Version information

Druid integration is introduced in Hive 2.2.0 (HIVE-14217). Initially it was compatible with Druid, the latest stable release of Druid to that date.


This page documents the work done for the integration between Druid and Hive, which was started in HIVE-14217.


Our main goal is to be able to index data from Hive into Druid, and to be able to query Druid datasources from Hive. Completing this work will bring benefits to the Druid and Hive systems alike:

  • Efficient execution of OLAP queries in Hive. Druid is a system specially well tailored towards the execution of OLAP queries on event data. Hive will be able to take advantage of its efficiency for the execution of this type of queries.
  • Introducing a SQL interface on top of Druid. Druid queries are expressed in JSON, and Druid is queried through a REST API over HTTP. Once a user has declared a Hive table that is stored in Druid, we will be able to transparently generate Druid JSON queries from the input Hive SQL queries.
  • Being able to execute complex operations on Druid data. There are multiple operations that Druid does not support natively yet, e.g. joins. Putting Hive on top of Druid will enable the execution of more complex queries on Druid data sources. 
  • Indexing complex query results in Druid using Hive. Currently, indexing in Druid is usually done through MapReduce jobs. We will enable Hive to index the results of a given query directly into Druid, e.g., as a new table or a materialized view (HIVE-10459), and start querying and using that dataset immediately.

The initial implementation, started in HIVE-14217, focused on 1) enabling the discovery of data that is already stored in Druid from Hive, and 2) being able to query that data, trying to make use of Druid advanced querying capabilities. For instance, we put special emphasis on pushing as much computation as possible to Druid, and being able to recognize the type of queries for which Druid is specially efficient, e.g. timeseries or groupBy queries.

Future work after the first step is completed is being listed in HIVE-14473. If you want to collaborate on this effort, a list of remaining issues can be found at the end of this document.


Before going into further detail, we introduce some background that the reader needs to be aware of in order to understand this document.


Druid is an open-source analytics data store designed for business intelligence (OLAP) queries on event data. Druid provides low latency (real-time) data ingestion, flexible data exploration, and fast data aggregation. Existing Druid deployments have scaled to trillions of events and petabytes of data. Druid is most commonly used to power user-facing analytic applications. You can find more information about Druid here

Storage Handlers

You can find an overview of Hive Storage Handlers here; the integration of Druid with Hive depends upon that framework.


For the running examples, we use the wikiticker dataset included in the quickstart tutorial of Druid.

Discovery and management of Druid datasources from Hive

First we focus on the discovery and management of Druid datasources from Hive.

Create tables linked to existing Druid datasources

Assume that we have already stored the wikiticker dataset mentioned previously in Druid, and the address of the Druid broker is

First, you need to set the Hive property in your configuration to point to the broker address:


Then, to create a table that we can query from Hive, we execute the following statement in Hive:

STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler'
TBLPROPERTIES ("druid.datasource" = "wikiticker");

Observe that you need to specify the datasource as TBLPROPERTIES using the druid.datasource property. Further, observe that the table needs to be created as EXTERNAL, as data is stored in Druid. The table is just a logical entity that we will use to express our queries, but there is no data movement when we create the table. In fact, what happened under the hood when you execute that statement, is that Hive sends a segment metadata query to Druid in order to discover the schema (columns and their types) of the data source. Retrieval of other information that might be useful such as statistics e.g. number of rows, is in our roadmap, but it is not supported yet. Finally, note that if we change the Hive property value for the default broker address, queries on this table will automatically run against the new broker address, as the address is not stored with the table.

