This page contains a minimal test set to be executed before releasing the Sling IDE Tooling. This is of course to be done in addition to run the integration tests, which ensure a minimal baseline.

Synchronising content automatically to the server

  1. Start up a Sling Starter instance (from outside Eclipse)
  2. Use the wizard to create a new Sling content project
  3. Associate the module to the Sling server
  4. Deploy the module to Sling
  5. Verify that the initial changes were deployed
  6. Verify that incremental changes are deployed ( e.g. change jcr:description in the .content.xml file manually )

Importing content manually from the server

  1. Edit the filter.xml file and add the following filter entry <filter root="/slingshot"/>
  2. Right-click on the jcr_root directory, select Import from server and press finish
  3. Validate that the import is completed without errors

Exporting content manually to the server

  1. Disable automatic sync for the server ( Publishing → Never publish automatically )
  2. Create a new folder under /jcr_root/apps/example/ and add a file in it.
  3. Right-click on jcr_root, select Export to server and press finish
  4. Verify that the newly added folder and file are present in the repository
  5. Re-enable automatic sync

Deploying an OSGi bundle using the fileystem

  1. Use the wizard to create a new Sling bundle project
  2. Deploy it on the server from the last step
  3. Verify that the bundle is present in the OSGi runtime
  4. Uninstall the bundle from the OSGi runtime

Deploying an OSGi bundle using upload

  1. Change the sling server to Install bundles on server via bundle upload
  2. Make a change in the recently created bundle
  3. Verify that the bundle is present in the OSGi runtime
  4. Uninstall the bundle from the OSGi runtime
  5. Change the sling server to install bundles on server directly from the filesystem

Navigating the content tree

  1. Create a folder for vault checkout
  2. Add a the following /META-INF/vault/filter.xml file:
<workspaceFilter vesion="1.0">
    <filter root="/slingshot"/>

    3. Perform a vlt checkout by running vlt --credentials admin:admin co --force http://localhost:8080/server/default/jcr:root .
    4. Create a new faceted project with the 'Content' facet and set its initial directory to the one created at step 1
    5. Verify that the node type information, icons, and hierarchical structure is correct

Using the JCR properties view

  1. Select a sling:Folder node in the resource navigator
  2. Open the JCR properties view
  3. Add a new property, verify that the value is correctly written
  4. Change an existing property, verify that the value is correctly written
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