
Total: 13

(Vicky, Tamas, Shirshanka, Issac, Hung, Zhixiong, Arjun, Kuai, Abhishek, 4 Anonymous Guests)


Apache updates

Updates on Apache front:

  • Apache JIRA being used for all issues and features tracking now
  • Apache Wiki is now the source of truth for any design document and process guidelines
  • Apache mailing lists is being used for all discussions. Quick help available at Gitter but long tail discussions to happen on mailing lists
  • Apache website has been setup. Documentation has been moved partially to the website, rest of the documentation will be moved to it soon.
  • Package rename done in the codebase. Backwards incompatible changes: Custom code, config values that have fully qualified classnames
  • Shims added to support previous state
  • Next up is first Apache release
  • Road ahead: continue to follow the Apache process and work towards graduation


  • Vicky said that sometimes his mails do not go through to dev mailing lists, Abhishek to follow-up
  • Vicky said that the links are not updated at many places including links to Apache mailing lists archive on Apache website, Vicky and Abhishek to follow-up on it

Feature updates

Who is working on what in the community:

Gobblin-as-a-Service multi-hop compiler: Lei is working on Gobblin-as-a-Service multi-hop compiler that will take in a flow spec and generate job specs for multiple Gobblin deployments.

Gobblin-as-a-Service Git Support: Hung is working on Gobblin-as-a-Service Git based configuration manager that can read / poll flow specs from Git repository. 

Hive Task: Arjun is working on adding support to run Hive tasks natively in Gobblin. 

MySQL state store checker: Tamas to contribute his changes for MySQL state store checker. 

Kafka 11 Support: Lorand (could not make to meetup, but sent updates via email) is working on adding Kafka 11 support in Gobblin.


  • Apache biweekly sprints have been setup on Apache JIRA portal, this is just to track who is working on what on volunteer basis and not attach process or commitments
  • Committers will be cleaning up old PRs, by either closing them or working with contributors to merge them in. 


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