If we execute a DESCRIBE statement, we can actually see the information about the table:

hive> DESCRIBE FORMATTED druid_table_1;
# col_name            	data_type           	comment
__time              	timestamp           	from deserializer
added               	bigint              	from deserializer
channel             	string              	from deserializer
cityname            	string              	from deserializer
comment             	string              	from deserializer
count               	bigint              	from deserializer
countryisocode      	string              	from deserializer
countryname         	string              	from deserializer
deleted             	bigint              	from deserializer
delta               	bigint              	from deserializer
isanonymous         	string              	from deserializer
isminor             	string              	from deserializer
isnew               	string              	from deserializer
isrobot             	string              	from deserializer
isunpatrolled       	string              	from deserializer
metrocode           	string              	from deserializer
namespace           	string              	from deserializer
page                	string              	from deserializer
regionisocode       	string              	from deserializer
regionname          	string              	from deserializer
user                	string              	from deserializer
user_unique         	string              	from deserializer
# Detailed Table Information
Database:           	druid
Owner:              	user1
CreateTime:         	Thu Aug 18 19:09:10 BST 2016
LastAccessTime:     	UNKNOWN
Retention:          	0
Location:           	hdfs:/tmp/user1/hive/warehouse/druid.db/druid_table_1
Table Type:         	EXTERNAL_TABLE
Table Parameters:
	EXTERNAL            	TRUE
	druid.datasource    	wikiticker
	numFiles            	0
	numRows             	0
	rawDataSize         	0
	storage_handler     	org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler
	totalSize           	0
	transient_lastDdlTime	1471543750
# Storage Information
SerDe Library:      	org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.serde.DruidSerDe
InputFormat:        	null
OutputFormat:       	null
Compressed:         	No
Num Buckets:        	-1
Bucket Columns:     	[]
Sort Columns:       	[]
Storage Desc Params:
	serialization.format	1
Time taken: 0.111 seconds, Fetched: 55 row(s)

We can see there are three different groups of columns corresponding to the Druid categories: the timestamp column (__time) mandatory in Druid, the dimension columns (whose type is STRING), and the metrics columns (all the rest).

Create Druid datasources from Hive

If we want to manage the data in the Druid datasources from Hive, there are multiple possible scenarios.

For instance, we might want to create an empty table backed by Druid using a CREATE TABLE statement and then append and overwrite data using INSERT and INSERT OVERWRITE Hive statements, respectively.

(`__time` TIMESTAMP, `dimension1` STRING, `dimension2` STRING, `metric1` INT, `metric2` FLOAT)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler';

Another possible scenario is that our data is stored in Hive tables and we want to preprocess it and create Druid datasources from Hive to accelerate our SQL query workload. We can do that by executing a Create Table As Select (CTAS) statement. For example:

STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler'
<select `timecolumn` as `__time`, `dimension1`, `dimension2`, `metric1`, `metric2`....>;

Observe that we still create three different groups of columns corresponding to the Druid categories: the timestamp column (__time) mandatory in Druid, the dimension columns (whose type is STRING), and the metrics columns (all the rest).

In both statements, the column types (either specified statically for CREATE TABLE statements or inferred from the query result for CTAS statements) are used to infer the corresponding Druid column category.

Further, note that if we do not specify the value for the druid.datasource property, Hive automatically uses the fully qualified name of the table to create the corresponding datasource with the same name.

Version Info

Version 2.2.0: CREATE TABLE syntax when data is managed via hive.

CREATE TABLE druid_table_1
(`__time` TIMESTAMP, `dimension1` STRING, `dimension2` STRING, `metric1` INT, `metric2` FLOAT)
STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler';

 NOTE - Before Hive 3.0.0, we do not use EXTERNAL tables and do not specify the value for the druid.datasource property.

For versions 3.0.0+, All Druid tables are EXTERNAL (HIVE-20085).

Druid kafka ingestion from Hive

Version Info

Integration with Druid Kafka Indexing Service is introduced in Hive 3.0.0 (HIVE-18976).

Druid Kafka Indexing Service
supports exactly-once ingestion from Kafka topic by managing the creation and lifetime of Kafka indexing tasks. We can manage Druid Kafka Ingestion using Hive CREATE TABLE statement as shown below.

