"In short, JFW offers features like connection pools, logging management and more utilities classes that not offered by Struts"
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/full-hibernate-plugin.html
Release Notes
- Improvement: Objects with Session and Transaction targets (ie. DAOs) can be constructed inside Action methods.
- Improvement: Better log messages for debugging.
- Improvement: German messages (Thanks to Johannes Geppert).
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/full-hibernate-plugin.html
Release Notes
- New Feature: The internal Hibernate Core Session Factory class now has a method to get a new Hibernate Core Session, NOT the Session of the current thread (HTTP request).
- Bug Fix: Hibernate Core Sessions are closed and Transactions are rolled back when a unexpected exception is throwed by the Action.
- Improvement: Better log messages.
Projekt Home: http://code.google.com/p/struts2-jquery
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/S2PLUGINS/jQuery+plugin
Showcase and Examples: http://www.weinfreund.de/struts2-jquery-showcase/
Version 0.9.2 with this new Features since 0.7:
- Add Drag & Drop Support
- Freemarker Support
- datepicker and submit button is now compliance for struts2 xhtml theme
- Some Bugfixes
- AJAX support
- Support for themes
- UI widgets
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/full-hibernate-plugin.html
Release Notes
- New Feature: EJB3 like access for the annotated Session and Transaction fields. Setters are optional now and used only if exists
- New Feature: Close session method can be configured for custom Session Factory class
- Bug Fix: Bux fix for Oracle, MS SQL Server and Firebird/Interbase (test the connection availability) - thanks to Nacho Marijuan
- Better Hibernate Core Session Factory, using the Thread Local Pattern (https://www.hibernate.org/207.html)
Released core 1.1.1, log viewer 1.1.1 and webapps
"In short, JFW offers features like connection pools, logging management and more utilities classes that not offered by Struts"
Projekt Home: http://code.google.com/p/struts2-jquery
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/S2PLUGINS/jQuery+plugin
Showcase and Examples: http://www.weinfreund.de/struts2-jquery-showcase/
Version 0.7 with this new Features since 0.5:
- Upgrade to jQuery UI 1.7.2
- New simple Widget Progressbar
- Extend the showcase
- Remote Div and Effect Div can be resizable
- Some Bugfixes
- AJAX support
- Support for themes
- UI widgets
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/full-hibernate-plugin.html
- Hibernate Validator integration
- Hibernate Core Sessions injection capability (New Feature: injection by annotation)
- Hibernate Transactions injection capability (New Feature: injection by annotation)
- Hibernate Core configuration management Web Tool
Projekt Home: http://code.google.com/p/struts2-jquery
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/S2PLUGINS/jQuery+plugin
Showcase and Examples: http://www.weinfreund.de/struts2-jquery-showcase/
Version 0.5 is out with new Widgets like Accordion and Dialog.
- AJAX support
- Support for themes
- UI widgets
Released core 1.1 and log viewer 1.1
"In short, JFW offers features like connection pools, logging management and more utilities classes that not offered by Struts"
Projekt Home: http://code.google.com/p/struts2-jquery
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/S2PLUGINS/jQuery+plugin
- AJAX support
- Support for themes
- UI widgets
Plugin Home: http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/full-hibernate-plugin.html
- Hibernate Validator integration
- Hibernate Core Sessions injection capability
- Hibernate Transactions injection capability
- Hibernate Core configuration management Web Tool
Released core 1.0.14
"In short, JFW offers features like connection pools, logging management and more utilities classes that not offered by Struts"
p.s.: more than 900 downloads
The Struts 2 YUI Plugin (s2yui) has posted a new ALPHA 7 release. Included in the release:
- Added basic YUI Tabview tag
- Added support for YUI CSS reset, fonts, grids, and base as attributes to the head tag.
- Upgraded internal YUI libraries to YUI version 2.7.0
- Update for compatibility with later version Struts 2.1.6
This plugin just provide a new result type 'json'. It's an alternative to the exiting struts json plugin(http://cwiki.apache.org/S2PLUGINS/json-plugin.html)
This plugin heavily depends flexjson(http://flexjson.sourceforge.net/). Flexjson provide a DSL way to control the serialization process of a java object.
For more detail, source code or documentation, please check http://code.google.com/p/struts2jsonresult/