{{{#!wiki red/solid (error) (sad) The most up to date information about spatial search at the Solr Reference Guide instead: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Spatial+Search. Some details are still here, and will eventually be copied. This page will not be kept current. (error) (sad)

(warning) Solr4.0

Lucene / Solr 4 Spatial

This document describes how to use the new spatial field types and related functionality in Lucene / Solr 4. The existing spatial support introduced in Solr 3 is still present and is still the default used in Solr's example schema – LatLonType.

The bulk of the new spatial implementation lives in the new Lucene 4 spatial module. It replaces the former "Lucene spatial contrib" in v3. The Solr piece is small as it only needs to provide field types which are essentially adapters to the code in the Lucene spatial module. The shape implementations and other core spatial code that isn't related to Lucene is held in a new open-source project called Spatial4j. Presently, polygon support requires an additional dependency – JTS.

There is a basic demo application that exercises a variety of these features. It's not "live" so you'll have to download and build it first. It's a bit rough around the edges as it's mostly used by the Lucene spatial developers.

New features, over Solr 3 spatial

Note: "Solr 3 spatial" refers to the spatial support introduced in that version of Solr which still exists in v4. Except for a small utility class, Solr 3 spatial does not actually use Lucene 3's defunct spatial contrib module.

These features describe what developer-users of Lucene/Solr 4 will appreciate. Under the hood, it's a framework designed to be extended for different so-called "spatial strategies". I'll assume here the RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy as it should address most use-cases and it has the best tests.

Of course, the basics in Solr 3 not mentioned here are implemented in this framework. For example, lat-lon bounding boxes and circles.

How to Use


First, you must register a spatial field type in the Solr schema.xml file. The instructions in this whole document imply the RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy based field type used in a geospatial context.

    <fieldType name="location_rpt"   class="solr.SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType"

And finally, specify a field that uses this field type:

   <field name="geo"  type="location_rpt"  indexed="true" stored="true"  multiValued="true" />  

A key feature of the new spatial module is multi-value support but you certainly aren't required to declare the field multiValued if it isn't.

The following configuration attributes are common to all new spatial field types based on Lucene 4 spatial:

A PrefixTree based field sees the world as a grid. Each grid cell is further decomposed as another set of grid cells at the next level. The first and largest cells have "level 1", the next detailed is "level 2" and so on. Here are the attributes specific to PrefixTree based fields:

A couple more obscure attributes are defaultFieldValuesArrayLen (affects memory use in distance sorting) and prefixGridScanLevel (tunes heuristics for filter performance).


Points are indexed just as they are in Solr 3 spatial:

{{ <field name="geo">43.17614,-90.57341</field>}}

If a comma is omitted, then it is in x-y (lon-lat) order:

{{ <field name="geo">-90.57341 43.17614</field>}}

A lat-lon rectangle can be indexed with 4 numbers in minX minY maxX maxY order:

{{ <field name="geo">-74.093 41.042 -69.347 44.558</field>}}

A circle is specified like so:

{{ <field name="geo">Circle(4.56,1.23 d=0.0710)</field>}}

The first part of it is the center point, in either "lon lat" or "lat,lon" format, then the "d" distance radius is in degrees (see further below on units).

For polygons, use the WKT standard (Well Known Text) like so:

{{ <field name="geo">POLYGON((-10 30, -40 40, -10 -20, 40 20, 0 0, -10 30))</field>}}

(That requires JTS, remember). In WKT, coordinates are in "x y" (lon lat) order, and the coordinates are each separated by commas. (The double parenthesis is not a typo; see the WKT spec.)


As of (warning) Solr 4.2 it became possible to use the {!geofilt} and {!bbox} query parsers with the new spatial field type. Quick example:

 fq={!geofilt pt=45.15,-93.85 sfield=geo d=5} 

'd' has the units of kilometers when used in geofilt or bbox no matter what the field type may say. That may change in the future. Although it's nice to use Solr's existing established spatial syntax, that syntax has limitations – namely you can't choose any rectangle as a filter, it's limited to the bounding box of a circle. To break free of that limitation, you can use Solr's range query syntax for spatial like so:

 fq=geo:[45,-94 TO 46,-93] 

It's limited to the latitude comma longitude syntax without spaces. The left side has the lower left corner, and the right side has the upper right corner. And the nice thing here is that it will correctly work across the international dateline, unlike LatLonType.

A new syntax that the new spatial field type supported right from version 4.0 is a field-query style approach; it isn't a conventional Solr query parser. You currently need to use this syntax to use a spatial predicate other than Intersects, or to use WKT formatted shapes (for e.g. a polygon), or to add some precision tuning options. Here are a couple examples, first with a bounding box (not in WKT) then a WKT example with a tuning option.

