This document explains how to get up and running with Struts Action Framework 1.3.x using the Eclipse IDE.

While not required, it's a good idea to use Eclipse with the WebTools plugins. This provides the best extensions for working with Java Web Applications with Eclipse. You can find the latest download from this page:


  1. Open a command shell

Make sure you can properly execute both Maven and Subversion. (your output may differ from this)

 $ svn -version
svn, version 1.3.0 (r17949)
   compiled Jan  2 2006, 08:56:49

Copyright (C) 2000-2005 CollabNet.
Subversion is open source software, see
This product includes software developed by CollabNet (http://www.Collab.Net/).

 $ mvn -v
Maven version: 2.0.4

2. Find a home for the files that you are about to get from Apache Subversion. I typically use /home/jmitchell/svn/struts.

3. Check out the source code

 $ svn co struts

Note that by adding "struts" to the end of that url, you'll have a directory called 'struts' and not 'current', which would have happened if you had not specified it.

4. Change directories to where Action 1.3.x lives

 $ cd struts/action

5. Generate the eclipse configuration files (.project and .classpath)

 $ mvn eclipse:eclipse

6. Create the projects that make up Struts Action Framework 1.3.x