  • initially we'll need some moderators perhaps?
  • Volunteer Projects (ie, TLPs to participate in a pilot)
  • People proficient in $language to do small customizations

Policies Needed