
A new bug-fix version of the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ library has been released.

A new bug-fix version of the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ library has been released.

A new major version of the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ library has been released.

A new bug fix release of the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ library has been released.

A new bug fix release of the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ library has been released. In this version we improved the discovery transport quite a bit and added in HTTP based discovery support.

After almost a year we've released v1.6.0 of Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ. This version offers many new features and fixes many issues that were found over the course of the last year. The release implement the Apache.NMS API v1.6.0

A new release of Apache.NMS.Stomp is out v1.5.3. This release has several important bug fixes in it, grab the binary distro on the Apache.NMS.Stomp Downloads page:

A new release of Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ is out v1.5.5. This release has several important bug fixes in it, grab the binary distro on the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ Downloads page:

A new release of Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ is out v1.5.4. This release has several important bug fixes in it, grab the binary distro on the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ Downloads page:

A new release of Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ is out v1.5.3. This release has several important bug fixes in it, grab the binary distro on the Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ Downloads page:

A new release of Apache.NMS.ActiveMQ is out v1.5.2. This release has several important bug fixes in it, grab the binary distro here: