|[Shale Home|http://struts.apache.org/struts-shale/index.html]|[Wiki Home|Shale]|[User Docs|Shale/UserDocs]|[Index|Shale/SiteMap]|[Guidelines|Shale/WikiGuidelines]|{link-to:@parent}Go Up{link-to}| ---- h2. Struts Continuum The following documents the steps needed to setup Continuum on the Struts zone. +Note -- Before you can do the following, you need the password for account 'mrstruts' (ping James Mitchell or Sean Schofield)+ h3. Installation | su to mrstruts user | | change to /usr/local dir | | use wget to get the latest continuum and maven tarballs | | make sure JAVA_HOME is set in the profile (currently point to pre-installed JDK 1.4 on the zone) | | use special continuum/bin/solaris-amd/run.sh start (existing solaris scripts work only with intel) | | add subversion and maven to the path in mrstruts' profile (note: subversion is preinstalled on the zone) | | log into continumm (http://struts.zones.apache.org:8080/continuum/) and setup the admin user as mrstruts | h3. TODO | Change all subprojects to reference new version of struts-parent | | Nightly build script that: | | 1. Full build (Shale, Action 1.2.x, 1.3.x, Tiles) | | 2. Publish assembly | | Enable mailing of tasks | | | Integrate with Jira ? | | | Create task for nightly check of continuum (if continuum goes down, it will send a msg to dev@) | | | Setup continuum builds for: | | | 1. Shale | | 2. Action 1.2.x | | 3. Action 1.3.x | | 4. Tiles | h3. Resources * [Continuous Integration with Continuum|http://today.java.net/lpt/a/293] * [Continuum Project Site|http://maven.apache.org/continuum/]