
At the February 15, 2012 meeting of the Apache Software Foundation's board of directors, the resolution recommending the graduation of Apache BVal to a top-level project was passed. The podling-formerly-known-as-Apache-Bean-Validation thanks everyone who helped to make this happen!

The Apache Bean Validation community is proud to announce our 0.3-incubating release, which is our third release as an Apache Incubator project. This release includes a few minor bug fixes and passes the Bean Validation 1.0.3 TCK. Please visit the Downloads, Documentation and Samples pages on our project website to learn how to start using Apache Bean Validation.

The Bean Validation PPMC is pleased to announce that Albert Lee has accepted our invitation to join the Bean Validation project as a committer.

Congrats and welcome Albert!

The Apache Bean Validation community is proud to announce our 0.2-incubating release, which is our second release as an Apache Incubator project. This release includes a few minor bug fixes and passes the Bean Validation 1.0.3 TCK. Please visit the Downloads, Documentation and Samples pages on our project website to lean how to start using Apache Bean Validation.

The Bean Validation PPMC is pleased to announce that Matt Benson has accepted our invitation to join the Bean Validation project as a committer.

Congrats and welcome Matt!

A simple guide that explains how to use the 0.1-incubating release of Apache Bean Validation with WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java Persistence API 2.0 has been posted over on the WebSphere and Java Persistence blog.  While it isn't an offically supported configuration, it works very well with OpenJPA 2.0 (under the hood of the feature pack) and may help some WebSphere/EE folks get their feet wet with bean validation, especially in a JPA 2.0 EE environment.


The Bean Validation PPMC is pleased to announce that David Jencks has accepted our invitation to join the Bean Validation project as a committer.

Congrats and welcome David!

The Bean Validation PPMC extended membership to Carlos Vara and he has accepted!
More information about the PPMC and its role can be found on the main Incubator website.

The Apache Bean Validation community is proud to announce our 0.1-incubating release, which is our first release as an Apache Incubator project. This release is based on the final JSR303 Bean Validation, Version 1.0 specification and passes the Bean Validation 1.0.3 TCK. Please visit the Downloads, Documentation and Samples pages on our project website to lean how to start using Apache Bean Validation.

The Bean Validation PMC is pleased to announce that Carlos Vara has accepted our invitation to join the Bean Validation project as a committer. If you've been following the project, you're no doubt familiar with his contributions to the project, already. We're very happy to have Carlos joining the project.

Congrats and welcome Carlos!

As of BVAL-55 and lots of work by Carlos Vara and Roman Stumm, we are now passing the Bean Validation TCK in stand-alone and in-container modes! Look for us to start our first incubator release next week.

We now have our project setup to use the Apache Nexus repository and the first set of artifacts (0.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT) have been published to:

Code imported into SVN

Thanks to Matthias Wessendorf for importing the initial codebase into SVN at:

The Apache Incubator PMC approved the creation of a Bean Validation podling in the Incubator today.
The original proposal can be found at
The podling status page can be found at