Druid Kafka Ingestion
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE druid_kafka_table_1(`__time` timestamp,`dimension1` string, `dimension1` string, `metric1` int, `metric2 double ....)
        STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.druid.DruidStorageHandler'
        "kafka.bootstrap.servers" = "localhost:9092",
        "kafka.topic" = "topic1",
        "druid.kafka.ingestion.useEarliestOffset" = "true",
        "druid.kafka.ingestion.maxRowsInMemory" = "5",
        "druid.kafka.ingestion.startDelay" = "PT1S",
        "druid.kafka.ingestion.period" = "PT1S",
        "druid.kafka.ingestion.consumer.retries" = "2"


Observe that we specified kafka topic name and kafka bootstrap servers as part of the table properties. Other tunings for Druid Kafka Indexing Service can also be specified by prefixing them with 'druid.kafka.ingestion.'  e.g. to configure duration of druid ingestion tasks we can add "druid.kafka.ingestion.taskDuration" = "PT60S" as a table property. 

Start/Stop/Reset Druid Kafka ingestion 

We can Start/Stop/Reset druid kafka ingestion using sql statement shown below. 

ALTER TABLE druid_kafka_test SET TBLPROPERTIES('druid.kafka.ingestion' = 'START');
ALTER TABLE druid_kafka_test SET TBLPROPERTIES('druid.kafka.ingestion' = 'STOP');
ALTER TABLE druid_kafka_test SET TBLPROPERTIES('druid.kafka.ingestion' = 'RESET');

Note: Reseting the ingestion will reset the kafka consumer offset maintained by druid to the next offset. The consumer offsets maintained by druid will be reset to either the earliest or latest offset depending on druid.kafka.ingestion.useEarliestOffset

 table property. This can cause duplicate/missing events. We typically only need to reset kafka ingestion when messages in Kafka at the current consumer offsets are no longer available for consumption and therefore won't be ingested into Druid.


Version Info

Version 2.2.0 : These statements are supported by Hive managed tables (not external) backed by Druid.

For versions 3.0.0+, All Druid tables are EXTERNAL (HIVE-20085) and these statements are supported for any table.

Querying Druid from Hive

Once we have created our first table stored in Druid using the DruidStorageHandler, we are ready to execute our queries against Druid.

When we express a query over a Druid table, Hive tries to rewrite the query to be executed efficiently by pushing as much computation as possible to Druid. This task is accomplished by the cost optimizer based in Apache Calcite, which identifies patterns in the plan and apply rules to rewrite the input query into a new equivalent query with (hopefully) more operations executed in Druid.

In particular, we implemented our extension to the optimizer in HIVE-14217, which builds upon the work initiated in CALCITE-1121, and extends its logic to identify more complex query patterns (timeseries queries), translate filters on the time dimension to Druid intervals, push limit into Druid select queries, etc.

Currently, we support the recognition of timeseriesgroupBy, and select queries.

Once we have completed the optimization, the (sub)plan of operators that needs to be executed by Druid is translated into a valid Druid JSON query, and passed as a property to the Hive physical TableScan operator. The Druid query will be executed within the TableScan operator, which will generate the records out of the Druid query results.

We generate a single Hive split with the corresponding Druid query for timeseries and groupBy, from which we generate the records. Thus, the degree of parallelism is 1 in these cases. However, for simple select queries without limit (although they might still contain filters or projections), we partition the original query into x queries and generate one split for each of them, thus incrementing the degree of parallelism for these queries, which usually return a large number of results, to x.


Consider that depending on the query, it might not be possible to push any computation to Druid. However, our contract is that the query should always be executed. Thus, in those cases, Hive will send a select query to Druid, which basically will read all the segments from Druid, generate records, and then execute the rest of Hive operations on those records. This is also the approach that will be followed if the cost optimizer is disabled (not recommended).

Queries completely executed in Druid

We focus first on queries that can be pushed completely into Druid. In these cases, we end up with a simple plan consisting of a TableScan and a Fetch operator on top. Thus, there is no overhead related to launching containers for the execution.

