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This KIP combines KIP-149 and provides a hybrid solution to rich functions in Streams and accessing read-only keys within ValueJoiner, ValueTransformer, ValueMapper interfaces.
Rich functions are one of the essential parts of stream processing. There are several use-cases where users cannot express their business logic with current un-rich methods. For example:
- having access to RecordContext within an operator
- having access to a read-only key for ValueJoiner, ValueTransformer, ValueMapper interfaces
Rich Interfaces
public interface RichInitializer<V, K> { V apply(K key); } public interface RichValueMapper<V, VR, K> { VR apply(final V value, final K key, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichValueJoiner<V1, V2, VR, K> { VR apply(final V1 value1, final V2 value2, final K key, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichKeyValueMapper<K, V, VR> { VR apply(final K key, final V value, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichReducer<V, K> { V apply(final V value1, final V value2, final K key, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichAggregator<K, V, VA> { VA apply(final K key, final V value, final VA aggregate, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichForeachAction<K, V> { void apply(final K key, final V value, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichPredicate<K, V> { boolean test(final K key, final V value, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichMerger<K, V> { V apply(final K aggKey, final V aggOne, final V aggTwo, final RecordContext recordContext); } public interface RichValueTransformer<V, VR, K> { void init(final ProcessorContext context); VR transform(final V value, final K key); void close(); } public interface RichValueTransformerSupplier<V, VR, K> { RichValueTransformer<V, VR, K> get(); }
Public Interfaces
KStream<K, V> filter(RichPredicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate); KStream<K, V> filterNot(RichPredicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate); <KR> KStream<KR, V> selectKey(RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, ? extends KR> mapper); <KR, VR> KStream<KR, VR> map(RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, ? extends KeyValue<? extends KR, ? extends VR>> mapper); <VR> KStream<K, VR> mapValues(RichValueMapper<? super V, ? extends VR, ? super K> mapper); <KR, VR> KStream<KR, VR> flatMap(final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, ? extends Iterable<? extends KeyValue<? extends KR, ? extends VR>>> mapper); <VR> KStream<K, VR> flatMapValues(final RichValueMapper<? super V, ? extends Iterable<? extends VR>, ? super K> mapper); void foreach(final RichForeachAction<? super K, ? super V> action); KStream<K, V> peek(final RichForeachAction<? super K, ? super V> action); KStream<K, V>[] branch(final RichPredicate<? super K, ? super V>... predicates); <VR> KStream<K, VR> transformValues(final RichValueTransformerSupplier<? super V, ? extends VR, ? super K> valueTransformerSupplier, final String... stateStoreNames); <KR> KGroupedStream<KR, V> groupBy(final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, KR> selector); <KR> KGroupedStream<KR, V> groupBy(final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, KR> selector, final Serialized<KR, V> serialized); <VO, VR> KStream<K, VR> join(final KStream<K, VO> otherStream, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final JoinWindows windows); <VO, VR> KStream<K, VR> join(final KStream<K, VO> otherStream, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final JoinWindows windows, final Joined<K, V, VO> joined); <VO, VR> KStream<K, VR> leftJoin(final KStream<K, VO> otherStream, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final JoinWindows windows); <VO, VR> KStream<K, VR> leftJoin(final KStream<K, VO> otherStream, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final JoinWindows windows, final Joined<K, V, VO> joined); <VO, VR> KStream<K, VR> outerJoin(final KStream<K, VO> otherStream, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final JoinWindows windows); <VO, VR> KStream<K, VR> outerJoin(final KStream<K, VO> otherStream, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final JoinWindows windows, final Joined<K, V, VO> joined); <VT, VR> KStream<K, VR> join(final KTable<K, VT> table, final RichValueJoiner<? super K, ? super V, ? super VT, ? extends VR> joiner); <VT, VR> KStream<K, VR> join(final KTable<K, VT> table, final RichValueJoiner<? super K, ? super V, ? super VT, ? extends VR> joiner, final Joined<K, V, VT> joined); <VT, VR> KStream<K, VR> leftJoin(final KTable<K, VT> table, final RichValueJoiner<? super K, ? super V, ? super VT, ? extends VR> joiner); <VT, VR> KStream<K, VR> leftJoin(final KTable<K, VT> table, final RichValueJoiner<? super K, ? super V, ? super VT, ? extends VR> joiner, final Joined<K, V, VT> joined); <GK, GV, RV> KStream<K, RV> join(final GlobalKTable<GK, GV> globalKTable, final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, ? extends GK> keyValueMapper, final RichValueJoiner<? super K, ? super V, ? super GV, ? extends RV> joiner); <GK, GV, RV> KStream<K, RV> leftJoin(final GlobalKTable<GK, GV> globalKTable, final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, ? extends GK> keyValueMapper, final RichValueJoiner<? super K, ? super V, ? super GV, ? extends RV> valueJoiner);
