On May 8-11, 2017, we'll hold the first ATS Reliability Summit, in St. Croix before ApacheCon 2017 NA.  All developers and community participants are welcome to join! If you plan on attending, please RSVP below.  Steven Feltner, from GoDaddy works and lives in St. Croix and has recommend a hotel and arranged for a conference room.

The location is nice.  However, we are planning to get a lot of work accomplished during the summit.  Plan on working 4 long days.  We have 353 outstanding Coverity issues to resolve.


When and Where


Monday May 8th through Thursday May 11th, 2017.


Recommended Hotel:


Price including tax:

$135 - Standard room

$160 - Partial view

$184 - Full view

Call: 800-524-0410 and mention "ATS Reliability Summit" for the discount.


US Viking - who has graciously agreed for us to use their conference room and connectivity

Local Information:



Monday - Thursday 9am to ... working on closing out all of the defects found by static analysis.



GoDaddy has agreed to sponsor catered lunches and one dinner out during the ATS Reliability Summit.


Registration Form

To RSVP please fill out the form below. Note that the signup is not binding, but we ask you to only sign up if you really intend to go. If you need to be removed from the signup, just inform bcall@apache.org.

Confirmed Attendees

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