Select queries

We start with the simplest type of Druid query: select queries. Basically, a select query will be equivalent to a scan operation on the data sources, although operations such as projection, filter, or limit can still be pushed into this type of query.

Consider the following query, a simple select query for 10 rows consisting of all the columns of the table:

SELECT * FROM druid_table_1 LIMIT 10;

The Hive plan for the query will be the following:

    > SELECT * FROM druid_table_1 LIMIT 10;
Plan optimized by CBO.
  Fetch Operator
    Select Operator [SEL_1]
      TableScan [TS_0]
Time taken: 0.141 seconds, Fetched: 10 row(s)

Observe that the Druid query is in the properties attached to the TableScan. For readability, we format it properly:


Observe that we get to push the limit into the Druid query (threshold). Observe as well that as we do not specify a filter on the timestamp dimension for the data source, we generate an interval that covers the range (−∞,+∞).


In Druid, the timestamp column plays a central role. In fact, Druid allows to filter on the time dimension using the intervals property for all those queries. This is very important, as the time intervals determine the nodes that store the Druid data. Thus, specifying a precise range minimizes the number of nodes hit by the broken for a certain query. Inspired by Druid PR-2880, we implemented the intervals extraction from the filter conditions in the logical plan of a query. For instance, consider the following query:

SELECT `__time`
FROM druid_table_1
WHERE `__time` >= '2010-01-01 00:00:00' AND `__time` <= '2011-01-01 00:00:00'

The Druid query generated for the SQL query above is the following (we omit the plan, as it is a simple TableScan operator).


Observe that we infer correctly the interval for the specified dates, 2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z/2011-01-01T00:00:00.001Z, because in Druid the starting date of the interval is included, but the closing date is not. We also support recognition of multiple interval ranges, for instance in the following SQL query:

SELECT `__time`
FROM druid_table_1
WHERE (`__time` BETWEEN '2010-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-01-01 00:00:00')
    OR (`__time` BETWEEN '2012-01-01 00:00:00' AND '2013-01-01 00:00:00')

Furthermore we can infer overlapping intervals too. Finally, the filters that are not specified on the time dimension will be translated into valid Druid filters and included within the query using the filter property.

Timeseries queries

Timeseries is one of the types of queries that Druid can execute very efficiently. The following SQL query translates directly into a Druid timeseries query:

SELECT `floor_month`(`__time`), max(delta), sum(added)
FROM druid_table_1
GROUP BY `floor_month`(`__time`);

Basically, we group by a given time granularity and calculate the aggregation results for each resulting group. In particular, the floor_month function over the timestamp dimension __time represents the Druid month granularity format. Currently, we support floor_year, floor_quarter, floor_month, floor_week, floor_day, floor_hour, floor_minute, and floor_second granularities. In addition, we support two special types of granularities, all and none, which we describe below. We plan to extend our integration work to support other important Druid custom granularity constructs, such as duration and period granularities.

The Hive plan for the query will be the following:

    > SELECT `floor_month`(`__time`), max(delta), sum(added)
    > FROM druid_table_1
    > GROUP BY `floor_month`(`__time`);
Plan optimized by CBO.
  Fetch Operator
    Select Operator [SEL_1]
      TableScan [TS_0]
Time taken: 0.116 seconds, Fetched: 10 row(s)

Observe that the Druid query is in the properties attached to the TableScan. For readability, we format it properly:

    {"type":"longMax", "name":"$f1", "fieldName":"delta"},
    {"type":"longSum", "name":"$f2", "fieldName":"added"}

Observe that the granularity for the Druid query is MONTH.


One rather special case is all granularity, which we introduce by example below. Consider the following query:

SELECT max(delta), sum(added)
FROM druid_table_1;

As it will do an aggregation on the complete dataset, it translates into a timeseries query with granularity all. In particular, the equivalent Druid query attached to the TableScan operator is the following:

    {"type":"longMax", "name":"$f1", "fieldName":"delta"},
    {"type":"longSum", "name":"$f2", "fieldName":"added"}

GroupBy queries

The final type of queries we currently support is groupBy. This kind of query is more expressive than timeseries queries; however, they are less performant. Thus, we only fall back to groupBy queries when we cannot transform into timeseries queries.

