With the move to Git it's helpful to carry over as few unneeded projects as possible. Our samples should be useful examples for users and obviously build successfully.

The table below presents proposals for moving some sample projects to the attic before the migration takes place.

ModuleWho's for moving to the attic?Who's against moving to the attic?Comments
accessmanager-uiRobert Munteanu Stefan Seifert UI no longer useful as composum fills that role nicely
custom-selector-login-formRobert Munteanu Stefan Seifert Uses org.apache.sling.auth.selector bundle, which is in the attic
urlfilterRobert Munteanu Stefan Seifert We either use JCR security or org.apache.sling.resourceaccesssecurity
usermanager-uiRobert Munteanu Stefan Seifert UI no longer useful as composum fills that role nicely
webloaderRobert Munteanu Stefan Seifert Does not work as no documents are retrieved. Also needs loginAdmin whitelist
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