I wrote the following code to create temp.txt in the stored directory But some file with a diff name(aW5kZXgxLnR4dA%3D%3D) gets created. Does someone know how to specify the name of the output file

        Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("d:\\Raj\\test.log");
        [LoggerFacade] loggerFacade = new [Log4jLogger](logger);
        [FileResourceManager] fileResourceManager = 
               new [FileResourceManager]("D:\\Raj\\stored", "D:\\Raj\\working", true, loggerFacade );
        String txId = fileResourceManager.generatedUniqueTxId();
        System.out.println("Working Directory : " + fileResourceManager.getWorkDir());
        System.out.println("Store Directory : " + fileResourceManager.getStoreDir());
        System.out.println("Transaction Identifier : " + txId);
        [FileInputStream] fis = new [FileInputStream]("D:\\Raj\\stored\\index.txt");
        byte\[\] bt1 = new byte\[100\];
        [OutputStream] os = fileResourceManager.writeResource(txId, "temp.txt");

Answer: You just need to disable urlEncoding: new FileResourceManager("D:\\Raj
stored", "D:\\Raj
working", false, loggerFacade );

Question: 2: Have you thought of integrating the file transaction with the JCA architecture, or enable it to work with the userTransaction. There is a need in our application to coordinate a database write with file write.

thanks Ankur Kapadia