This page provides details about the Apache Community Business Cards and how you can create and order them for use in conjunction with Apache projects..

What are Apache Business Cards?

Apache Business Cards are cards that people involved with Apache projects can use when they are promoting their Apache project at an event or representing their Apache project. Individuals (not the ASF) would be responsible for printing their own cards. We have two standard formats that have been agreed:

  1. Apache Official Role Business Card  (This card single sided card with a white background and the Apache logo)
  2. Apache Community Business Card   (This card is double sided with the Apache logo on the back and a red background with the Apache feather logo on the front)

What is the difference between the two business cards ?

The main difference between the two cards is that the Apache Official Role Business card needs to contain your official role at Apache. For example if you are a Board Member, Officer of the Foundation, Member, PMC Member,  VP of a project or an Apache Committer, then these are all valid Apache roles that can be used. You must also include your email as the contact email address.

The Apache Community Business Card can contain all the official roles as well as other role descriptions. For example Developer, Contibutor. It can also include other details related to your involvement in Apache such as PGP key and does not need to include your email address.

NOTE: In both cases your business card must not contain the name of your employer as these business cards are to promote your involvement with Apache.

Can I use the Apache Community Business Card as my Apache Official Role Business Card?

Yes. If you prefer the format of the Community Business Card then you can use it as your Apache Official Role Business Card. Simply include your official Apache role and your email address.

What details are included the business cards?

The main details included on the cards are:

  • Your Name
  • Role (e.g Committer, PMC Member, VP Apache Foo, Contributor, etc)
  • Apache Email Address

Other optional details

  • Phone Number
  • Other contact (e.g Twitter, Facebook other social media)
  • PGP Key

How do I create my own individual business card?

Business cards can be ordered directly from for convenience, and templates in various formats are attached to this page if you prefer using a different printing service.

To order from

  1. Register as a user linked to the Apache Software Foundation's account using the following link ;
  2. Select the business card format from the existing templates that you want to use (NOTE: You can create multiple cards so one of each format if you want)
  3. Edit the card to include the details you want
  4. Save the card and preview the details
  5. When you are happy with the layout you can order your cards choosing the type of finish, paper and corners.

TO DO: Add a section for how to edit official role card directly..

Where can I use the business cards?

You can use the business cards in any situation or event where you are promoting the ASF or your project. For example, on the Apache booth, meetups, presenting at an event or conference.

Do I have to order my Apache business cards using

No, you can order your business cards from another supplier. We have setup the ASF Moo account to make it easier for lots of to order  their cards

Who can I contact, if I am having problems?

Please report any issues and problems to the Comdev dev mailing list and we will try and help (smile)

Does the business card come in US size?

Yes, the Apache Official Role card has a template that is the US business card size.

NOTE: The standard US business card size is slightly larger.

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