For instance, the following SQL query will generate a Druid groupBy query:

SELECT max(delta), sum(added)
FROM druid_table_1
GROUP BY `channel`, `user`;

Queries across Druid and Hive

Finally, we provide an example of a query that runs across Druid and Hive. In particular, let us create a second table in Hive with some data:

CREATE TABLE hive_table_1 (col1 INT, col2 STRING);
INSERT INTO hive_table_1 VALUES(1, '#en.wikipedia');

Assume we want to execute the following query:

SELECT, b.col1
  SELECT `channel`, max(delta) as m, sum(added)
  FROM druid_table_1
  GROUP BY `channel`, `floor_year`(`__time`)
  LIMIT 1000
) a
  SELECT col1, col2
  FROM hive_table_1
) b
ON = b.col2;

The query is a simple join on columns channel and col2. The subquery a is executed completely in Druid as a groupBy query. Then the results are joined in Hive with the results of results of subquery b. The query plan and execution in Tez is shown in the following:

hive> explain
    > SELECT, b.col1
    > FROM
    > (
    >   SELECT `channel`, max(delta) as m, sum(added)
    >   FROM druid_table_1
    >   GROUP BY `channel`, `floor_year`(`__time`)
    >   ORDER BY m DESC
    >   LIMIT 1000
    > ) a
    > JOIN
    > (
    >   SELECT col1, col2
    >   FROM hive_table_1
    > ) b
    > ON = b.col2;
Plan optimized by CBO.
Vertex dependency in root stage
Map 2 <- Map 1 (BROADCAST_EDGE)
  Fetch Operator
      Map 2
      File Output Operator [FS_11]
        Select Operator [SEL_10] (rows=1 width=0)
          Map Join Operator [MAPJOIN_16] (rows=1 width=0)
          <-Map 1 [BROADCAST_EDGE]
            BROADCAST [RS_7]
              Filter Operator [FIL_2] (rows=1 width=0)
                predicate:_col0 is not null
                Select Operator [SEL_1] (rows=1 width=0)
                  TableScan [TS_0] (rows=1 width=0)
          <-Select Operator [SEL_6] (rows=1 width=15)
              Filter Operator [FIL_15] (rows=1 width=15)
                predicate:col2 is not null
                TableScan [TS_4] (rows=1 width=15)
Time taken: 0.924 seconds, Fetched: 31 row(s)
hive> SELECT, b.col1
    > FROM
    > (
    >   SELECT `channel`, max(delta) as m, sum(added)
    >   FROM druid_table_1
    >   GROUP BY `channel`, `floor_year`(`__time`)
    >   ORDER BY m DESC
    >   LIMIT 1000
    > ) a
    > JOIN
    > (
    >   SELECT col1, col2
    >   FROM hive_table_1
    > ) b
    > ON = b.col2;
Query ID = user1_20160818202329_e9a8b3e8-18d3-49c7-bfe0-99d38d2402d3
Total jobs = 1
Launching Job 1 out of 1
2016-08-18 20:23:30 Running Dag: dag_1471548210492_0001_1
2016-08-18 20:23:30 Starting to run new task attempt: attempt_1471548210492_0001_1_00_000000_0
Status: Running (Executing on YARN cluster with App id application_1471548210492_0001)
Map 1 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0
Map 2 .......... container     SUCCEEDED      1          1        0        0       0       0
VERTICES: 02/02  [==========================>>] 100%  ELAPSED TIME: 0.15 s
2016-08-18 20:23:31 Completed running task attempt: attempt_1471548210492_0001_1_00_000000_0
#en.wikipedia	1
Time taken: 1.835 seconds, Fetched: 2 row(s)


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