{{ fq=geo:"Intersects(-74.093 41.042 -69.347 44.558)"}}

{{ fq=geo:"IsWithin(POLYGON((-10 30, -40 40, -10 -20, 40 20, 0 0, -10 30))) distErrPct=0"}}

Notice that the unusual trick here is that the spatial part of the query is placed into what looks like a Lucene phrase query. The query starts with the spatial predicate (AKA SpatialOperation, see below) and then the contents of the parenthesis is either WKT or the other simple shape formats seen above in the indexing examples.

A query shape will by default have the distErrPct precision specified by the field type definition, which defaults to 0.025 (2.5%). Interpretation of this figure was described earlier. The above example sets it to 0 making the query shape as accurate as the grid is (maxDistErr, by default 1 meter). You can also specify distErr=... to explicitly set the precision for the shape (as measured in degrees) for when you know what the accuracy should be in exact terms instead of in relative terms.

Spatial Predicates

Initially only "Intersects" was supported; (warning) Solr 4.3 introduced "IsWithin", "Contains", and "IsDisjointTo".

If you only have indexed points, then don't use IsWithin or Contains; keep it to Intersects (or IsDisjointTo if you need that).

If you have indexed non-point shapes, then you might want to search according to the "IsWithin" and "Contains" predicates relative to your query shape. To clarify, use "IsWithin" if you want to search for indexed shapes that are WITHIN the query shape. Vice-versa for Contains.

The semantics of IsDisjointTo is defined as the inverse of Intersects, but with the constraint that the field must have spatial data. No spatial predicate will match a document that has no spatial data.

Sorting and Relevancy

A common spatial requirement is to sort the search results by distance from a point such as the center of a map window. This works quite differently than Solr 3 spatial; you can't use geodist(). Instead, the spatial queries seen earlier are capable of returning a distance based score, which can then be sorted, used in relevancy boosting, and even returned in search results.

Here, we show parameters that do a spatial filter & sort & returns the distance (as the score) simultaneously:

 &fl=*,score&sort=score asc&q={!geofilt score=distance sfield=geo pt=54.729696,-98.525391 d=10}  

Adding a user keyword search in this case would be added as an 'fq' param, most likely with the leading {!edismax}. Notice the score=distance local-param here. Without this (or if set to "none"), the query would yield a constant 1.0 for all documents. With "distance", it is the distance in degrees from the center of the query shape to the indexed point(s). You'll probably want to sort these values ascending, as shown. Another option is "recipDistance" which will use the reciprocal function such that distance 0 yields a score of 1, and a distance at the edge of the query shape yields ~0.1, trailing down closer to 0 beyond that. The "recipDistance" option is intended for use in boosting relevancy, such as using it in dismax's boost parameter.

If you want to sort and to have the distance in the results like in the last example, but don't want the spatial filter, you can do this too:

 &fl=*,score&sort=score asc&q={!geofilt score=distance filter=false sfield=geo pt=54.729696,-98.525391 d=10}  

The only change was adding filter=false (added in (warning) Solr 4.2 ). The 'd' is then effectively irrelevant (but is still required for the shape definition, a circle here) as only the center point of the shape is pertinent for sorting. If a document has no point in the spatial field, the distance used is 0.

If you only need to return the distance but don't need to sort, then the most performant approach is to calculate it on the client based on the lat & lon from the search results. Google for the haversine algorithm and your language of choice and you'll find a code snippet. If you ask Solr to do it then it'll put all the points in memory needlessly, but it'll certainly work. This shortcoming may be addressed in the future.


Sorting in Solr, wether it be a number/date or one of these spatial fields, requires some memory for each document and spatial sorting can involve some non-trivial math performed numerous times. Consequently, don't apply sorting without an actual need / requirement, versus a "hey, why not?" choice. The first time you sort on a field (spatial or not) it will load some data into memory then. This "first time" is the first time since the last commit, to be precise. You probably want to do put the sort query into firstSearcher & newSearcher so that an end user's search won't get hit with that penalty.

Units, Conversion

Degrees to desired units: Math.toRadians(degrees) * earthRadiusInTheUnitsYouWant

Degrees to kilometers: degrees * 111.1951

Degrees to miles: degrees * 69.09341

Just divide instead of multiply to go the other way.

JTS / WKT / Polygon notes

Shapes other than point, circle, or rectangle require JTS, an otherwise optional dependency. If you want to use Well Known Text (WKT) but only need the basic shapes, you still need JTS – a restriction likely to be addressed in the near future.


Using spatial to search time ranges

The new spatial support here can actually be used for searching and indexing time durations or other numeric ranges. See SpatialForTimeDurations.