Current state: Accepted
Discussion thread: here
JIRA: KAFKA-6138 here
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StreamsBuilder#addGlobalStore does not provide a good user experience as users are forced to specify names for processor names – processor name are a Processor API detail should be hidden in the DSL. The current API is the following:
public synchronized StreamsBuilder addGlobalStore(final StoreBuilder storeBuilder, final String topic, final String sourceName, final Consumed consumed, final String processorName, final ProcessorSupplier stateUpdateSupplier)
Public Interfaces
Add a new function in the org.apache.kafka.streams.StreamsBuilder, as the following:
public synchronized StreamsBuilder addGlobalStore(final StoreBuilder storeBuilder, final String topic, final Consumed consumed, final ProcessorSupplier stateUpdateSupplier)
Proposed Changes
We should remove the two parameters sourceName and processorName in both InternalStreamsBuilder#addGlobalStateStore and StreamsBuilder#addGlobalStateStore. The two parameter will be generated by the following code.
final String sourceName = newProcessorName(KStreamImpl.SOURCE_NAME);
final String processorName = newProcessorName(KTableImpl.SOURCE_NAME);
This is the same implementation used in InternalStreamsBuilder#globalTable.
The following code is an example of the new API usage.
String globalTopicName = "testGlobalTopic";
String globalStoreName = "testAddGlobalStore";
final StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
KeyValueStoreBuilder t = new KeyValueStoreBuilder();
final KeyValueStoreBuilder globalStoreBuilder = EasyMock.createNiceMock(KeyValueStoreBuilder.class);
builder.addGlobalStore(globalStoreBuilder,globalTopicName,new ConsumedInternal(),new MockProcessorSupplier());
Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
- To be backward compatible, the current method must be deprecated and a new method should be added with reduced number of parameters.
- Upgraded application should stay with old API since the new API will affected naming of generated internal topic. However, new application can use the new API.