KTable<K, V> filter(final RichPredicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate); KTable<K, V> filter(final RichPredicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate, final Materialized<K, V, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); KTable<K, V> filterNot(final RichPredicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate); KTable<K, V> filterNot(final RichPredicate<? super K, ? super V> predicate, final Materialized<K, V, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); <VR> KTable<K, VR> mapValues(final RichValueMapper<? super V, ? extends VR, ? super K> mapper); <VR> KTable<K, VR> mapValues(final RichValueMapper<? super V, ? extends VR, ? super K> mapper, final Materialized<K, VR, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); <KR> KStream<KR, V> toStream(final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, ? extends KR> mapper); <KR, VR> KGroupedTable<KR, VR> groupBy(final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, KeyValue<KR, VR>> selector); <KR, VR> KGroupedTable<KR, VR> groupBy(final RichKeyValueMapper<? super K, ? super V, KeyValue<KR, VR>> selector, final Serialized<KR, VR> serialized); <VO, VR> KTable<K, VR> join(final KTable<K, VO> other, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner); <VO, VR> KTable<K, VR> join(final KTable<K, VO> other, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final Materialized<K, VR, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); <VO, VR> KTable<K, VR> leftJoin(final KTable<K, VO> other, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner); <VO, VR> KTable<K, VR> leftJoin(final KTable<K, VO> other, final ValueJoiner<? super K, ? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR> joiner, final Materialized<K, VR, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); <VO, VR> KTable<K, VR> outerJoin(final KTable<K, VO> other, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner); <VO, VR> KTable<K, VR> outerJoin(final KTable<K, VO> other, final RichValueJoiner<? super V, ? super VO, ? extends VR, ? super K> joiner, final Materialized<K, VR, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized);
KTable<K, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> reducer); KTable<K, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> reducer, final Materialized<K, V, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); <VR> KTable<K, VR> aggregate(final RichInitializer<VR, K> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> aggregator, final Materialized<K, VR, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); <VR> KTable<K, VR> aggregate(final RichInitializer<VR, K> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> aggregator);
There are 3 rich interfaces in aggregate() methods. So converting all possible combinations to their rich counterparts can cause a lot of overloads. So, I propose to overload one method with all rich interfaces.
<T> KTable<Windowed<K>, T> aggregate(final RichInitializer<T, Windowed<K>> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, T> aggregator, final RichMerger<? super K, T> sessionMerger); <VR> KTable<Windowed<K>, VR> aggregate(final RichInitializer<VR, Windowed<K>> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> aggregator, final RichMerger<? super K, VR> sessionMerger, final Materialized<K, VR, SessionStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); KTable<Windowed<K>, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> reducer); KTable<Windowed<K>, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> reducer, final Materialized<K, V, SessionStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materializedAs); ,
<VR> KTable<Windowed<K>, VR> aggregate(final RichInitializer<VR, K> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> aggregator); <VR> KTable<Windowed<K>, VR> aggregate(final RichInitializer<VR, K> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> aggregator, final Materialized<K, VR, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); KTable<Windowed<K>, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> reducer); KTable<Windowed<K>, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> reducer, final Materialized<K, V, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized);
KTable<K, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> adder, final RichReducer<V, K> subtractor, final Materialized<K, V, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); KTable<K, V> reduce(final RichReducer<V, K> adder, final RichReducer<V, K> subtractor); <VR> KTable<K, VR> aggregate(final RichInitializer<VR> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> adder, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> subtractor, final Materialized<K, VR, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> materialized); <VR> KTable<K, VR> aggregate(final RichInitializer<VR> initializer, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> adder, final RichAggregator<? super K, ? super V, VR> subtractor);
Proposed changes
Make record context open to public
) :// the below code snippet already exists, this is just for background. private void updateProcessorContext(final StampedRecord record, final ProcessorNode currNode) { processorContext.setRecordContext(new ProcessorRecordContext(record.timestamp, record.offset(), record.partition(), record.topic())); processorContext.setCurrentNode(currNode); }
Sample processor should look like this:
class KStreamKTableJoinProcessor<K1, K2, V1, V2, R> extends AbstractProcessor<K1, V1> { ... private RecordContext recordContext; // this line is added in this KIP ... @Override public void process(final K1 key, final V1 value) { recordContext = new RecordContext() { // recordContext initialization is added in this KIP @Override public long offset() { return context().recordContext().offset(); } @Override public long timestamp() { return context().recordContext().timestamp(); } @Override public String topic() { return context().recordContext().topic(); } @Override public int partition() { return context().recordContext().partition(); } }; if (key != null && value != null) { final V2 value2 = valueGetter.get(keyMapper.apply(key, value)); if (leftJoin || value2 != null) { context().forward(key, joiner.apply(value, value2, recordContext)); } } } }
Rejected Alternatives
Not yet.